I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 145

behind the old man. A middle-aged man with a rigorous temperament whispered, "It happened to be released through the incident of the players' killing of Su Mu."

"The black-armored cavalry general you showed me before?"

"It's a pity. Why did it grow up as a hidden special NC. Instead of a player::. Luo Qianyu::: give Yuncheng Group some preferential treatment."

Sighing with regret, the old man asked again. "..what's the reaction 3

The middle-aged man is a bit hesitant. 12 "It seems that there is no response. Speaker. Shall we try to release more content?

"Stop probing."

The old man said a little tiredly, "Let's

Whether you can comprehend and grasp this keyword depends on the players themselves. After all... today is different from the past."

"There's only so much we can do."

"Any more. It will only be counterproductive. He can tolerate our first temptation. But he will tolerate our second and third temptations. The consequences-we can't bear it!"

"So be it..."

"Yes, Speaker."



After a few days, the crusade on the forum finally subsided.

Apart from. The post posted by "Chen Beixuan" who is the director of operations. From the beginning to the end, there was no other official reply from "Second World".

As before.

They don't seem to care what the players think or what the players suggest. Opinions and overcuts. Don't even care if this disregard will lead to the loss of players in "Second World"

In addition, there was gossip before, even the official officials could not modify anything in the game - one data = two, they could only accept the above

When the popularity of Guo Fasumu subsided, another group of players emerged on the forum.

They worship Su Mu crazily.

And I firmly believe that at the level of a second-rate general, Su Mu can do things that Liu Guanzhang cannot do.

Just like real stars have fans. Su Mu in the game also has his own fans in reality.

What they call Su Mu is no longer the ten generals of the Black Armored Cavalry, nor is it the name of Su Mu revealed in the 1 system bulletin Shen at the end of the regional battlefield of Taoyuan's sworn brotherhood,

Rather: = Su Shen L

Su Mu didn't know anything about what happened in the real world.

Even Luo Qianyu, a real-world family member, missed this big drama of the crusade against Jinping and the whole people because he was immersed in the game world.

Time flies, it is three days.

During these three days, Su Mu and Luo Qianqian rushed to help with the armored cavalry Starry Night. Arrive at the nearest city through the teleportation array, and then go to Qinggang City from the nearest city;

the y

It took only one day to arrive at the foot of Qingcheng.

Qingzhou battlefield Sixiang is a regional battlefield.

However, there are no military generals Huang Zhong and court generals appearing in this regional battlefield, and even the number of players participating in this regional battlefield is pitifully small. It is far from being able to compare with the regional battlefield in Zhuo County

under these circumstances,

Su Mu took five hundred black-armored cavalry and directly pierced through the enemy's formation, beheading the leader of the enemy who commanded the Yellow Turban Army this time.


Gong Jing, the prefect of Qingzhou, opened the city gate and personally led the soldiers in Qingzhou city to fight and join Su Mu together. Slaughter all the remaining Huang Zhongjun and relieve the siege of Qingzhou City.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Jing, the prefect of Qingzhou, and Liu Yan, the prefect of Youzhou, jointly presented themselves to the court. Pray for Su Mu and Luo Qianqian.

During this period of waiting. Su Mu and Luo Qianyu also took stock of what they had gained in this regional battlefield.

The first is the record.

This is just a small regional battlefield. When Su Mu and Luo Qianyu arrived on the battlefield, the entire regional battlefield had already entered the middle stage. Therefore, even if Su Mu and Xuanjia Iron Cavalry played an important role in this war, there are still not many records.

In addition to changing Su Mu's Splendid Spear Pouch from silver quality to dark gold quality, these achievements also allowed Luo Qianping to replace a few pieces of gold equipment on her body with dark gold equipment.

In terms of reputation, Su Mu gained 800 reputation points again, bringing his own reputation value to 2200 points, Luo Qianyu also gained 200 reputation points, and the total reputation value reached _800 points.

Grade aspect. After beheading a large number of players from the Yellow Turban Army and the Yellow Central camp, Su Mu's level was raised by one level again, from level 38 to level 31, and his force value also increased from 81 to 10.

Officially reached the limit of first-class generals!

In terms of potential points, 11 particles are not collected!

After all, it was just a small battlefield. There were no Yellow Turban generals and no Yellow Turban warriors. Potential points are naturally useless.

After completing the rescue of Qingzhou City, Su Mu and Luo Qianqian were entertained by Gong Jing again-

down, wait up

Only three days later, the official document jointly submitted by Liu Yan and Gong Jing was answered.

Su Mu and Luo Qianqian will finally steal the opportunity from Liu Guanzhang. Turned into real benefits!

Su Mu.

Serious product! Polu Captain!_ (Void post

Luo Weiqian_

Zhengjiupin" Fengwu County Magistrate 1_ (real job

Let's not mention Luo Qianyu's official position for now.

She is a stranger. He is the lord of Fengwu City.

The entire Phoenix Dance City was originally under her jurisdiction and was not included in the court order. Even if it becomes a county in the future, the territory of the player L still belongs to player a

However, after becoming Fengwu County Magistrate, Luo Qianqian can promote Fengwu City to a county seat!

And Su Mu.:. .

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