I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 546

He brought Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Huang Zhong and Jia Xu directly to the county town near Hangu Pass through the teleportation array. Then head towards Hangu Pass at the fastest speed

There are only five people in total

In the case of leaving the mount in Yunzhou City. It took Su Mu and others a full two days to rush on the road with all their strength. I just arrived outside Hangu Pass from the county seat closest to Hangu Pass


Taking advantage of the night.

Su Mu and others sneaked into Hangu Pass quietly. And crossed the Hangu Pass.. Entered Dong Zhuo's sphere of influence 2-had the previous experience of Hulao Pass. And with the assistance of Jia Xu, a peerless mastermind, it is not difficult for 113 to achieve these two points. ,

The rest is simple work.

Randomly find a county town and continue teleporting to the city closest to Gao Ka'an City.

Su Mu brought these four people under his command. He bought a horse at random, and rushed to Chang'an City.

Today's Chang'an City is under martial law.

Even if it is the same as the surrounding cities. They are all under Dong Zhuo's control. I want to directly enter Chang'an City through the teleportation array. But it is already impossible. In fact, after recapturing Chang'an City, Dong Zhuo not only sent another ten towns to guard the city walls and gates, but also directly closed the teleportation array of Chang'an City!

Anyone :=: NO ACCESS!

Chang'an city.

Today's imperial capital.

It is also one of the only two royal cities in the entire Yanhuang region.

The extremely thick city gate and the city wall as high as more than 50 meters. It is the biggest barrier of this royal city. ,


The walls of Hulao Pass and Hangu Pass are not necessarily lower than the walls of Chang'an City, and the defenses are more stringent.

Even Hulao Pass and Hangu Pass, which are heavily guarded, can't stop Su Mu and others from sneaking into Chang'an City.

By night.

It was only the fifth night after receiving Wang Yun's secret letter. Su Mu took the four people under his command. Crossed the long distance of hundreds of millions of miles and entered the city of Chang'an!

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022 Telling Wang Situ! [Second more full order! 】

022 Pointing fingers at Wang Situ L_

Entered Chang'an City. Then it's easy.

Su Mu and others have already carried out a certain amount of camouflage_Jia Xu released a few more earth-seeking skills as a cover under the thick night, not to mention those Jiatu patrolling the city

Even if a military general or a land seeker passed by them...don't even think about finding them easily.

A little subtotal.

Jia Xu inquired about the location of Yuyun, Situ. Go with everyone.


The entire court has been completely controlled by Dong Zhuo. Even Liu Xie, the little emperor, is no exception. But as Stuart. Wang Yun still has a mansion of his own in Chang'an City

Before the information that he also participated in and planned the battle to seize the city leaked out, Dong Zhuo still had a trace of respect for these old and important ministers.

After all.

He still needs to rely on these civil servants to deal with things that he doesn't care about himself.


After all, the battle to seize the city had a great impact on Dong Zhuo, and it also made Dong Zhuo's patience with these veteran and important ministers wear away a little bit.

so that,

When Jia Xu arrived at Situ's Mansion with Su Mu and others, a group of soldiers appeared in front of them.

This team is fully armed.

Surround the entire Situ Mansion, and no one is allowed to enter or leave without authorization!


Not just Wang Yun's Situ Mansion. The mansions of other veteran ministers were also guarded by Dong Zhuo's troops. .The name is Guardian, but it is actually prisoner Li.

With the occurrence of the battle to seize the city, these scheming old fellows did not expose themselves, but it also caused Dong Zhuo to have a sliver of suspicion. If it weren't for the fact that there was no handle in hand: = I am afraid that when those military generals and exposed civilian officials were executed, these veteran ministers represented by Wang Yun would also be beheaded for public display


Wang Yun's life is not easy.

Except for the time of going to court and dealing with official business. At other times, this Wang Situ can only stay in his own Situ Mansion, and he cannot even step over L

Not to mention planning something, even meeting with other officials without authorization :-: may attract Dong Zhuo's killer L

in this way.

The situation in Chang'an City has reached the moment of life and death. Only then did he pay a huge price, and several civil servants from his own faction, Bao Xia, were beheaded by Dong Zhuo before sending the secret letter out of Chang'an City. And it reached Su Mu's hands after twists and turns.

It was late at night.

As usual.

When the only remaining old butler and maidservant in his Situ mansion had gone to rest, Wang Yun walked up and down in the hall, silently thinking about ways to break the situation.

The secret letter has been sent.

But he wasn't sure if that dead soil could safely deliver the secret letter to Su Mu.

It is not sure whether the secret letter was sent to Su Mu's hands. This world-renowned Feng Wuhou. Will he respond to Liu Xie's request for help and come to Chang'an City to rescue them?

Even if Su Mu has the heart to rescue Fang.

He was not sure when Su Mu would leave _ how to come. Whether Dong Zhuo had suppressed his temper before Su Mu arrived. Forcing Liu Xie to abdicate

Everything is uncertain.

When faced with today's situation, even the most scheming and scheming Wu Yun felt deeply powerless.

If it's another person, maybe he can join forces and find an opportunity to break the situation.

But now he is facing Dong Zhuo!

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