I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 367

What he promised at the beginning, he finally did it.

The author of PS1x, Fungus You Piaohou::. I am too tired, I feel a little unable to hold on iiex started from publishing the book. The author has not gone out for a long time. Let's slow down to the west for a few days, okay? The author has adjusted his status. Let's pray again from seven to eight, please:.

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036 Serial Assassination, Wang Yun's Conspiracy! [Fifth more full order! 】

032 Serial Assassination, Wang Yun's Conspiracy_

The Yong'an Palace was burned down, the Young Emperor, Empress Dowager He and Tang Concubine all died and the news of the fire finally spread.

And after Li Ru killed three people, Dong Zhuo's coquettish and domineering behavior became even more domineering than before!

It was like lifting a shackle.

Even the emperor can abolish the establishment at any time, and even the Hongnong King Liu Bian and the Queen Mother He dared to kill them who had just abdicated - what else in this world could Dong Zhuo not dare to do?

From this day on.

Dong Zhuo's rule is even more bloody!

If it weren't for the people in Luoyang city to be in panic, even the officials of the imperial court and the richest people in Luoyang would be in panic all day long.

Because no one knows whose head Dong Zhuo will cut with the next knife. No one knows whose property will be favored by Dong Zhuo

The treasury has no money and food.

This is something everyone knows.

Even after occupying Luoyang City and the Imperial City, Dong Zhuo never recovered much gold and silver from the treasury.

Xiangguo Mansion needs to spend e

The generals under his command need to be rewarded with silver.

Where did these large sums of gold and silver come from?

When there was no more gold and silver from the prefectures and counties, Dong Zhuo pointed the butcher knife at the officials in Luoyang City, and at the high-ranking officials and wealthy people in the 11 cities of Luoyang-these people are worth more than Liu Xie, the puppet emperor. Multiple I⊥

Ever since.

One massacre every day has become the norm in Luoyang City. ,

Almost every day, Dong Zhuo or his subordinates would look for a wealthy businessman or official to exterminate the clan and ransack their homes in order to collect women to serve as soldiers/prostitutes, and to use the collected gold and silver as silver rewards!

if we assume.

Dong Zhuo's actions before this only caused the city of Luoyang to complain, and he dared to be angry but dared not speak out. Li Ru's murder of the emperor and the extermination of the family became a fuse. It completely detonated the anger of the entire Luoyang city!

The assassination against Dong Zhuo came one after another!

First there was a knight-errant assassin with a hundred steps to assassinate Dong, but he couldn't hit Zhongyuan and flee thousands of miles.

Later, there was a school lieutenant, Wu Fu, who failed in the assassination in front of the hall and was hacked to pieces by Dong Zhuo!

The assassination of these two... seems to have caused a wave_ In the following time, successive assassinations happened frequently. After the - = injury, Dong Zhuo never left his side.

Even rest. Let Lu Bu hold the Fang Tianhalberd to guard outside the door."

As a result, Dong Zhuo paid more attention to Lu Bu.


Xiaoqi school captain Cao Cao deliberately got close to Dong Zhuo. After gaining Dong Zhuo's trust, he borrowed the saturn sword from Situ Wangyun and approached Dong Zhuo with the intention of offering the sword.


"Look at Job's tears. Lv Bu got close and Cao Cao fled Luoyang City overnight after hastily presenting the King Star Sword.

Cao Cao's failure to assassinate Dong did not just make Dong Zhuo furious. Sending out documents to arrest Cao Cao raised Dong Zhuo's bloody rule to another level."

Within a few days the mountain

More than t families of high-ranking officials and wealthy people were ransacked and exterminated!

Luoyang City:.

It's almost hell on earth!

at this time.

In Situ's mansion.

Wang Yun was flustered.

Cao Cao’s assassination of Dong Zhuo was proposed at his holiday banquet, and even the Seven Star Treasure that Cao Cao assassinated Dong Zhuo was originally his collection.”

Cao Cao's success in assassinating Dong will naturally have his share of credit.

Now assassinating Dong failed:.

If Dong Zhuo knows all of this, there is his shadow, that is, he is one of the three lords, and the big man Situ L may not be able to escape the end of being slaughtered by Mande]!

Even dare to kill the emperor, what Dong Zhuo dare not 2

Over the past few days, how few officials have been massacred by General Ershang under Dong Zhuo's command?

If it weren't for Dong Zhuo sending heavy troops to garrison the teleportation array and the city gate. I'm afraid that the entire Luoyang city has been empty for a long time, and countless people have fled.

Xiaozhong was terrified.

Wang Yun walked around anxiously in the secret room in Situ's mansion, thinking in his heart how to break the situation.

The entire Luoyang city. There are only two people who can break the game.

one of

It is Lv Bu, Tinghou, the capital under Dong Zhuo's command.

Lu Bu forgets righteousness when he sees profit. In order to vote for Dong Zhuo, he even outrageously killed his father. J Jianyang, the governor of Bingzhou before beheading. If Lv Bu can be persuaded to oppose Dong::: under the condition of Dong Zhuo's trust, Lv Bu's chance of beheading Dong Zhuo is as high as 90%!


Dong Zhuo is in charge of the government._Lu Bu is also deeply trusted by him, and it can be said that he is in full swing !

Forget about profit!

Since it is selfishness, Dong Zhuo and Wang Yun, who can give Lu Bu more benefits. Is this still a comparison?

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