I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 627

This is Guo Jia's character

"it is good."

"very good""

Gently patted Guo Jia on the shoulder. Su Mu smiled and said, "Since you are under Ben Wu-= Feng Xiao, then Ben Wang will give you the first ban⊥"

Guo Jia was surprised. A little nervous, "Should the lord go back on his word and ask his subordinates to ban bars?"

Su Mu couldn't help laughing: "As long as it's not on the battlefield, Feng Xiao wants to drink any wine. This king will get you any wine. This king's first ban is ::: From now on, I will never drink five stones again Scatter!"

Five stone powder is the drug of this era

Not just Guo Jia, in this era. There are quite a few scribes and famous soils who have the hobby of taking Wushi powder.

There is no need to elaborate on the harm of Wushi powder to the body.

The Nine-Death Resurrection Grass taken by Gangmu Guo Jia is already the last Nine-Death Resurrection Grass in Su Mu's hands. If Guo Jia causes his body to collapse again because of taking Wushisan: ..he doesn't have the next Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass to save him

Five stone powder, must ban L

Not just Guo Jia. Anyone under my command is not allowed to touch Wushisan!

Hearing Su Mu's ban. , Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

Five Stone Powder:

Just ban it.

.Anyway, after his body was washed by the endless aura, his addiction to Wushisan has been eliminated. Just refrain from his fine wine. Just keep him from drinking.

"in addition."

When Su Mu spoke again. Guo Jia's heart rose again.

"Cough cough."

Su Muyu coughed... and said, "I heard that Feng Zhe still likes to go to Qing I / Lou... This king will not interfere. No, this king will equip you with ten Xuanli cavalry. When will you !Even if you are visiting the Green House: You must take these ten mysterious armored cavalry with you. Let them guard outside the room!. "

That's right.

Guo Jia likes to visit brothels. _

Not just Guo Jia.

Even the players:: there are too many players who don't like to play games. In the beginning, it was because you could visit the Qing/1st Floor in \u003cSecond World\u003e. , can do those indescribable things. Only then poured into this game.

And the reason why Su Mu specially emphasized this point is:: In the works he had read in his previous life, Guo Jia died tragically because he was ambushed in the brothel!

Although, the reference value of that work is not great.

However, Su Mu must put an end to any hidden dangers.

For Su Mu's ban and order, Guo Jia thought about it and agreed.

It's all for his own good, Guo Jia is not a person who doesn't know each other.


Su Wu and Guo Jia's expressions became solemn

The chores are over, and it's time to talk about the business.

"May I ask what the lord's goal is?"

"Aim for the world"

Guo Jia's loyalty is already high enough, the city lord has no one else in the hall, King Su Mu expressed his thoughts crisply 2

"Want to be the overlord?"

"Or for the emperor?"

Guo Jia nodded slightly, his expression normal. continue to ask.

"Of course it's Diyu!" Su Mu blurted out. This is the first time. In front of his subordinates, he bluntly said that he wanted to be the emperor.

"Want to be the overlord:."

"With the current strength and influence of the lord, there are few enemies in this world. You only need to lead the troops to fight and conquer. After several battles, the lord will naturally be worthy of the name."

"If you are an emperor...you need to think about it in the long run"

"Why did Fengxiao teach me?"

Su 883 Mu directly skipped the previous words, not to mention the overlord among the princes, even the overlords like Cao, Sun and Liu in the later generations, he would not bother to do it. His goal - to be the master of the world from the beginning

"If you are an emperor, you must win the hearts of the people first."

"However, people's hearts are unpredictable."

"My lord wants to be an emperor w to become the lord of the world, the most important thing is the people's hearts, righteousness, and prestige""

"In simple terms."

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "It's because the teacher is famous! The Yuan family listened to rumors and risked the world's displeasure. They intend to proclaim themselves emperor. My lord, as the general of the town, can conquer him."

"Gongsundu rebelled and overstepped the rules. He privately hid the crown of the emperor. The lord is the grand general of the town. He can be conquered."

Taking a high position but doing nothing, so that the emperor died, and the lord, as the general of the town, can conquer him. "

"Sun Bofu is Wu Cheng..."

One ten days.

a prince 2

After Guo Jia commented on all the princes, Su Mu was already in a cold sweat.

This is Mou+!

This is the power to control the heart and manipulate the heart!

of course.

Many of these princes that Guo Jia commented on are still non-existent things. But cooperate with Guo Jia's power to manipulate people's hearts, and cooperate with the intelligence network controlled by Jia Xu

It may not be possible to turn these into reality

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