I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 394


Liu Guanzhang sat down.

Gongsun Zan talked about his experience of fighting against alien races, and Su Mu also interspersed some of his past during this period from time to time, er borrowing the strength of alcohol. Liu Bei also recounted his experience during this period.

The atmosphere relaxed slightly.

= After drinking the glass of fine wine, Su Mu made his last: - last attempt

"The feudal lords have formed an alliance to punish Dong and punish the thieves soon."

"This Marquis is also favored by the lords. Tian is the leader of the coalition."

After the beginning of the two sentences, Su Mu's tone also became solemn: "I don't know the meaning of the three: +-: But the original was under the command of the Marquis, and followed the Marquis to attack Luoyang City and kill Dong Zhuo?"


If Su Mu is already a player, this is the subjugation of Liu Guanzhang and the others.

When Su Mu's words came out, the entire camp fell silent.

Su Mu stared at Liu Bei with the moonlight shining.

Gongsun Zan was also full of anticipation, looking at Liu Guanzhang==: He had already made his own promise, and he would attach himself to Feng Wuhou only after Feng Wuhou wiped out the alien race. Under such circumstances, he naturally hopes that Liu Bei, who has a friendship with him as a teacher, will also join in."

Seeking flowers 0

Condition learning.

He really felt that it was a good choice for Liu Guanzhang to join Su Mu's command!


Liu Bei was expressionless.

Guan Yu bowed his head and remained silent.

Zhang Fei made a move. But he turned his attention to Liu Bei. To his brother.

for a long time.

Liu Beicai showed shame, and bowed his hands in salute, "There are many soldiers under Suhou's command. The plot is like a cloud. Bei ::: lack of talent and learning, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to join Suhou's command, I think it's tiring|."

"Prepare. Overwhelmed by alcohol!"

"I hope Su Houmo will blame me. Prepare to leave first!."


Expected result.

If Liu Bei was so easy to recruit, he would not be the master of Shu Han in later generations. Liu Bei refused. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei naturally had no reason to leave Liu Bei and join alone.

After bowing.

Liu Bei, whose back was slightly bleak, was about to leave the camp, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were silent, also got up.


At this time, Su Mu shouted


Dian Wei grabbed his bloodthirsty twin halberds, Huang Zhong also grabbed the sunset bow on his back, even Luo Weiqian and Xi Zhicai were ready to go.

The atmosphere in the tent = suddenly became tense!

= The second battle seems to happen at any moment"

"Since you don't want to join: 2."

As if he didn't feel the tense atmosphere, and didn't notice the stiff and guarded posture of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, Su Wu said slowly, "Since you don't want to join, then it's time to take the blood oath tomorrow. The three righteous men will form an army alone. Come and watch the ceremony."

The words that follow are spoken.

Dian Wei, who thought there was going to be a battle, was a little at a loss, and Huang Zhong was thoughtful.

Xi Zhicai smiled all over his face and nodded slightly.

Luo Weiyu: ...Still cute.

It's Liu Bei L

Turning around in an instant, Liu Bei couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart, and bowed deeply to Su Mu, "Caoju: Thank you, Marquis Su!. Today's kindness. I will repay you with the spring""

Liu Bei was ecstatic.

He didn't see it.

Guan Yu's eyes dimmed u= who had been silent all the time when he turned his breath. Zhang Fei...was a little bit lost!

PS. The fourth update asks for full order 1. Ask yourself.

055 The Alliance of Blood, Su Mu Liwei! [Fifth more full order! 】

088 The Alliance of Blood, Su Mu Liwei

Liu Bei left.

After rejecting Su Mu's solicitation. After receiving Su Mu's generous gift, he finally took Guan Yu and Zhang Fei away.

What is generous gift?

When the blood oath is sworn, let Liu Guanzhang stand alone in the army, it is a generous gift!

think about it.

Who are the people who will take part in the blood oath tomorrow?

In addition to Su Mu, the No. 1 prince in the world who is the leader of the coalition army, there are other princes of the Tuba Road.

Su Wu, as the leader of the coalition and the No. 1 prince in the world, let Liu, Guan and Zhang stand alone in the army. It means that he is on the oath of the blood alliance. In front of the other 18 princes, recognize the identity of Liu Bei-Fang princes!

Even if Liu Bei is white

How is Cao Cao not white now 3

It can be said.

As long as Su Mu admits that, even if the other vassals of the 18th Route do not think that Liu Bei is qualified to be side by side with him, his status as a vassal of the "Nine Four Three" has been determined!

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