I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 621

[gongfa]. Tairi Liuli Sutra (Legendary Technique, Level 1)

Tyrannosaurus trifold, fighting in all directions, unparalleled skills. Red Flame Fighting God, Spear of Destruction: Passive Skills: Weapon Master, King Kong Indestructible, Carefree

[Battle formation]_ .Advanced battle formation, bloodthirsty killing formation

[equipment]. Blood God Halberd, Bloodthirsty Throwing Spear, Golden Scale Broken Saber, Black Gold Battle Armor, Ebony Golden Silk Bow

- [Exclusive arms], black armored cavalry (hidden special arms)

- [Free points], 12 points_

[Potential points], 1880 points.


Title and identity, these and the previous one sheep.


The previous - - battles, plus the three consecutive days of non-stop fighting in the middle-level secret realm Dangshen, plus a year-long retreat, made Su Mu's level increase from the original level 2 to the current level 38. Fully obtained, 12 free attribute points!_


Su Mu has already obtained a lot of information from the system after the realm broke through to the legendary realm.

The realm of the legendary field: 221 can no longer be improved through free attribute points

Regardless of whether it is a military general, Mou Shi, civil servant, or holy rank, it is the limit that the free attribute points can improve.

072 Legendary Cultivation Technique, World-Cleaning Glass! [Fourth more full order! 】

032 Legendary skills, pure world glass_


Not just free attribute points.

It is the general template and the inheritance of the general, and its limit is also the holy rank.

In other words, if Su Mu enters a high-level secret realm or even an ultimate secret realm. Kill the enemies on the legendary general level that may exist in the secret realm. They may drop legendary skills, but they will never drop legendary general templates and general inheritance!

The holy rank is already the limit they can drop!

after all.

Step into the realm of legends. It means that you have an insight into yourself. All the exercises and skills you have are truly integrated with your own power. Such a state:: how can it be achieved by covering L with a general template and a general inheritance?


After obtaining the general template and the inheritance of the generals dropped by the legendary generals, they can only extract their legendary skills and enter the realm of the legendary generals in this way.


In this way cross A legend field. Its potential is far inferior to those players like Su Mu who have stepped into the legendary realm with their own strength.

Even, after stepping into the legend, it is not impossible to never make progress!

after all.

When it comes to the realm of legends, players can only rely on their own strength to increase the level of skills, or rely on the game world or the treasures that cannot be found in the game world or the secret realm.


To a certain extent, even if "Second World" runs - - one hundred years, = one thousand years, ten thousand years -. Legendary field, it is the limit that most players can reach =_ this is still having enough legendary skills The love of Dharma and inheritance sinks⊥

Only the truly proud of heaven among the players::: can break through to the legendary realm with their own strength, continue to break through in the future, and are qualified to compete with aboriginal generals like Lu Bu and Zhao Yun!


before the breakthrough. The 12 free attribute points accumulated by Su Mu due to level promotion cannot be added to the force value. After breaking through to the legendary general, the idea of ​​continuing to rely on the accumulated free attribute points to quickly improve his strength also fell through.

Think about it, think about it.

Su Mu directly added these 12 free attribute points to his command value, so that his command value suddenly increased from the original 32 points: 1:: to as much as 10 points.

Then, there are the features.

= years of retreat. Let yourself, the skills and skills you have become perfect. In the process, Su Mu also promoted his own [Exploration] feature to [Insight l feature.

Not only can you see through the weaknesses in the enemy's attack, but you can also see through the weaknesses in the enemy's battle formation. There is a certain chance to see through the tactics and circles released by the enemy.

To the fifth [Divine Power Wushuang], [Moving Like Rent [Superior Speed] these three characteristics: - Corresponding to the three master-level skills of "Weapon Zongshang_[Master", "King Kong Is Not Bad", and "Careful Journey" respectively.

Su Mu's rank has been upgraded to a legendary general, and these three master-level skills can also be upgraded to legendary skills.


Glancing at the potential points he possessed, Su Mu silently dismissed the idea

As you advance to become a legendary general. At this time, Su Mu can only obtain new potential points by beheading the innate generals and the legendary Wulin. The potential points needed to upgrade a master-level skill to a legendary skill::. At least they are all calculated in thousands, right?


He currently has more than 2,500 potential points. Cannot upgrade any = skills!


not afraid.

Whether it's the beginning of the feudal lords' struggle for hegemony or the mid-level and high-level secrets that he is absolutely sure to clear, there is no shortage of enemies that can allow him to gain potential points.

Upgrade the master skills he has to legendary skills. Promote the traits he has to legendary traits: 2: It's just a matter of time.

In the end, it is the skills he possesses

Promoted from a peerless skill to a legendary skill

However, it is still "Da Ri Liu Li Zhen Jing". But it wasn't until Advanced Legend:.: that the attributes of this exercise really deserved its name!

The legendary exercises are different from the legendary exercises.

For Su Mu. When it was still a peerless skill, "Tai Sun Liuli Jingjing" provided him with the fire attribute damage of Liuli Zhenhuo Qijin, and the rest was the amount of vitality.

The higher the skill level. The more vitality the body contains. You can release more general skills.

The same goes for other generals.


When it comes to the level of legendary exercises: .. it’s different.”

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