I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 108

God is sorry. This is hundreds of thousands of players and millions of arms NECL_

Even these "183" players and NPCs are fighting on their own. There is no blessing of military formations and battle formations.. but when their number exceeds a certain limit. Even peerless generals dare not break in easily!

Because, even if it is a peerless general. The number of general skills that can be released is also limited: even a peerless general will eventually run out of energy

When the number of military commander skills is released, when the physical strength is completely exhausted, and you are surrounded by millions of enemies: think about it and you will know what the end will be!

Su Mu has the master-level skill of Man of Steel. And straight to the bloodthirsty attribute attached to the blood pattern halberd. You can attack calmly without fear of these millions of troops, but Luo Qianyu and those black armored cavalry under his command are in danger!

Luo Qianqian didn't need to say much.

The mysterious armored cavalry already has the skills of copper skin and iron bones, and can not be afraid of attacks below special arms.

But they don't have the blood-striped halberd, they can't do what Su Mu did, killing the enemy with the blood-striped halberd, and recovering endurance and physical strength by absorbing the blood of the enemy!

Entering the regional battlefield with systematic restrictions means that there is no way out.

When these millions of enemy troops reacted and surrounded them, even if the Black Armored Cavalry was the strongest unit in the world, even if the attack of this level could not hurt the Black Armored Cavalry, they would be exhausted to death!

Die from exhaustion!


When he realized what situation he was in, Su Mu immediately reacted and charged with the black armored cavalry!

Only by charging forward, piercing through the enemy formation, and crossing the distance of tens of miles to reach Zhuo County, can Luo Qianqian and his black armored cavalry survive!


When Su Mu's order was issued = the five hundred Xuanli cavalry behind him also reacted instantly.

The weapon was switched to a black iron battle gun.. Five hundred black armored cavalry urged the black scaled horse at the same time, and followed Su Mu to launch Di Feng!

Su Mu is the arrow, and the mysterious armored cavalry is the arrow Ling_The whole team presents a conical battle formation, like @一红黑物球, piercing towards the enemy sea beyond Gancai!



When Su Mu led the black armored cavalry and began to charge

In a large military account more than ten miles away from where they stepped into the battlefield, several players with gorgeous equipment are discussing what

"Just as the Tai family saw."

In the center of the military tent, a middle-aged player named Taye Xunqiu talked eloquently, "The official update post of \u003cSecond World" has clearly pointed out that, except for some specific plots, under the circumstances of the huge gap in strength, Players can work together to overthrow the original historical plot and create a new plot of their own."

"So, what is a certain plot. What is a plot that can be overturned?"

"For example, this Taoyuan sworn brotherhood. No matter how we stop it, Liu Guan and Zhang San will eventually meet together to start this Taoyuan sworn brotherhood. no trace of them""

"And prevent Taoyuan from being sworn brothers. Let Taoyuan's sworn brothers fail, and even kill Liu Guan and Zhang San A:-This is a plot that can be changed!

Looking around at several players in the military tent, Ta Ye Xunqiu continued, "In the case of a huge disparity in strength, we can overturn the original historical plot and create a new one."

"So, why is there such a disparity in strength?"

"like now 1"

"With us [Wuji Shenmeng] as the leader + = one guild in the first echelon and two guilds in the second echelon unite together, gather hundreds of thousands of players and millions of NPCs, and encircle the entire Zhuo County!"

"Because we were encircled early. At this time, the number of players in Zhuo County does not exceed ten thousand, and the number of NPCs does not exceed _+ ten thousand⊥"

"Furthermore, the president of our [Promise Divine Alliance], Cloud Piercer Mantis, has adopted a certain method to prevent several other super guilds from the second echelon from participating in this historical plot mission."

"The game guilds of the second echelon and third echelon don't dare to be enemies with us, and casual players have nothing to worry about."

"That is to say, for this historical plot mission, the three of Liu, Guan and Zhang basically don't get support from the players."

"Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are very strong, and there is no reason for them. Even Liu Bei should not be underestimated. At the current stage of the game, I am afraid that no one can stop any of them!

"Even the black-armored knight general who once made the entire forum popular!."

"And then what 3"

"What else?"

. "No more⊥"

"Hundreds of thousands of players...Millions of arms NPCs, and yellow turban generals who will appear at any time! This is the strength we have before!. This is the disparity in strength!

"That's right, no one can stop Chief Liu,

"But we don't need to resist!

"Even if it is a peerless general who is unrivaled, his general skills can be released a number of times. His physical strength will also be exhausted. When he is hit in the vital point, he will also be injured L"

"We only need to use the lives of players and NPCs to fill it up. One hundred thousand is not enough, and half a million is not enough. Five million is not enough. Just one million! One million is not enough, just five million

"When their military skills are exhausted and their physical strength is exhausted. It's time for us to harvest,"

"The possibility of dropping the template of the peerless general is too small, but as long as we can get the characteristics and skills of any one of Liu, Guan and Zhang: 1, we will make money."

Like - = In this game, all the skills and characteristics of such a general. What does that mean?"

Hundreds of thousands of players and millions of NPCs. This kind of handwriting is not quite_


When these consumptions are apportioned to a first echelon and several second and third echelon game guilds. It seems that it is not painful or itchy L at least it is not hurting muscles and bones a


Once they succeed, they get all the characteristics and skills of any of Liu Guanzhang. Its 3.1 even got their general template: ..

No matter who gets it, it will definitely be signed for life.

And when such a player grows up: the interests represented in the future are not just as simple as a few million tens of millions!

Submerge Liu Guanzhang with crowd tactics!

life and death L

This is the plan of Stepping on the Leaves and Seeking Autumn

Looking at it now, this plan is not just a fantasy. On the contrary, it is very feasible.”

The guild leaders of the second and third echelons nodded and began to discuss the details. And when the benefits were distributed afterwards, a player suddenly rushed into the military account.

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