I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 253

Special arms!

In other words, the embryonic form of special arms!

The meeting has not started yet. _ The strength shown by [Kuo Luo Family] and [Yun Dian] has been discovered by other players. These two guilds have gone far ahead of them.


The atmosphere in the mansion was a lot more dignified

time flies.

More and more top level players and game guild leaders arrived.

When almost all the top players and game guild leaders who can be named in the Yanhuang region have arrived, a voice with a little trembling came from outside the door.

"Luotao, the prime minister of Fengwu County... brought General Zhengnan and Hou Su_ of Fengwu Pavilion to...

The voice of the player in charge of reception was not loud.

But when the sound reached the mansion, the courtyard that accommodated hundreds of people fell silent in vain at this moment!

Emperor Fusheng and Wushuang Qiqi looked at each other.

They all saw the surprise and solemnity in each other's eyes.

If Luo Weiqian can join, it's better not to

This means that their chances of winning this national war have greatly increased!


Luo Weiqian's joining also meant that. They lost the dominance of this national war.

No one understands Luo Qianqian's strength better than the two of them:-to be exact. It is the General Zhengnan who has always been inseparable from Luo Yuwei, Qiang Taishan of Fengwutinghou

Kill Zhang Yu and break the Yellow Turban!

This kind of record is beyond what most people can imagine.


They clearly know that General Zhengnan, Marquis of Fengwuting, is truly a peerless general."

PS. The fourth update asks for a full order!. Please subscribe automatically!,

004 I want the main city! Who agrees and who opposes? [Fifth more full order! 】

002 I Want Wang Cheng Shang_Who agrees,_Who opposes 2

no need to be reminded

As soon as that player's voice came, Emperor Fusheng and Wushuang Iron Cavalry gave up the top two positions. Even the two powerful generals under their command. I no longer wantonly show my aura.

Instead, he hid aside like a rabbit

No comparison.

There is really no comparison.

From the point of view of status, Floating Life Emperor and Wushuang Iron Cavalry are the most advanced, but they just got the prestige points together. He has raised his official rank to the ninth rank-level lawsuit,

Reluctantly promoted his territory to a county seat.

What about the other side?

Luo Weiqian is the magistrate of Fengwu County! Their territory is a city, a single city.” Luo Qianqian’s territory is the entire county of the county L! Not to mention Su Mu, the general who conquered the south, and Fengwuting waiting 1

From the point of view of force, they each have a powerful player general and a dozen ordinary player generals. . Each has z special arms that are about to be trained

What about the other side?

Luo Weiqian will not mention a

Su Wu, the great god: .2 is a peerless military general" His black armored cavalry is the strongest special unit known as "the black armor is no more than ten thousand, and more than ten thousand is invincible"!

you could put it that way.

This mansion probably gathered more than 80% of the masters in the entire Yanhuang region.

But these hundreds of people are tied together... not enough for Su Mu to kill with just one hand

so e

The moment those two figures stepped into the mansion amidst the voices of the players. The arrogance of Emperor Fusheng and Wushuang Iron Cavalry that was originally superior to many players... suddenly became lowered and pleasing to the eye.

= Completed the change on the air cushion in an instant Welcome Luo Qianyu and Su Mu to the main seat.

Two ways to go,

Ignored the attention of those many players, and also ignored the whispers of those many players

After taking the lead position with Su Mu, Luo Qianqian was not in a hurry to step down.

She stands where she is.

Qie Guang slowly swept the soil from the top players and guild leaders in the mansion.

Every A. who was swept by Luo Qianqian could not help but dodge.

now. Luo Qianyu's identity has long been no secret.

In front of such a real soft girl, absolute goddess, and the well-deserved No. worth.


Luo Yuqian spoke.

The voice is crisp and elegant, like a spring breeze blowing on the face: but what she said--.

"The main city of the system, I want it."

"Who approves?"

"Who objects?"

With one word, the stone is shocked!

In an instant, the entire mansion changed from the state of complete silence to a messy vegetable market.

Everyone understands that the main city of the system is fighting against the country

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