I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 584

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed

According to the information from the player, Cao Cao has completely controlled Chang'an City by "four or nine thunders". And brought the little emperor and all the court officials into his control.


At the beginning, Cao Cao had no idea of ​​treating the little emperor as a puppet.

But the little emperor's cold nature. And the intrigue of those old ministers finally forced Cao Cao to this step.

I would rather be a traitor than a virtuous minister.

This may be called the tragedy of this era.

Cao:.1: Also under the dual effects of Su Mu's planning and the inertia of historical plots, he embarked on his road of being a hero!


His road to being a hero is destined to be more difficult than that of Cao Cao in history.

after all.

Xi Zhicai has recognized Su Mu as his master, and has reached the state of die-hard loyalty, Jia Xu has recognized Su Mu as his master, and is about to reach the state of die-hard loyalty, Dian Wei has recognized Su Mu as his master, and has already reached the state of die-hard loyalty v

These three, Cao Cao has lost forever.

Xun or Er has Liu Xie's imperial decree and will become a member of Yunzhou, basically has no relationship with Cao Cao.

Lost Xun Yu. Lost Xun Yu's introduction. In history, many counselors and civil servants who turned to Cao Cao because of Xun Yu's introduction::.It seems that they have no chance with Cao Cao!

Take a closer look 2

Su Mu suddenly discovered

Although his initial fortune began when he snatched Liu Bei's opportunity.


Liu Bei's loss of opportunity because of himself seems to be far less than Cao Cao's loss...

For Liu Bei, he finally made up for a shield.

To Cao Cao: It seems that there is no need for compensation.

after all.

In this game world, when Xi Zhicai Dianwei, Jia Xu::::: and others recognized the master, Cao Cao hadn’t had time to enter their sight.”

[Minist cough.

Straight embarrassing. eat please

0 paid ony

Embarrassment is embarrassment.

When trading guns, Su Mu will still be merciless!

Not to mention seeking out superiors and civil servants. If there is a chance, even the generals under Cao Cao and Liu Bei...Su Mu should grab it, and they will continue to grab it mercilessly.

Half a month is enough time to finish a lot of things.

When Su Mu was able to replenish the number of Xuanli iron cavalry to more than 12,000, the scouts came to report that Jia Xu had returned!

He was still training in the barracks. After receiving the news, he immediately rushed to the City Lord's Mansion!


Arrive at the City Lord's Mansion.

The dusty Jia Xu was already waiting in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion with two middle-aged scribes dressed in civilized clothes and as gentle as jade.

Su Mu returns.

Jia Xu bowed and saluted, "This subordinate has lived up to my lord's entrustment, and has successfully escorted Mr. Wen Ruo here!"

This middle-aged man"

It is the top civil servant that Su Mu has been looking forward to for a long time, Xun or Xun Wenruo!

"Wenhe has worked hard⊥"

After comforting Jia Xu, Su Mu looked at You or. ,

And at this time, Xun Or also bowed to Su Mu, _"Caomin Xun or Xun Wenruo--.Meet the King of Yunzhou L"

Words respectful.

Be sincere.

His emotions fluctuated slightly, but he was not as excited as ordinary officials when they saw Su Mu

Su Mu noticed Xun Or's attitude towards him just by meeting him.

Respect and reverence.

This is Xun Or's basic attitude towards Su Mu

And this kind of respect and respect comes from Su Mu's beheading Zhang Jiao, from Su Mu's slaughter of Wuhuan, and from Su Mu's killing of Dong Zhuo and rescuing Liu Xie and others!

With, after this keynote, Su Mu felt a little more confident in his heart.

Taking a step forward and helping Xun Yu up, Su Mu suppressed the excitement in his heart. , smiled and said: "Wen Ruo is troubled. It is really hard to build Yunzhou in the bitter cold. This king is thirsty for talents. This is why I implore your majesty to invite Wen Ruo to help me build Yunzhou together."

To Su Mu's words, Xun Gu was just slightly polite, and said with a smile: "The king of Yunzhou is serious. Not to mention that the king of Yunzhou killed the national traitors and saved His Majesty and the Taihan from danger. It is just to expand the territory , Turning my thirteen prefectures into the fourteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty is enough to be named in the history of responsibility. The merits of the world 1”

"It is not only Xun Yu's honor to be able to enter Yunzhou Wang Zhiyue and participate in the construction of Yunzhou. I think it is also a blessing that many scholars and literati in the world can only meet but cannot seek."

Words, true feelings 0__

This is not Xun He's flattery.


Su Mu seriously underestimated his status in the hearts of the world

Not only generals, but also counselors and civil servants!

At least.

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