I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 197

And when the relationship between this legendary NPC and Luo Qian_yu spread. And when they confirmed it with their own eyes:::: Even if those who are eligible to enter this lobby are the top existences of the player bugs, it does not hinder the gossip heart that can burn in their hearts

After entering the lobby and sitting down on the main seat, Su Mu looked around the lobby = times.

No extra action is required.

The aura from the top generals immediately calmed down these players.

"I called you here this time because I want to release a few tasks."

Following Su Mu's words, the lobby became even more silent.

"First, in addition to the records you need, this war will give you an additional part of the record in the form of battlefield contribution. As long as you do something conducive to victory in this war, all You can get battlefield contribution."

"Regardless of whether this war is won or not, all the battlefield contribution points that you get can be exchanged for corresponding spoils after the battle!

As soon as the first article was mentioned, the faces of many player leaders and game guild presidents in the lobby showed a look of joy

In the regional battlefield, only the winner is eligible to get the record. Redeem for spoils!

If the regional battlefield fails. No matter how great the contribution in the battlefield is. You can't exchange your achievements for loot!

This is why, the number of players in the court camp is getting smaller and smaller, and the number of players in the Yellow Turban camp is increasing!

Because, in the eyes of most players, the imperial court will definitely lose in this battle of Yecheng!

Except for these players who have already joined the imperial court camp, who would take the risk of dying in battle, suffering heavy losses but gaining nothing to join the imperial court camp?

In contrast, the Yellow Turban camp.

With such a huge advantage, even if the records that players can obtain are infinitely diluted, this is equivalent to picking up a good thing for nothing!

But now, Su Mu's words changed this state.

Regardless of whether they win or not, they can exchange their contribution points on the battlefield for loot. This not only means that their previous efforts were not in vain. It also means that other players will join the court camp. L

Say the first content,

After these player leaders and game guild presidents finished digesting, Su Mu said the second content, "Second, if you can let more different A join Yecheng: .. five need to step into the battlefield, you can also Get contribution points!"

"The more aliens you invite, the stronger the strength, the more contribution you can get""


"Isn't this just Chuan L/Pin Me Shang_L"

"This N... has become fine 2_!"

Speaking of the second article, the reaction of these player leaders and the president of the game guild was even more impressive!

With the content of the first article, as long as the news spreads, there will definitely be players joining the court camp. Now that the content of article = is spoken out, it can be expected that almost all players who fall into the court camp. They will spare no effort to pull their friends into the court camp!

It is a good thing to get contribution without entering the battlefield and without fighting. who would dislike 1

Even if you can't go offline easily after entering the regional battlefield, it is very difficult for ordinary players to pull friends into their camp, but for those player leaders and game guild leaders. but not a problem

It's too bad to let a few players go offline and exit the regional battlefield directly, and post on the forum in the real world. Too much publicity!

Now that Su Mu's words have appeared in front of them in the form of a task. As long as they can attract people, the system must have a way to calculate the corresponding contribution!


In the next two periods, the number of players in the court camp will increase dramatically!

Not for the victory of this war. It also contributes to the battlefield that can be exchanged for loot at any time.

When these many player leaders and the president of the game guild became eager. Su Mu threw out the third content. "The third point, this will require a foreigner who is absolutely loyal to the court to complete."

"The reward of the task is::: junior middle school high-level exercises, and a special exercise method!."

PS. The third update asks for full order 1. Asks for automatic subscription only 1_

068 Three-step technique and characteristic rewards! [Fourth more full order! 】

028 Three-step exercises and characteristic rewards_

If it is said that the first two contents only revitalized the imperial court camp that was originally a pool of stagnant water, and made them regain their enthusiasm for participating in this war:

Then the content of the third article is a bomb.

Three grades of exercises in junior high school and senior high school!

Why do players participate in regional battlefields?

Isn't it just for the record. Is it to exchange the corresponding spoils after obtaining the record?

Cultivation techniques, skills, equipment: among all kinds of trophies, practice techniques are undoubtedly the most precious among them!

Because if you have a kung fu, it means that when your strength reaches 38 points, you can use the power of the kung fu at any time to complete your job change and become a general.

Look at the entire Yanhuang region.

In the many regional battlefields caused by the Yellow Turban Rebellion, there must be players who have accumulated enough record "=-zero" to exchange for skills. but definitely not much


Even if they exchanged it, what they exchanged was only the elementary skills.

What now?

As long as you complete a task, you will get the exercises of the third grade of junior high school and senior high school." It is equivalent to advanced third-rate generals, second-rate generals and first-rate generals. All the required exercises are available!

This kind of reward::- is bigger than directly capturing all the records in a small area battlefield. L

Not to mention the second reward.

A kind of special training method ..:: In other words, this kind of characteristic is not prepared for a certain I, but for the L prepared for the NRC

Elite unit H characteristic = special unit

In a sense, a certain kind of exercise method has been obtained. It is equivalent to obtaining a training method for a special unit.”

The value of this second reward. = Points are no less than the first type of reward!

for a while,

raging heroes l

Everyone stared at Su Mu, who was above him, with fiery eyes!

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