I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 365

But said.

Since the abdication. Hongnong King Liu Bian and Empress Dowager He were trapped in Yong'an Palace

And sent soldiers to guard day and night.

Except him and Li Ru. No one is allowed to approach Yong'an Palace.


slightly different from history.

Su Mu’s previous warning is still in his heart. Although Li Ru imprisoned Liu Bian and He Dahou according to Dong Zhuo’s order, he still kept his food and drink in Yong’an Palace, so that the former emperor and empress would not be here. Frozen and starved to death deep in the palace.

Even so.

Liu Bian grew up in rich clothes and fine food. It is also unbearable to bear the silence and misery in Yong'an Palace. Empress Dowager He shed tears all day long and became thinner day by day.

one day.

Liu Bian accidentally saw two swallows flying twice in the courtyard of Yong'an Palace, thinking of what happened to him and his mother during this period. I can't help but feel sad coming from it. = A poem is blurted out,

The tender grass is green and the smoke is condensed, and the double flying swallows are curling up.

Luoshui is green, and people in Moshang call it poor a

The wish is deep in the clouds. It is my old palace.

Who pays loyalty and vents the grievances in my heart!

a short poem.

Maybe it's just Liu Bian's feeling.

But on the day Liu Wei sang this short poem, a soldier reported it to Dong Zhuo.

From beginning to end.

Dong Zhuo never relaxed his monitoring of Liu Bian and others. ,

It's just Liu Bian's emotion, it's his emotion about his experience during this period of time. But in Dong Zhuo's view, Liu Bian resented what happened to him. Desire to kill Dong Zhuo and ascend the throne again"


= Squeezed the wine glass in his hand into pieces. Dong Zhuo called Li Ru. He said coldly, "The truth is grateful for the kindness of the late emperor. He left = life for him. But I don't want King Hongnong not only not grateful, but also for the truth himself With a grudge 1."

"Who pays loyalty? Vent my grievances

"Since this is the case, don't blame the truth for being cruel."

"Wenyou, take someone there and let the three of them go on the road."

on the road?

Emperor Killer

At this moment, a figure flashed in Li Ru's heart, but he didn't dare to neglect him in the slightest. He said respectfully, "My lord, put this subordinate... let's do it!."

PS1x story is the most tiring:: don't want to get stuck. . .Fortunately, the author is finally able to give full play to his imagination. L

035 Heaven Knows, Earth Knows, You Know and I Know! [Fourth more full order! 】

038 God Knows, Earth Knows, You Know, I Know_

That night.

Li Ru quietly arrived at the palace with a few guards. Entered Yong'an Palace.

Let the soldiers stationed in Yong'an Palace be strict, and no one is allowed to approach the palace. He just entered Yong'an Palace with a few guards.

at this time.

In the entire Yong'an Palace, except for the young emperor Liu Bian, the empress dowager, and the concubine Tang. And a Gong'e who was in charge of taking care of the three of them. Only Li Ru and the few guards he brought were left.

Small in the middle with: = silk shadow e

After asking the guards to close the palace gate, Li Rucai led these people into Yong'an Palace

at this time.

Because of the arrival of Li Ru and these guards. Liu Bian, Empress Dowager He and Concubine Tang all fell into tension.

Even Liu Bian was resentful because of his Cao Yu, but he actually knew that this was a good ending. At least "Zero Five Three". They're still alive, at least. They don't have to worry about food and clothing.

If possible, they would like to live like this for the rest of their lives. I also don't want to see Dong Zhuo or Li Ru appear in this closed palace.

Enter Yong'an Palace.

Li Ru ordered the guards on his own. Open the food box you brought, and put all kinds of

He bowed to Liu Bian and the others, "It's a beautiful spring today. Xiangguo specially sent me to offer good food and wine to pray for King Hongnong."

"Three, enjoy it as soon as possible."

Although Yong'an Palace does not have to worry about food and clothing, but it is only a simple meal.

After living a poor life for a long time, Liu couldn't help it when he saw these delicious food and wine.

At this time L

The Empress Dowager He pulled Liu Bian behind her, and said vigilantly, "You will not be rewarded without merit. We have never given Xiangguo any favors. It is inconvenient to accept Xiangguo's gifts!."

"It's hard for Lang Zhongling to come to visit late at night, so let's serve wine and meat first."

liquor. It is poisoned wine.

Meat is poisonous meat.

Who dares to quote?

"The gift of the prime minister, do you dare not drink it?"

Empress Dowager He saw through her plan, and Li Ru lost patience and called a guard directly, and threw the two things on the plate in the guard's hands in front of Empress He.

"Since you don't want to drink, let's use this western thing instead,"

Top two!

a white silk

At this time, Hongnongyu and Concubine Tang finally understood what Li Ru's intention was for the second visit⊥

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