I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 256

When this fusion was completed, Chu Heng's wisdom also increased linearly. Reached a level no less than that of a player L

"Subordinate Chu Heng: Thank you, my lord."

"Willing to serve the Lord 1."

After the fusion was over, Chu Heng, who had completed a transformation, immediately prostrated himself on the ground and swore allegiance to Su Muyi.

Without Su Mu, he is still that special farmer NPC:L_

Without Su Mu, he may not have the opportunity to break through the limit of arms in his life and become a military general, let alone cross the two layers of third-rate generals and second-rate generals at once. Directly become a first-class general L


Chu Heng inherited all the attributes and skills of Pei Yuanshao, instead of only inheriting Zhang Yu's initial template like Luo Yuyu. Therefore, after completing the fusion, Chu Heng = all of a sudden became = a famous first-class general!

It's just that, after constant fighting and learning, F can truly grasp the nine quantities he currently possesses.

Isn't this kind of fundamental change the grace of reinvention?

2.1___ Then. _

A new choice appeared in front of Su Mu.

He chose to let Chu Heng stay in Xuanli Iron Cavalry. Exist as your own lieutenant, help yourself to command the Xuanjia Iron Cavalry:-. Or choose to let him separate from the Xuanli Iron Cavalry. Become a separate general existence 3

former. Undoubtedly, it will increase the number of black armored cavalry that Su Mu can train: when he is not around, with the presence of Chu Heng, the grand commander, the mysterious armored cavalry can also explode more powerful than fighting alone, but the price is that Chu Heng will always exist as his lieutenant general.

the latter. Without the bonus to the black armored cavalry, Su Mu can have an extra general under his command. Even in addition to the black armored cavalry owned by him and the bloodthirsty halberd guard owned by Dianwei, Fengwu City has a third exclusive unit.

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006 Exclusive Modao, the national war finally begins! [Seventh more full order! 】

002 Exclusive Modao, the national war ends

Flexibility]. Commander 38. Force 88.. Intelligence 22. politics22,_

This is Chu Heng's current four-dimensional attribute

Not very high.

But by no means low!

Command value of 38 points. It means that if Chu Heng continues to stay in the Xuanjia cavalry as his deputy general, he can help him increase the upper limit of 2,600 Xuanjia cavalry!_Attenuation by two-thirds)

As the strongest unit in the world, no one can deny the strength of the Black Armored Cavalry.

Only the increase of the H limit of 2,600 people is enough to increase the combat effectiveness of the black armored cavalry by several chips again!

But the problem is

Ever since Su Mu trained the black armored cavalry as a special unit and locked it as his exclusive special unit, the black armored cavalry seems to have never been fully staffed:.

The limit on the number of cavalry in Xuanli has never been the full number. It is the qualifications of the farmers. L

Thinking of this, Su Mu had a feeling in his heart.

He looked at Chu Heng. Said in a deep voice, "Chu Heng, I wanted you to separate 02 from the Xuanli cavalry and lead the army alone. What do you think?"

"The subordinates are all determined by the master 1."

"Dare not have the slightest objection 1"

In all fairness, Chu Heng wanted to stay in the Black Armored Cavalry.

Xuanjia cavalry is not just the place where he grew up, staying in Xuanjia cavalry... means that he will always be Su Mu's lieutenant general.


= has always existed as Su Mu's deputy general s seems to have no future:: ; but the relationship between the two is completely different l even if more top generals and peerless generals will join Su Mu's command in the future F. As a deputy general He will always be Su Mu's closest general

And separated?

Of course I have the opportunity to lead an army and make contributions 2

But with his qualifications. With his strength... when Su Mu's generals are getting more and more powerful, his promotion speed cannot keep up with the development speed of Fengwu County. There is a risk of being excluded from the nuclear coterie.

And this kind of risk...is not dependent on Su Mu or his will

It is naturally formed along with military exploits, strength, functions, etc.

Throughout the ages, it has always been like this!

Of course, this is just Chu Heng's own inner thoughts.

His loyalty to Su Mu is die-hard, = the state of die-hard loyalty is reached after the fusion is completed, naturally he will not have the slightest objection or dissatisfaction with Su Mu's decision

Die-hard status...don't say that he was separated to become an independent military commander. Even if _ asks his husband to perform the mission of death::: he will not refuse!

Gently lift Chu Heng up. Su Mu continued, "Since leading an army alone, it is natural to have your own exclusive or specialties. I would like to teach you the training methods of the heavy armored sword soldiers, so that the heavy armored sword soldiers can become your exclusive unit. Do you like it?" how?_"


"Subordinates are grateful"

"May the lord die without hesitation!"

lB, Chu Heng became excited now.

He was born in the black armored cavalry, how could he not know the strength of the heavy armored sword soldier, the front pong species of the black armored cavalry?

It can be said.

Even compared with the general special arms, the hidden elite arms of the Heavy Armored Mo Dao Bing are not inferior in the slightest." In some respects, they even far exceed⊥

Such as defending the city, such as dealing with light cavalry

=-Dan, the Heavy Armored Mo Dao Bing has become his exclusive pong species, which means that even if his strength and rank have not improved a single bit since then. He can also rely on the strength of heavy armor. Occupy firmly under Su Mu's command = seat

How can such a generous gift prevent Chu Heng from motivating him?


Su Mu taught Chu Heng all the training methods behind the heavy armor Modao

When Chu Heng personally trained his first heavy armored sword soldier according to the training method of the heavy armored sword soldier, and locked it, this hidden elite soldier would officially become his exclusive soldier.

And Fengwu County will officially have the third exclusive soldier who enjoys the bonus of generals and commanders⊥

_(Although Su Mu was trained before. But this is not his exclusive unit. Does not enjoy the bonus brought by the command value)

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