I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 373

This was just what Su Mu thought. he won't show it

Maybe the "beauty trap" has taken effect_ or maybe it's the mutual attraction between peerless beauties (except bitches). The relationship between Luo Yuqian and Diaochan became familiar at a speed that Su Mu could hardly imagine.

In just a few minutes, the relationship between Luo Qianqian and Diao Chan almost caught up with that of Zhao Ji, whom she kidnapped.


Luo Weiqian pulled Diao Chan behind her, and looked at Su Mu warily. ,

She's just cute.

Not stupid.

Now that she knew it was a beauty trick, Luo Qianqian naturally knew it too. Su Mu is the most beautiful person in the world. This No. 1 Marquis in the world was the target of Wang Yun's original scheme of Chinese and American tricks.

It's just that Diao Chan changed her into herself.

On one side is Su Mu. = On the other side is Diaochan.

Luo Jieqian hesitated for a moment, and let out a cute cat growl, "Su Mu is mine! Diao Chan:.It's also mine⊥."

In the first half of PS1x Dong Zhuo's Rebellion, the plot and setting are not enough for the player's level. Can't participate. After all, it is a major national event, right? (The real reason is that _this kind of delicate plot_ involves so many players, the author can't control it :::)

PS2, the second update asks for full order L asks_

040 The mission is completed, return to Fengwu! [The third update asks for a full order! 】

020 mission completed, return to Phoenix Dance_

"It's all yours, no one will take it from you"

Facing this powerful cute cat growling, Su Mu shamefully surrendered. I rolled my eyes and agreed 2

Careful observation 2

I found that Su Mu has always been very calm, without the excitement and passion he had when he first met Diao Chan. In addition, when the system is updated next time, L Su Mu will be able to appear in the real world and be truly with him


Luo Qianqian smiled foolishly and felt relieved.

Immediately afterwards.

She pulled Diao Chan out again, "Diao Chan, Diao Chan. Your dance just now was so beautiful. I was stunned. Can you teach me?"

"Diaochan Diaochan. Your skin is fine."

"Diaochan, Diaochan, do you know that you are in this era:-: ah, the most beautiful L in this world is the second most beautiful "five four three" girl, there are many people who will think of you"

"However, since the city lord released the beauty trap, you are the owner of the city lord. The lord of the city will let Su Mu protect you!."

"What Lu Bu, Dong Zhuo... don't even think about bumping into you"

"Diao Chan Diao Chan.."

Luo Pingqian, like L who discovered a new continent, kept throwing questions to Diao Chan

One question after another, far from being boring. Instead, enjoy it.

It's a trick, it's too strong!

In just such a short period of time, the relationship between Luo Qianqian and Diao Chan has become as good as that of best friends who have grown up since childhood.


Luo Weiqian's way of communication, which belongs to modern people, is not something that ancient people like Diaochan can resist. She soon fell into it and never tired of it.

As for Su Mu:- .

He could only watch this Tai Xiao and the two stunning beauties with worried eyes having a passionate chat there.

At the same time, I prayed silently in my heart.

My daughter-in-law will not :.: evolve into another legendary existence because of Diao Chan's beauty trap..

after a long time.

The chat between Luo Weiqian and Diaochan just came to an end

Returning to Su Mu's side with some unfinished business, Luo Qianqian said to herself, "So the treasure in the world that the old thief Wang Fen mentioned refers to Diao Dan...the treasure in the world, hey! Diao Chan is the treasure in the world who used a beauty trick on the city lord." , the city lord will accept it with a smile!_

"Su Mu Su Mu, can we take Diao Chan away?"

"of course can."

Su Mu lightly rubbed Luo Yuqian's little head: 2 "What Wang Yun needs is just our attitude. Since Diao Chan is already a member of Fengwu City, her mission:...here to complete it ok e"


Su Mu transferred all the food and wine on the table to the ground. A trace of scorching fire-attribute vitality leaked out from his fingers, and he waved his hand and carved a line of words on the table

turn around.

Like when you came, the three of them quietly opened Situ's mansion and returned to their small courtyard.

After the figures of Su Mu, Luo Qianping, and Diao Chan left Situ Mansion, a servant hurried to the small courtyard next door and reported to Wang Fen, "Master, Feng Wuhou and Luo City Lord will make Diao Chan a little\u003e sister took away

"Has Diao Chan left any message?

Wang Yun was too shocked. Hastily heard.

"It seems =- never l" The servant recalled "_ for a while and said, "Since she walked out of the hall, Miss Diaochan has never contacted anyone, nor has she left any information. "

Wang Yun is in a hurry_.

Leaving the servant behind, he rushed to the banquet hall in a hurry.

After all, Wang Yun is extraordinary.

At first glance, he saw the case ALe that flowed out from the depths of Taiqiu.

After a few steps, he rushed to the front of the desk. He saw Su Mu's handwriting on the desk.

"The Marquis will be in Gaojing today. When the time comes, I will definitely send troops over Dong."

"Diao Chan's mission is completed. I have taken A away. From then on, it belongs to Feng Wu."

"There's only one side of the beauty trap.-"

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