I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 611

option. It has been handed over to Chu Hengzi

Su Mu is waiting.

Wait for Chu Heng to make his own choice.

Let's see whether he chooses to gain powerful power now and become one of the core generals under Su Mumo again-=or he chooses to turn it into his own potential and gain an infinite future!

Stand there firmly. Looking at the innate inheritance in his hands, Chu Heng thought about it quietly.


He raised his head, "My lord, this subordinate chooses... the second way!"

"it is good."

"Very good," said Heat,

(2 Su Mo let out a sigh of relief.

After all, he is a general trained by himself. Even if the choice is handed over to Chu Heng himself, Su Mu hopes that he can make the right choice.

A low-rank innate military general. It is certainly possible to integrate into the core circle under Su Mu's command now.

but in the future,

Follow Su Mu to advance to the legend, follow Zhao Yun and others to advance to the legend. What's more, with the rise of the players,: the second solidification of strength... Chu Heng, who has no progress, will fall into this embarrassing situation again.

This situation is something Su Mu doesn't want to see.

This is also the reason why so many generals have been inherited from here, and so many generals have been obtained through fusion. Even if there are many of them = first-rate generals and top generals: - the reason why Su Mu never paid attention to it.

Only now, no future.

These generals are destined to be eliminated.


Right in the hall of the City Lord's Mansion, right in front of Su Mu, Chu Heng chose to use this innate inheritance.

= a complete innate inheritance, which is equivalent to all the power of an innate general

When this innate inheritance is transformed into energy. After being transformed into experience and potential and integrated into Chu Heng's body, the bottleneck that had troubled him for a long time... was instantly broken!

at this moment

Chu Heng's rank naturally broke through to the peerless realm L

With the continuous integration of the vast energy, Chu Heng's potential is also increasing rapidly⊥Even if most of the energy has been converted into energy with only a part of the potential, L is also promoting the rapid improvement of Chu Heng's rank ⊥

Entering the world for the first time!_ (12 o'clock)_

Early Peerless L_ (13 o'clock)_

Mid-Peerless"_ (18:00)_

Late period l_ (11:00)_

Peerless peak!_ (100 points)_

Under Su Mu's watchful eyes, Chu Heng's rank climbed all the way from the pinnacle of top generals to the pinnacle of peerless generals!

This is not the end.

When the last burst of energy contained in the innate inheritance Dang Chong merged into Chu Heng's body, his aura that had already reached a certain level suddenly rose to a higher level at this moment...

Step into Heaven!

A legacy.


In a situation where even I feel unbelievable. Chu Heng completed his transformation.

even if.

Just broke through to the low-grade human level. The energy contained in that inheritance is exhausted. This made Chu Heng's rank only stay at the level of beginners.


First-timers are innate, and they are also innate!

Moreover, this is stepping into innate L without compromising future potential

Wulei chooses coverage fusion.

Today's Chu Heng is qualified to once again integrate into the core of Su Mu's command. Moreover, with his breakthrough...his exclusive unit, the Heavy Armored Sword Soldiers, will also be upgraded from a hidden elite unit to a hidden special unit = Xuanli Guard!

of course.

Chu Heng is not Su Mu.

Xuanjia imperial guards are not Xuanjia cavalry either. It is difficult to reach the height of the black armor cavalry.


As a hidden special unit that used to be on par with Xuanjia Xiaoqi: -The development potential of Xuanli Guard is no less than that of special soldiers such as Silver Dragon Cavalry, Sunset Bow Cavalry and Bloodthirsty Halberd Guard⊥


"I also broke through to innate..."

Feeling the power he possesses now, Chu Hengjinping murmured to himself dreamily


He knelt down on one knee again, "I thank the lord for your generosity, my subordinates: : I will never disappoint the lord's generosity""

Waving, let Chu Heng get up.

Su Mu smiled and said, "Wait until the heavy-armored Mo Dao soldiers successfully enter. With the Xuanjia Chuwei as the core. Let's form the Abyss Army"-if necessary, you can go to Xi Zhiben. "

"Wait until the future when the king will command another army - our territory. But I will leave it to you to guard the mountain"


Even if he breaks through, Su Mu's position on Chu Heng is still the general who defends the family.

But this- -time!

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