I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 614

It didn't even step out of the territory - 2 steps never had an L

On the contrary, during these few months. The construction of Fengwu County and Yunzhou is even more fierce!

All the rare treasures obtained from Luoyang City and Wuhuan Treasures have been sold by [Business League 1, exchanged for a large sum of gold coins and deposited in Luoqianyu's attribute panel.

Make the number of gold coins they own skyrocket again L

With this large number of rare treasures, pearls and jades, [Business League] has also successfully extended its business activities from players to the aboriginal people, and suppressed those aboriginal business families. .Limelight-=every time.

With the rise of the [Business League], not only the rare treasures and various equipment and props applied by the players, but even the collections of many aborigines began to appear in the sight of the [Business League].

It is equivalent to appearing in Jia Xu's sight


With the support of unlimited gold coins and resources, and even with the support of Su Mu's arsenal and secret library calling authority...Jia Yi successfully spread the intelligence network under his control.L


Not just intelligence networks.

After the intelligence network was fully deployed, with the help of the special authority given to him by Su Mu, Jia Yi even infiltrated this secret organization towards the core of the power of the many princes!

The rise of the [Business League] and the spread of the intelligence network have also driven the development of Fengwu County and Yunzhou.

The output of the two major territories was continuously transported out by the [Business Alliance], exchanged for gold coins and various resources and transported to Fengwu County and Yunzhou to promote the further development of Fengwu County and Yunzhou

When this-cut is completely rolled out. Just the gold coins and resources brought by the output of Fengwu County and Yunzhou are enough to support the construction and development of Fengwu County and Yunzhou. There is even a balance.

It was also from this time that the number of gold coins on Luo Qianqian's attribute panel began to increase

Instead of the sunrise not entering s as before

When Su Mu closed the five goals. The city system of Fengwu County has been completely established.

With Fengwu City as the center, a dry city, more than a dozen county towns, hundreds of county towns, and countless other large and small cities, towns and villages stand in this huge valley, forming the entire Fengwu County city ​​system.

At this moment, the construction of Fengwu County was completely completed.

When the cities x towns and villages' A gates are filled with 0 people from the system, the population of the entire Fengwu County has reached 500 million."


Construction is over.

Investing also ends thereupon.

Relying on this small city and its 500 million people, O. Fengwu County began to continuously produce various special products, except for the temporary storage of grain and various resources, other resources that Fengwu County and Yunzhou did not use All of them were converted into gold coins and other .803 resources__ and turned into the construction of Yunzhou

at the same time.

In the process of controlling the construction and governance of the entire Fengwu County, Bai Qishan has also officially entered the ranks of peerless famous ministers from the top civil servants

With the support of Fengwu County and the output of Yunzhou itself, the construction of Yunzhou is even more urgent than before when there is no shortage of resources, population and gold coins!

Countless cities started to be built at the same time, and when Su Mutuan passed away, the number of counties alone reached 20 on this vast grassland. The number of counties surpassed that of Feng Wu county

For the time being

The game world is still a game.

Population can also refresh e

Having a city means having people

It is precisely because of this that when there is no shortage of resources, gold coins, and population (labor force), Xi Zhicai and Xun Yucai frantically built cities on this vast prairie

First build the city system of the entire Yunzhou with the county towns and county towns, and then start with the county towns and county towns. Build cities, towns and villages by radiating L around you.

in this way.

By the time the city system of Yunzhou is fully constructed--the population of this prairie will probably be as many as Fengwu County's, or even dozens of times.

PS: For the third update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically L_

067 The wind is surging, and the princes are fighting for hegemony! [Fourth more full order! 】

023 The wind rises and the clouds pass, the princes fight for hegemony_

certainly. √

Bai Qishan can benefit from the construction of Fengwu County. Let yourself jump from the ranks of top civil servants to the ranks of peerless famous ministers_Xi Zhicai and Xun Or are no exception.

Develop and build such an incomparably vast territory from scratch. It is something that has never happened in the entire history of Dahan.

For civil servants, this is the best opportunity to display their talents.

In the words of the game, the construction of Fengwu County led by Bai Qishan has achieved an achievement: the achievement of building Yunzhou, and the achievement of building Fengwu County is even greater!


When Su Mu is still retreating.. When the manpower in Yunzhou is not enough::::

Even if you haven't recognized the Lord yet!

Xun Or's hidden attributes start to play a roleL

=Everyone was looking for land, and each civil servant was introduced to Yunzhou by him. It became a boost to promote the further development of Yunzhou!

Xi Zhicai has the authority to appoint staff

so e

Even if Su Mu is still in retreat. Even if you haven't recognized the Lord yet. This counselor and civil servant introduced by Xun Yu has already begun to join the construction of Yunzhou as an official under Su Mu's command.


There is no shortage of top civil servants and peerless plotters that Su Mu has coveted for a long time!


The power under Su Wu's command is growing at an unimaginable speed for other princes!


Fengwu County and Yunzhou are developing, and Su Mu's power is in Zhuangtai L, and neither are the other princes.

From the second month of Su Mu's retreat, the clues of the princes' struggle for hegemony have already begun

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