I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 169

"System announcement, Su Mu, the general of Fengwu City, beheaded the general Zhang Bao, the general of Huang Zhong. This dealt a huge blow to the ten spirits of the Yellow Turban Army, and the general Zhang Liang, the general of the Yellow Turban, had no intention of leaving. The boundary of the battlefield was lifted. The countdown to the end of the battlefield entered .”

"1. General Zhang Liang, general of Huang Zhongwu, was beheaded. The battle of Changsha ended: 2. General Zhang Liang, general of Huangzhong military, escaped from the border of the regional battlefield. It was deemed a successful escape and the end of the battle of Sheshe: 3. The hero of the Yellow Turban general - General Zhang Liang fought back in a desperate manner, beheaded the court generals Huang Fusong and Zhu Jun, captured Changshe City, and the battle of Changshe ended."

When the system announcement sounded, all the players went crazy_.

yellow mid - player unbelievable

A few minutes ago, our side had an absolute advantage, and they were about to kill Huang Zhisong and Zhu Jun, and win the regional battlefield. How come Zhang Bao was beheaded immediately, and Zhang Liang was about to escape? L

Players in the court camp are also hard to say.

Along with the unbelievable, there are also huge surprises.”

they are going to win

In the situation of absolute disadvantage, the Jedi fights back and is about to win the victory in this regional battlefield

even though. This victory was not dominated by them. But this does not prevent them from enjoying the glory of this moment. And the huge benefits of winning the regional battlefield!

"Zhang Liang wants to escape?"

"Kill! It's time to grab the head"

"Follow those three generals. If Zhang Liang's head is captured, we will make a lot of money.

Beating the dog in the water is a psychology that everyone has.

When Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang are at full strength, the players are not yet qualified to face them

But when Zhang Bao was beheaded and Zhang Liang wanted to escape: = As long as it is a player from the court camp, everyone wants to get involved!

Maybe, Zhang Liang's head was snatched by his inadvertent second attack

The Battle of Changsha is a large area

It lasted for nearly two months, and the combined forces of both sides exceeded tens of millions.

On such a large battlefield, if someone who can grab Zhang Liang-::- such a chance, even getting rich overnight is indescribable!

for a while.

The crowd is surging.

Countless players frantically rushed towards Zhang Liang's position.


If it was so easy to kill, Zhang Liang wouldn't be one of the Big Three in the Huangzhong camp.

When that talisman paper turns into light spots and falls

The weather within Shushili has begun to change drastically!

Stormy L

Flying sand and rocks L

Just for an instant. A black wind blew up on half the battlefield L

Countless dust, gravel, and even gravel mixed in the black wind hit, no matter the player or the NPC of the arms,... were firmly pressed on the ground, unable to move!

x in this environment. Don't say it's chasing and killing Liang.

They even stabilize their body madness to do

my talisman paper⊥

(023 The talisman paper owned by Zhang Bao. Its function is to consume one's own distant atmosphere and summon endless yellow scarf demon soldiers to the talisman paper owned by 0P Zhang Liang. The function is to temporarily change the weather!

Cover the battlefield with a violent black storm to facilitate your own attack or evacuation!

A black storm appeared.

Whether it is the players and NPCs of the Huangzhong camp or the players and NPCs of the court camp, they are all suppressed lying on the ground and unable to move.

Only Zhang Liang and his subordinate Huang Zhonglishi were not affected.

Full of hatred, he glanced at Su Mu who was rushing towards this direction against the black storm. Zhang Liang's chilly voice spread nearby, "We...retreat!,"


Under the escort of thousands of yellow turban fighters, Zhang Liang got on his horse and rushed towards the border of the regional battlefield at the fastest speed!

"Stop, thief!"

"Mister, please help me = Nine of Arms!

Braving the black storm, Huangfusong and Zhu Yan chased in the direction where Zhang Liang was escaping.

Su Mu also returned to his mount as quickly as possible, pulled the frail scholar behind him to flatter his horse, and chased after Zhang Liang.

last head,

This represents a massive record!

In any case, L Su Mu didn't want to watch Zhang Liang slip away from Zi 2's eyes!

"The general just chases after him, and the students have the means to protect themselves."

After being pulled onto the mount by Su Mu, the weak scholar not only didn't get angry, but also blessed Su Mu with a counselor skill, allowing him to catch up at a faster speed

The black storm was extremely violent.

Even if Su Mu is not afraid of the attack of the gravel and gravel mixed in the center of the black storm, the black scaled horse under his seat has a super defense...but the black storm is fierce after all. After all, it had a considerable impact on his pursuit.

Sitting behind Su Mu, the frail scholar looked thoughtfully at the black storm covering tens of miles.


He silently accumulated some strength. A strategist skill is released!

"Change the time of day!"

This is also a large-scale earth-seeking technique!

In the absence of a confrontation with the same level of conspiracy, he released this conspiracy skill. Enough to change the weather within a few miles! Turn sunny into rain, rain into sunny 1 whatever you want!

This kind of ultra-wide-scale strategist skill can only exist at the top of the land-seeking system. to be released!

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