I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 270

The perspective returns to Su Mu and others.

Luo Qianping, who had already opened the ruins, received a coordinate after more than an hour of chatting with the game guild presidents of the third echelon of Funiu Taidi, Wushuang Iron Cavalry, and Cloud Piercer Mantis. ,

=Sent by Emperor Floating Life, the coordinates of the main city of Yanhuang Region System L

"Su Mu, there is news from the main city!

After comparing the coordinates with his own small map and marking the coordinates on the small map, Luo Yuyu said in surprise.


"How far is it from us?"

Su Mu asked hurriedly.

"About one thousand = - more than a hundred miles" Luo Qianqian estimated and said.

The distance between the main cities of each regional system is one thousand miles.


That is to say, after they destroyed the main city of the system in the Kimchi region, they still went in the opposite direction. Not only did they not get closer to the main city of the system in the Yanhuang region, but they moved further away!

- "More than one thousand and one hundred miles.."

Su Mu estimated the distance and the marching speed of his soldiers, and said, "Turn around, go to the main city L first."

Calculate e from time

If you can find the main city of the system in another large area within two hours. them

Then rush back to the main city of the system in the Yanhuang Tai District before the 22 hours of the National War Wuqi arrives


do not forget.

On the Continent of National Warfare. Every other day, enemies will be spawned near the player’s territory and the main city of the system to attack.”

On the first day, that is, at the end of 22 hours, the main city of the system will usher in the first batch of enemies

Su Mu doesn't know how much this number will be

But he dare not gamble!

Than enter the campaign mode at the beginning of -=. He prefers to improve his record after ensuring the stability of his rear.


Su Mu gave an order, and the army turned back. Heading towards the main city of the Yanhuang Tai District system


The second road crosses mountains and chooses water.

From the moment they entered the Yanhuang region. = On the way, they saw players belonging to the Yanhuang region one after another. And a territory built by players.

When it was only four or five hours before the arrival of 22 hours, Su Mu and others finally arrived near the main city of the Yanhuang Region system.

A county seat.

There is only a city wall more than ten meters high.

It is not as good as Fengwu City in 380 today.


When the county seat is located in a wilderness, there is almost nothing blocking the line of sight around it, and the county seat gives people a great sense of shock.

It seems that - : instantly entered human society from the wilderness - - like.

Emperor Fusheng, Wushuang Qiqi and Cloud Piercer Mantis have arrived ahead of schedule.

By the time Luo Qianqian sent the message, the three guild leaders in the first echelon had already brought their own generals and confidantes, waiting outside the main city of the system

First win! = Players from the kimchi area will be eliminated!"

When Su Mu and others approached, Emperor Fusheng stepped forward. laughed.

"It's just a fluke."

Replied casually_Su Mu said, "Let's advance to the main city."

After talking about the treasure, without waiting for Emperor Fusheng to say anything else, Su Mu patted himself on the horse and marched forward together with Luo Qianwei and others into the main city of the system and headed towards the city lord's mansion.

at this time:

The Fusheng Taidi and the three looked at each other

Between each other, they all saw the embarrassment and anxiety in each other's eyes.

"There is always something to face."

"I just hope... Su Mu doesn't attack too hard""

"This time, we were screwed ⊥"

PS. The second update asks for full subscription 1. Asks for automatic subscription to L,.

017 The main city of the system that has been hollowed out! [The third update asks for a full order! 】

013 On the main city of the hollowed out system_

It is not [Kuoluo Family], _ [Yunding] or [Wuji Shenmeng] that occupies the main city of the system.


After entering the Guozhan Continent, although the luck of these three game guilds is better than that of Su Mu, it is not much better.

Three of the game guilds in the first echelon. [The Promise Godly League is the closest to the main city of the system, but it is still three or four hundred miles away.

If they hadn't sent too many players to search the surrounding area, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to find the system city so easily.


The main city of the system was found by the players who belonged to [The Promise Godly League]...not the players who occupied the main city of the system and reported it to the presidents of the three major game guilds.

from start to finish....

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