I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 190

022 Feng Hou worships the general, the general who conquers the south_

In all fairness.

He Jin is unwilling to stand up at this time. Fighting with Zhang Rang.

But Su Mu is a general

Even though he only belongs to the imperial court in name, he is also a second member of the general sequence. As a general. He naturally wants to speak for the generals of his camp, otherwise who else will follow h2

Besides, L Su Mu is special.

The two ambitions are not in the court. The general who is no longer in military power has no threat to him!

In this way - a general. .Even if he grows up, he will become his ally, not his opponent⊥

So, He Jin stood up.

"The general joked e"

"How can a handicapped person in our family lead troops into battle?"

Zhang Rang glanced at Su Mu calmly. Said, "If General Su can really break through the Yellow Turban and kill Zhang Yu, the monster, and make an incomparable contribution, let alone General Annan in District 8...even General Zhennan. It is difficult to commend General Su's great contribution- L"

"But what if General Huangfu and General Zhu just utter wild words. This General Su is not so talented?"

Zhang let this - = say it. Many people suddenly realized.

=Since then, Su Mu and Su Mu are just the remarks of Huangfusong and Zhu Ou. The civil servants and military generals above the court have never been seen by anyone.

Even the whole process of the battle of Changsha was reported by Huang Zhisong and Zhu Jun.

If Su Mu really has such a great talent. Can break the Yellow Turban. Of course it would be great

Behead the monster Zhang Yu. If no one can threaten Luoyang City, no one can threaten their status, and they can continue to enjoy their glory and wealth.

If this is just Huangfusong and Zhu Jun's bragging: two

He nodded approvingly. Han Lingdi forced to ask, "What should I do in Father's opinion?"

"Your Majesty, it's better than this."

And Everbright glanced at Su Mu meaningfully. Zhang Rang said, "Directly worship General Su as the general who conquers the south, so that General Su can step into the battlefield without any worries and face the Yellow Turban."

"If General Su can really break through the Yellow Turban and kill Zhang Jiao, the monster... General Zhengnan and His Majesty promised before, it will be General Su's reward."

"If General Huangfu and General Zhu are just exaggerating. This General Su is not capable of breaking the Yellow Turban::: His Majesty's series of rewards. It should be recovered exactly 1"

Once higher, move up in all directions

Even Su Mu himself didn't know that Zhang Rang's obstructive words brought about such a change


After Zhang Rang put forward his suggestion, Emperor Ling of Han didn't even think about it. He said directly, "It's very good. Just according to what my father said 1"

Emperor Hanling's golden mouth has been opened, which means that this matter is a foregone conclusion.

Su Mu Xinyu's surprise. I can't describe porcelain in words,

lB.s on his property panel. At this time, a big system prompt has appeared!

"You have accepted the task of Emperor Ling of Han Dynasty 'Da Rong Huang Shao'

"Too Po Huangzhong, Kill the Demon Dao Zhang Jiao to Solve the Danger of Luoyang This position will be solidified and become your real official position."

"The mission failed. The Huangzhong Headquarters captured Yecheng and threatened Luoyang. All of your official positions will be taken back. Fengwu County is designated as Fengwu City. You and the lord Luo Qianqian will be expelled from the court camp. Wanted by the imperial camp."


Stupid L

When this too flimsy system prompt appears_ it means that this matter has become a foregone conclusion.

On Su Mu's attribute panel, his official position has also jumped from the fifth-rank General Pingkou to the fourth-rank General Zhengnan!

From a false job, he directly became a real senior official!

Coupled with Fengwu's reform of governance, the county government became a county government:-. This is quite beautiful, and Su Mu at this time has become the existence of a prince in the late period!

This change is far beyond the plan!

Can't help it. .Su Mu looked towards Zhang Rang.

It's just that Zhang Rang has lowered his head at this time, making him look down on the expression on his face.

Is it because I feel that Su Muer will definitely be able to break the yellow scarf_to win over himself?

Or do you feel that you are not Zhang Yu's opponent and take this opportunity to take back all the series of rewards you have received?

Su Mu didn't know.

He only knows. For himself:..this is a great opportunity L

Directly leapfrog the accumulation in the previous period, and become a prince of the Z side in one fell swoop!


This is under the condition that he can really break through the yellow scarf and kill the demon Zhang Yu.

If he can't complete this task. Not only will the newly acquired position of General Zhengnan be lost. Even his previous official position, Luo Qianqian's official position, and the county governor of Fengwu City will be taken back.

0.__Seeking flowers 02

Even he and Luo Qianyu will be wanted by the court 1


is he worried

Don't worry about it.

If you can't complete the task yourself. It also meant that Zhang Jiao's headquarters captured Yecheng. Threatening Luoyang City: It means that the Great Han Dynasty is not far from the collapse of Gao

At that time, the world will be in chaos. Who will care about himself, a general in the field, and Luo Qianqian, a stranger?

So, the punishment for mission failure. For Su Mu and Luo Qianqian, it is not painful at all⊥

While Su Mu was thinking about this, Emperor Han Ling also made a determination.

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