I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 218

But as the wind stopped and thunder stopped, the odd-shaped short village was also damaged.

The second piece is the Taoist robe he is wearing. ,


When it was on Zhang Jiao. This taoist robe may have considerable power, and it died with Zhang Yu. This Taoist robe has also become ordinary. In addition to being tough, it is just a Taoist robe with no attributes!

Apart from Zhang Jiao's body, what's left in the entire camp is the copybook and the three volumes of heavenly scriptures placed on it.


To be precise, it should be the wreckage of the Three Books

Zhang Yu's three shots. L respectively affected the power originally contained in the three volumes of the heavenly book a. Now the three shots are over. Zhang Jiao also died here, and these three volumes originally had great power. reduced to wreckage.

Countless tiny cracks filled every inch of the three volumes of heavenly scriptures.

It seems that with just a slight movement, these three volumes of heavenly scriptures will be completely reduced to ashes_disappear in the world!

With Zhang Yu's reminder before he died, Su Mu naturally knew that these three volumes of heavenly scriptures were not simple even if they had become wreckage. .There are still traces of power left in these three volumes of heavenly scriptures

The footsteps moved lightly. Su Mu stretched out his hand. Reached the first of the three tome wreckage

"You touched the remains of the Human Book.

"The Book of Ren Juan Tian records the art of governing the country."

"You have gained the power to scroll through the heavens

Politics +10__

As Su Mu touched the first volume of the heavenly book, a stream of heat gushed out of it and quickly merged into his body.

The first volume of the heavenly book was completely reduced to ashes

Su Mu's political attributes also directly increased by 10 points⊥_

Moving his footsteps again, Su Mu touched the second volume of heavenly scriptures.

"You touched the wreckage of the earth scroll

"The Heavenly Book records the art of marching and training soldiers."

"You have acquired the power of the Earth Scroll and Heavenly Book."

Commander +10L.

Feeling a little excited, Su Mu moved his steps again and touched the third volume of the heavenly book.

"You touched the wreckage of the Heavenly Book.

"Tianjuan Tianshu records the situation of wind, cloud and weather.

"You have gained the power of the heavenly book. (aechl01o Wisdom Square!

The wreckage I of the three volumes of heavenly scriptures gave Su Mu the attributes of a scripture teacher. Intellectual and political attributes

R2\u003e0 is just a trace of power contained in the wreckage_there is such power. It is conceivable that when these three volumes of heavenly scriptures appeared on Zhang Jiao in full form, what power it would be!

It's no wonder that Zhang Jiao was able to destroy a million-strong army by himself.

It's no wonder that when all the power of the three volumes of heavenly scriptures is activated, Zhang Jiao will be condemned by heaven and die here⊥


The three volumes of heavenly scriptures were damaged too badly

Otherwise, Su Mu should not only get the enhancement of the three attributes... maybe he will also get the skills recorded in these three volumes of heavenly scriptures that correspond to the three attributes!

The three volumes of heavenly scriptures were all reduced to ashes.

The breeze blows and even the remaining ashes are blown away with the wind 2

The last traces of the three volumes of heavenly scriptures in this world also disappeared.


Su Wu's eyes turned to Luo Qianqian.

The attribute increase brought by the three volumes of heavenly scriptures is just an unexpected joy, the harvest brought after killing Zhang Jiao and breaking the yellow center:: will really make people crazy!

With a feeling of excitement, Su Mu and Luo Yuwei began to take stock of the harvest this time

First of all, it is official position.

Zhang Yu was dead, and most of the Huang Zhongjin bandits outside the camp had no fighting spirit. They abandoned their weapons and surrendered. It also means that Su Mu has perfectly completed the task L given by Emperor Hanling.

It is a foregone conclusion that he will take the position of General Nan, as well as the change of Fengwu City to the county government and the location of Luo Qianqian Fengwu County.

Wait until @归罗阳城时. Maybe there will be another reward!

Second, there is level and prestige.

Grade aspect. Su Mu's improvement is not much.

After beheading a large number of Huang Zhongjun and Huang Zhong Litu one after another, his level has been raised from the original level 23 to the current level 28. He has gained two free attribute points again.

Prestige aspect two two

Beheading Pei Yuanshao and Zhou He, two low-level generals, only brought him 1,000 reputation points respectively. But beheading Zhang Jiao...brought him 10,000 reputation points!

As a result, Su Mu's current reputation has soared from the original 3200 points to the as expected 11200 points!

so prestigious. The meaning it represents is. In the entire territory of Taihan, Su Mu, the leader who fought against the Yellow Turban, is well known

For players, prestige is only a threshold for obtaining official positions.

For NCs like Su Mu, it's different!

Its greater significance is the speed and breadth of Su Mu's military exploits and reputation spreading in this land." The reputation of nearly 20,000 points means that the legend of Su Mu beheading the great virtuous teacher Zhang Yu will be circulated throughout the territory of the Han Dynasty!

And the further meaning of this is that when Su Mu recruits a famous general, land seeker or civil servant, it is easier to get their approval 1. It is easier to get their surrender

In this sense. The role of reputation. Nothing weaker than an official position

At last. It is the record.

When Luo Qianqian said the number of victories they had won this time, even though they had already gained enough benefits in this war. Su Mu was still shocked and couldn't help himself

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