I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 349

Further down, there are Xi Zhicai Dian Wei and Huang Zhong!,

Su Mu and Li Ru have already met.

Luo Qianqian, a stranger, was out of his league.

Dian Wei and Huang Zhong were both generals. Li Ru's gaze also just passed over them.

Only drama Zhicai!

When the light shifted to Xi Zhicai, Li Ru's pupils shrank slightly. A trace of challenge rose involuntarily.

The same is seeking land.

He can feel it.

This not-so-reputable land seeker, his accomplishments on the road of land search are no less than his own, even superior to his own.

peerless conspiracy l

The so-called Wen Wu No. - = L Wu Wu No No. 2.

The same is seeking land, even if he feels that Xi Zhicai has a faint meaning beyond his own, Li Ru will not admit defeat. Instead, he quietly released a strategy trick, just as Su Mu, Luo Qianyu and other A watched T- ::beginning= This is a contest between strategists!

Su Mu noticed it.

But nothing prevents.

Because he also wants to see.2 Li Ru and Li Wenyou, who left a lot of ink and ink during the overthrow of the Taihan, can be said to be - - who planted Dong Zhuo's skills with his hands, what kind of ability is there!

The contest between seeking soil is not as exaggerated as the duel between generals a

But its degree of danger is not bad at all.

Almost as soon as Xi Zhicai and Li Ru made eye contact, the contest between these two counselors had already begun.


Xi Zhicai was still sitting in his own seat. His face remained unchanged.

Standing in the hall, Li Ru's body swayed slightly, and his face became much paler.

just a look 2

The game is divided

0. Su Mu was not surprised by this result. Originally, Xizhi was no less talented than Li Ru. After going through the experience of the national war, Xi Zhicai went a step further.

If you can't compare with Li Ru_, then it's Tiantai's joke,

Don't you know.

In Li Ru's heart, there was a shocking wave!

Su Mu's bravery. It is well known in the world: the black armored iron cavalry is unrivaled! Now in this small courtyard, he saw two peerless generals who never appeared = a peerless warrior who walked farther than himself with the counselor fame.

hard to imagine!

This small courtyard located in Luoyang City unexpectedly housed three peerless military generals and one: a peerless famous conspirator!

Harder to imagine!

Each of these can be called the existence of great talents in the world: Yiran gathers under the command of Z people!

Compared with Su Mu. . What does Dong Zhuo have?

Compared with Su Mu, what is Dong Zhuo 3

= time.

There was a faint chill in Li Ru's heart.

If this General Zhengnan and Marquis of Fengwuting are as they guessed. It's okay if the ambition is not in the court: if everything they see is just the disguise of this Fengwu Pavilion. : :

Then it's not the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind? It's hiding: : a shocking giant crocodile"

Slightly lowering his head, so that Su Mu would not notice his expression, Li Ru stepped forward respectfully, and handed a gift list and a letter written by Dong Zhuo to Su Mu who was sitting at the top.


The answer from Jingtu, the Marquis of Fengwu Pavilion!

During this time, he didn't have the slightest word except for a fight with Xi Zhicai.

Receive the gift list and letter v

Su Mu handed the gift list to Luo Qianyu casually, while he opened the letter himself. After looking at it roughly, he said, "Abolishing the establishment is a major event that changes the world. It is free for Dong Gong and the court officials to decide.. This general-Jie Foreign Minister. It is inconvenient to intervene."

Just one sentence.

Li Ru Taixi L

As long as this deeply hidden Marquis of Feng Wu Ting does not intervene, the act of abolishing Li can be said to be almost foolproof."

Su Mu's next but-but made Li Ru's heart rise again, and Noise's eyes became tense again.

Looked at Li Ru.

Su Mu said lightly 1 "This general once promised His Majesty that as long as this general is still alive, no one will be able to harm him. The act of abolishing the establishment. Dong Gong and the lord above the court can negotiate on their own without asking. Forcing General Ben's opinion."

"But this general doesn't want to see some bad things happen. Even if today's emperor abdicates to let the virtuous, a degree of application is indispensable."

"Do you know?"

do you know

Four words.

It was like four heavy hammers hitting Li Ru's heart hard.

It made his heart not only filled with chills, but also faintly raised a trace of fear.

"Wenyou: 1: Already know."

"I will also convey the words of General Su to my lord 1 verbatim."

"General Su, rest assured L,"

Bow - salute. After expressing his attitude, Li Ru took out an invitation card from his cuff and handed it to Su Mu again, saying respectfully, "My lord is going to hold a banquet in Wenming Garden in three days. Convene civil and military officials to discuss the matter of abolishing the establishment."

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