I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 264

The territories of several players are indeed not worth it = it is mentioned

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012 Break through the city gate with three strikes and enter the main city! [Sixth more full order! 】

012 Break the city gate with three strikes and enter the main_Success」

Su Mu brought his soldiers under his spell. When rushing towards the main city of the system in the Kimchi Tai District, the presidents of several super game guilds also gathered in the system main city of the Kimchi Tai District for the first time.

Of the two large districts, only one is the main system.

Every game guild wants to monopolize the main results.

According to the original development, 2 happened immediately after the joint expulsion of several game guilds in North Kimchi. It should be an internal war between these several game guilds in South Kimchi == grabbing control of the main city of the system.

But Su Mu's appearance made them unite.

It's just Yanhuang invasion. They are not afraid of one = kimchi players never feel weaker than players in other regions. .Quite the opposite. In the eyes of pickle players, no one is stronger than them.

It's just that they are not afraid of military generals invading

Even if the second system update directly abolished the player's human sea battlebook, that was relative to a single game guild.

When thousands of kimchi players gather together, when a dozen or even dozens of game guilds in the kimchi region gather together::. They can still overwhelm NPC generals with crowd tactics!,


The person who invaded this time was Su Mu!

The popularity on the forum several times before made Su Mu not only a household name in the Yanhuang region. It also has a good reputation in other regions.

Black helmet and black armor. Blood pattern war halberd.

And his black armored cavalry has almost become Su Mu's symbol!

When the first player territory was destroyed, perhaps no one recognized him yet; but when the second and third player territories were destroyed, this black man called "Eggplant God" on the forum A cavalry general. It was finally recognized by L

No matter how arrogant they are, players in the kimchi area must recognize Su Mu's strength.

No matter how hypocritical they are, they cannot deny the historical status and strength of Liu Guanzhang and the three, let alone the strength of Su Mu who can stand alongside these three!


Su Mu strikes.

The elite players in South Kimchi Pacific Region. There are nearly half of the number, gathered in the main city of the system, waiting, and also preventing Su Mu from attacking their main city of the system!


After less than two hours.

A black cavalry team finally appeared on the distant horizon!


Do you want to fight?

how to spell?

These two questions popped up in Su Mu's mind almost every time.

When the main city of the system in the Kimchi Region was right in front of us... Su Mu just separated out a part of the heavy-armored Mo Dao soldiers, led by Chu Heng, who continued to protect the more than 100 Wentu, and the rest of the Xuanli Qianqi and heavy soldiers. Under his command, Jiamo Swordsmen charged towards the main city of the system

This time, it is purely a war between players

There are no aboriginal generals. , who can stop his own charge? Who can stop the charge of Dian Wei, who is braver than himself?

Tactical? V0.co doesn't need 1

loe. All they have to do is break down the city walls and enter the city!

That's all! R210]

Even Xi Zhicai, the military adviser, didn't say much when he learned of Su Mu's simple and crude tactics. Obviously, he agrees with Su Mu that these players occupying the main city of the system: 1. They are really not a threat.

The mysterious armored cavalry began to charge.

The heavily armored sword soldiers followed closely behind.

When the entire team is only more than a thousand meters away from the main city of the system. When Su Mu could clearly see the expressions on the faces of the players in the kimchi area on the city wall, the players in the kimchi area finally attacked.

Countless arrows strike L

In an instant, all the black armored cavalry and heavy armored sword soldiers were covered in it."

If Su Mu hadn't left that one hundred scribes out of the battlefield, I'm afraid it's just this wave of arrows that would cause them heavy losses!

The mysterious armored cavalry ignored this level of attack:

The heavy-armored Mo Dao soldiers are also wearing the super-defensive black-iron heavy armor.

The barrage of arrows coming in like a storm poses little threat to them.”

Xuanjia cavalry is charging e

Against the countless incoming arrows, approach the gate of the main city of this system at the fastest speed⊥

300 meters 1

Two hundred meters!

200 meters⊥

When the mysterious armored cavalry approached the city gate = 100 meters range. The kimchi players on the city wall were a little panicked, because they had already discovered that in the continuous arrow rain attack, the black armored cavalry was almost unscathed, even the damage of the heavy armored sword soldiers:... extremely rare


They still have confidence.

The main city of the system at the county level. There is also a city wall with a height of Shimi.

Relying on the city wall, there are so many players and NPCs. They don't believe that Su Mu can capture their main city with just a few thousand Xuanli cavalry and heavy armored sword soldiers⊥,


"Evil, prepare. Small"

The distance of 100 meters is fleeting in the blink of an eye.

When the distance from the gate of the system's main city was only more than 20 meters, Su Mu suddenly let out a loud shout!

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