I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 337


His archery is not very good e

Let alone kill Zhang Rang with this arrow. Zhang Rang L was not even hurt

This Wentu is Yuyun!

Perhaps figured out the joints. Or maybe it was inspired by Wang Yun's actions in this article.

When Wang Fen's arrow was shot, after the helmet pierced through the armor, Yuan Shao, who was wearing a full set of cloak, yelled loudly and rushed towards the palace gate, "Yuan Benchu ​​hereby wishes those who punish the evil party to come and help me!"


Cao Cao, Wu Kuang, Yuan Shu and others who came after them all led Bing Jiu under their command to attack Qingsuomen.


It's not just Zhang Rang and the other Seventy-two regular attendants.

In fact, they have long controlled the imperial forest army stationed in the imperial city - this - the dry brand arms of the Han royal family. It is precisely because of these two that they dared to kill He Jin. They dared to hold the emperor and queen mother hostage in vain to control Luoyang city.

Tens of thousands of imperial forest troops stationed in the imperial city rely on Gaotai's palace wall. Its defense capability is comparable to a small city.

Rely on these more than a dozen generals. Relying on the soil of thousands of soldiers and armor in this area, when will they be able to break through the palace gate 2

Waiting for Yuan Shu as in history. When preparing to organize people to pile up firewood and burn the palace gate alive. =- A voice came from afar

"Elect and destroy the evil party."

"Clear the castration."

"General Suanben - for the sake"

Even when the battle is raging⊥

When the voice came from afar, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Yuan Shu, Wang Yun, Chen Lin and others couldn't help looking in the direction of the voice.

I don't know when. The two armies have come to the front.

Three generals. = one seeks soil, = one

No matter which one it is, the faint aura emanating from its body should not be underestimated.

Especially the middle of the three generals, the one with the black helmet and black armor. The appearance of a general holding a dark red halberd made Cao Cao overjoyed, "General Zhengnan is here!"

"With the joining of General Zhengnan, it will be as easy as turning the palm of your hand to exterminate eunuchs."

When this exclamation came from Cao Cao's mouth. All the civil servants and generals present were overjoyed.

General Nan Zheng, Marquis of Fengwu Pavilion!

Su thing!

Even for those who have never seen Su Mu. I also know what kind of weight the two identities of 223 have!

Because when the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out and almost overthrew the Han court, it was Su Mu who took the lead in the battle of Ye City - Z killed Zhang Yu, the leader of Huang Zhong, and almost saved the Han Dynasty by himself!

Even an existence like Zhang Jiao, who was almost unbeatable in the world, was beheaded by General Zhengnan.

Just a few eunuchs. Especially this opponent of the famous Feng Wu Tinghou? !

For a time..everyone likes L

Zhang Rang on the palace wall was shocked.

The first time he saw Su Mu and his soldiers appear, the figure of the Zhongchang servant who had killed the general He Jin disappeared from the city wall.

"Everyone, get out of the way."


Nodding slightly to Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and the others, Su Mu's hand worm switched from the Blood God Halberd to the Bloodthirsty Throwing Spear.

A bloodthirsty throwing spear of spirit weapon quality appeared in his hand.

The vitality in the body also frantically poured into the spear throwing L

Under the watchful eyes of Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and the others, the originally simple throwing spear began to emit a trace of light, like a red-golden flame burning from the throwing spear

When the Bloodthirsty Throwing Spear was completely enveloped by the red-golden flame, Su Mu's eyes froze.

next moment

The bloodthirsty throwing spear is like a little sun!

Blast towards the palace gate!

pS. The fifth update asks for full certificate 1 asks for automatic subscription to L, _

017 The Robbery of the Palace! Bloody Luoyang City 】

013 The Tribulation of the Palace L Bloody Luoyang_Success!


In the roar of the sky!

The strong and heavy gate of the palace_was directly broken by a spear⊥


not just break

At this point there is no palace gate!

Where the palace gate was originally located_ there is only a huge gap 1. The palace gate. And a part of the palace wall near the palace gate. It was directly destroyed by this two, which almost surpassed the limit of a peerless general, and disappeared directly!

not only that!

After destroying the palace gate and breaking through the palace wall, the Spear of Destruction, like a little sun-z, continued to move forward. After smashing the other two palace walls in a row, it fell into **L

that's it

Where the bloodthirsty throwing spear landed, there was still a huge hole tens of meters in diameter and several meters deep!

On the edge of the entire big hole, 2 showed a glazed color that had been burned by extremely high temperatures.

As for the Imperial Forest Army at the palace gate and this section of the palace wall... as early as the moment the Spear of Destruction was released, they were smashed and gasified⊥


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