I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 323

With the scouring of endless vitality in the Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass. Xi Zhicai has already returned to his peak state." The transferred military general dare not say... but he has learned a few passive skills. It is more than enough to be a ranger⊥

As in history. Died due to excessive weakness and fatigue.::It will never happen to Xi Zhicai.

Su Mu also had an idea for the other two Nine-Death Resurrection Grass.

The second plant, he will use it on another peerless famous spring whose resourcefulness and talent are not below the book of dramas = the first premise is that Su Mu can recruit him.

The last one-

He wants to recruit a general!

= A peerless veteran who has passed the peak period and is still extremely strong. Among all the peerless generals, he can be ranked in the forefront

he can be sure 2

There is Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass in hand. He is almost 100% able to recruit this veteran


Su Wu's face suddenly brightened.

It occurred to him suddenly.

The game world does not advance according to age as in history, but advances through events. For example, the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the Ten Changshi Rebellion, Dong Zhuo Rebellion, etc.

The long time in between. The system will speed up the skip.”

For the time being, Emperor Han Ling is still in power, and the Chang Wei Rebellion has not yet occurred, and without detailed investigation and analysis, Su Mu does not know for the time being that the timeline in the game world has advanced to that era.


Even the Tu Changshi Rebellion and Dong Zhuo Rebellion have not yet happened. The veteran who became famous in his old age has almost become synonymous with the term "old but vigorous".

at this time.

Looks like he's in his prime!

= A general. Even when he was dying, he was able to compete with Guan Yu, a peerless general who was just outside his peak period, in Taizhan Z for a hundred rounds! It is conceivable that when he is in his prime, he will be as powerful as He Qing!

Su Mu estimated.

At this time, the veteran who has been immortalized through the ages. His martial arts nine values ​​are likely to be no less than Dian Wei at this time⊥

to know L

Dian Wei has been promoted by one level in the national war, and his force value has been raised to 11 points L, plus the gift and enhancement of Overlord Xiang Yu. Dian Wei at this time is at least a few chips stronger than Dian Wei at the same period in history

If Su Mu's conjecture is true: at this time, the Jian general has at least 11 points of force value 8

/2 Yuan thought of this. Su Mu can't sit still

"My lord." Xi Zhicai, who had fully recovered to a healthy state, said respectfully. "Belongs to.

Wei Wei was a little excited. Su Mu said, "There is a great talent in Nanyang 1. I want you to go out and find him, and bring him back to Fengwu City⊥ as long as you can find him. You only need to do so... so In this way, that great talent will definitely bring his family and come to Fengwu City with you!"

"Dare to ask my lord, how big is worthy of your attention?"

Xi Zhicai asked curiously.

Su Mu said seriously. "Braveness is no less than evil, and the troops are deployed:... the entire Fengwu County. No one can match it!"

"Such a talent...".

Xi Zhicai's face was full of solemnity, he bowed and his subordinates got up immediately, and if they found that great talent, they would definitely bring him back to Fengwu City as soon as possible. Meet the Lord⊥"

"Of course Zhicai will be safe when he goes out on the horse personally."

Su Mu smiled and said, "For this trip to the south, besides San Yiying Wentu and Zhicai, you should bring the Xuanjia Cavalry. Although that great talent is important, it is not as safe as Zhicai!


Xi Zhicai brought a hundred literati to carry the news. He also brought a group of black armored cavalry. Arrived at Nanyang directly through the teleportation array of Fengwu City, and then started. This time, it's time to find the general.

It is worth mentioning that.

Bai Qishan then came. 2 Reported something to Su Mu.

A thing that happened during the national war

During the national war. There was once a group of players who wanted to enter Phoenix Dance City.

If it was an ordinary player, Bai Qishan immediately ordered the defenders to kill him. However, this group of players are not ordinary players but relatives of Luo Qianqian, the lord.

What is the relationship between different people? Bai Qishan doesn't know

But with this unknown name, he just ordered the soldiers guarding the city to continue to close the city gate, not to let any: z aliens enter Fengwu City e


After ten days of knocking on the door failed, the group of strangers finally retreated.


Soon Bai Qishan discovered that the group of strangers had attracted more strangers, outside the valley entrance of Fengwu Valley, a few miles away from the original Fengwu City Ruling's Qianyuan City...:Building a territory L

Now that the national war is over, that territory has been built into a big city!

Compared with the current strength of Fengwu County, let alone a big city, even a county town or a county town is not qualified to threaten Fengwu County.

But the city was built on the opposite side of the Lost City.

This is already a provocation!

Due to the unidentified kinship relationship between different people, Bai Qishan did not do anything to that big city, but just monitored it day and night.

Wait until Su Mu and Luo Qianping return from the national war.

He just picked a time to report to Miss Su alone.


Until now, Luo Qianyu didn't know all of this.

" "relatives"

Su Mu had a headache.

If it is an ordinary player, just kill it. That big city was also directly destroyed. If Luo Qianqian was involved, it couldn't be handled so simply and rudely.

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