I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 361

The headless body of the workman is still lying on the ground

Without Dong Zhuo's order, no one dared to clean up. And Dong Zhuo::. as if he didn't see this corpse, just let it lie in the palace hall, in the nine centers of the highest power in the Han Dynasty.

The order has been issued.


With the support of two newly promoted eunuchs, Liu Xie, who had already changed the crown of God, came out from the back of the hall.

He has seen all this from the back of the hall.

When walking out from behind the main hall and walking towards the throne. He saw Liu Bian and Empress Dowager He kneeling on the ground. I saw the civil and military officials who prostrated themselves in the Taidian. Saw lying on the ground. The headless corpse of the workman still dripping with blood.

I also saw standing with a sword in hand. Dong Zhuo, who was covered in blood, looked like a ghost!

Are you afraid?


= The headless corpse in the county is not enough to scare Liu Xie.

During the Tu Changshi Rebellion, this boy who was younger than Liu Xiang had seen a more miserable scene than this e

his fear.

It's Dong Zhuo!


In addition to fear, Liu Xie's face is more excited.

He's about to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor

He wants to replace the emperor brother Liu Fan. Become the new master of the Han territory of hundreds of millions of miles!

The little ambition that once exploded on Beiman Mountain became a reality under the premise of Dong Zhuo's troubles for the court. He replaced Liu Yan and became the new emperor five!

Immersed in the excitement of becoming emperor, even after seeing Liu Bian and Queen Mother Kou He kneeling on the ground, seeing the sadness and despair on their faces, Liu Xie didn't feel the sadness of the collapse of the Han Dynasty, but just felt Here comes a burst of joy!

He L

It's the new emperor L

Compared with Liu Bian, who is more generous and benevolent. Liu Xie is undoubtedly much more gloomy.

But he is a boy after all.

When he finally sat on the throne with the support of the two eunuchs. The countless thoughts in his heart were uncontrollably expressed on his face. Let many ministers who are paying attention to the new monarch have a panoramic view.

Dong Zhuo sneered.

The minister was silent.

Su Wu:.I feel a kind of sincere disgust⊥

Compared with Liu Bian, Liu Xie, who has a deeper and more dignified personality, is obviously more suitable to be emperor. But as a former modern person_he instinctively dislikes this so-called imperial profundity. I prefer Liu Bian who is no different from ordinary people

out of sight. Don't worry.

Su Mu fell asleep directly, as if he didn't see the young man who had already sat on the throne.

"Everyone, my love. Free from courtesy~"

It wasn't until he was addicted to the throne that Liu Xie imitated the voice of Emperor Han Ling in his impression, trying to maintain his majesty, and said.

When that time comes, many civil and military personnel get up. Liu Bian and Empress Dowager He have also been sent to the Empress / 1 Palace_Dong Zhuocai cupped his hands, and said to Liu Xie, who said everything to the throne, "Your Majesty is newly enthroned, and there are some things, shouldn't it be announced?

What's the matter with double a?" 12128 Liu Xie's eyes sparkled slightly, and said, "I got a cold last night. 2 I feel a little unwell. Ladies and gentlemen, if you have something to say, if you don’t:_.-. then retreat to the court.”

= sentence.

The violent aura on Dong Zhuo's body boiled even more, he stared at Liu Xie with cold eyes, and said coldly, "Your Majesty, the rebellion of the ten servants has been over for a long time. The officials will reward you."

"Now that Your Majesty is enthroned, this reward: should it be done too?"


Who to reward 3

Civil servants and generals who can enter the court. Which one is not human 3

In name, Dong Zhuo is asking for rewards for the hundreds of officials who rescued him, but actually E:: is asking for officials for himself.”

He led the former general by himself, but after all, his reputation was not justified.

Besides, Dong Zhuo's appetite for abolishing the establishment is not something that a mere former general can satisfy.

Don't you know.

After Dong Zhuo's words came out, the fear in Liu Xie's eyes disappeared and he said flatly, "Naturally, you will be rewarded for your efforts to save the cavalry."


"How to award and when to award, don't worry about Dong Aiqing."

"Oh, right."

As if remembering something, after saying these words, Liu Xie added = Xun, "I suddenly remembered that Dong Aiqing is the governor of another county. It is not suitable to hold the military power in Luoyang City."

"It's better for Dong Aiqing to hand over the military power in front of all the lovers now. I will choose a more suitable position to reward Dong Aiqing."

Liu Xie finished speaking

The hall fell silent again.

No more whispers.

Only bursts of inhalation sound continue to spread


Even Su Mu couldn't help opening his eyes and taking a breath.

This Liu Xieer: The way of thinking is a bit strange

The civil and military officials even looked at each other a few times. I don't know whether to judge whether the little emperor who has just ascended the throne is witty or quick-witted

Under the witness of civil and military officials, he suppressed Dong Zhuo with righteousness, intending to seize the military power of Luoyang City and hold it in his own hands. It has to be said that Liu Xie still has some thoughts.

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