I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 281

Rather than wait until these bandits and robbers are eliminated before launching an attack, Su Mu prefers to launch an attack directly when these bandits and robbers contain a large number of enemy troops!

"The whole army obeys orders⊥"

"Follow me: = Charge!."

The charge continues!

More than 20,000 bandits and robbers spread out to surround the main city, and the number of enemies on each side was much smaller.

This level of enemy sea will not pose a threat to them at all.

On the contrary, the players in the main city have received information that Su Mu and others are attacking while resisting the attacks of bandits and robbers. A part of the troops was allocated to resist Su Mu's attack.

time elapses

When getting closer to the main city of this system - Su Mu shouted again!

"Evil Comes""

"The subordinates are here!"

"Blast open the gates"


Two figures stood out from the entire army at a faster speed, and rushed towards the thick gate of the system's main city.

Before people even reached L, two brilliant general skills bombarded the heavy city gate


Boom L


It's still two people teaming up., It's still two peerless!,

When the three consecutive bombardments ended, it was like the main city in the Kimchi Tai District, and the gate of the main city of the system in front of him was also blasted open!

The army arrived.

However, Su Mu did not rush into the city gate at the zth time, but ordered L

"Golden army dismount!"

"The Xuanjia iron cavalry is in the front. The heavy armored swordsman is behind. The cavalry is in the middle. The shield guards are guarding the sides. You and the military division lead the rear army. The general and Wei Qian lead the front army L"

"Anyone who is not our side: x:: kill without mercy

A series of orders were issued.

Su Mucai led Luo Qianzhi and Xuanjia cavalry into the gate of the city. He set up a formation on the street outside the gate of the city to welcome the countless players and units NP who rushed out of the main city_

Dian Wei and Xi Zhicai took the remaining NPCs to occupy the city gate. Occupy this part of the city wall, relying on the city gate and the city wall to face the players and arms NEC L in the city

Face off against the refreshed units that are the common enemy"

also fight.

The rescue player that will come later

PS. The third update asks for the full certificate!. Ask yourself

025 Surround the points to fight for help and reach the top ten! [Fourth more full order! 】

028 Surround the point to support, kill △ Qiantu. _

Boom L⊥⊥

The bloody halberd cuts out!

Three golden and red bends cut out, instantly beheading and burning too many players and NPCs on the street to ashes. _

After clearing out all the players and NPCs in this area. Su Mu still stood where he was. He didn't move forward. He didn't charge towards the stone monument in the center of the main city.

This time out.

His purpose is not just to destroy the main city of the system. And the harvest record.

Destroying the main city of the system can at least get a record of 100,000: but beheading all the players and arms NEc in the main city of the system will get at least two or three million records!

When the security of the rear is no longer his own shortcoming, this method of killing players and arms NEC on a large scale. It is the main source of his record. L

Two thousand five hundred black armored cavalry formed a defensive formation.

"Zero Five Soil" firmly guards this street, welcoming the players and NPCs who are constantly using it

Whenever a player's general appears, Su Mu blasts out a general's skill, and the family's general, as well as the nearby players and NPCs of arms, are all emptied, so as to prevent this player's general from posing a threat to the black armored cavalry.

This is ahead.

And in the rear,

The combination of Dian Wei and Xi Zhicai is also invincible.”

The shield soldiers are responsible for guarding, and the heavy armored sword soldiers are responsible for attacking, and there are medium-range attacks from the cavalry and long-range attacks from the cavalry in the middle!


They can't be like Xuanli Iron Cavalry without any damage.

However, the number of cavalry dozens of times that of Xuanli made them face more enemies and withstand more attacks, and at the same time gained more battle results.

Almost every- -seconds. A large number of players and arms NPCs were beheaded:,

Thousands per- -seconds. There are a large number of national war records emerging from the attribute panels of Luo Qianqian or Fu Niu Dadi and others.

on the leaderboard.

The Yanhuang region has dropped to 21st place, a record that has not changed for a long time...

Also starts at this - = moment. Crazy on K⊥

A full half an hour.

I don't know how many players from the hostile region, and how many NPCs from the hostile region have been killed, Su Mu finally moved.

He stepped out 1

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