I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 629

Under Su Mu's gaze, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, and Chu Heng began to absorb themselves at the same time. The innate inheritance they got was based on the energy contained in the innate inheritance...promoting their rank and level to rise again!

It was also from this moment that Su Mu's thoughts were determined.

If there are not many soldiers, there will be no generals.

Especially after having many ordinary generals who have integrated the inheritance of generals, these historically famous generals who have been evaluated by the system as SS level are the targets that Su Mu will focus on training in the next step.

= The role of a legendary general far exceeds that of an innate general

Innate generals can be shaped in batches, but legendary generals can only be achieved by themselves!

With Su Mu's strength and the forces under his command, it can be said that there is no one in the entire Han territory. It is the many princes:.: Just follow Guo Jia's (good Zhao) plan = step by step. It can also be overthrown or subdued.

The next thing he has to face...is the secret."

Even if:. His speculation about the secret realm is just a guess, it doesn't touch the truth of the secret realm at all.

But :x:

It's always good to prepare ahead of time.

While Su Mu was thinking about this, Zhao Yun and the others also--had absorbed their own innate inheritance.


Generals who reached the peak of this world appeared one by one in front of Su Mu.

Zhao Yun, Saint Grade Heaven Rank L

Huang Zhong, Saint Grade Heaven Rank"

Dian Wei, on the St.

Chu Heng: 11 high-grade natural dangers!

Perhaps, it won't be long before these four generals will make breakthroughs on this basis.

PS, the third update asks for full order 1 asks for automatic subscription to L,

078 Gongsun Transcendence, the Beginning of a Strategy! [Fourth more full order! 】

038 Gongsun overstepping the rules, the beginning of strategy_

The next step of the holy rank is to integrate what he has learned, to deduce the skills he owns from peerless skills to legendary skills, and to step into the realm of legends in one fell swoop.

Zhao Yun and others are not Su Mu.

Their skills and their levels can be cultivated by themselves little by little.

Compared with Su Mu in the past, they have a deeper understanding of their own skills and paths. Compared with Su Mu in the past, it is easier for them to break into the legendary realm

Maybe one day.

Maybe a year.

With the aptitude of Zhao Yun and others, when entering the level of the Holy Grade Heaven Rank. It is equivalent to stepping half a foot into the collar of a legendary general.


to see when they actually step in and

After Zhao Yun and others successfully entered the danger, Su Mu was temporarily idle.

At the same time e

Guo Jia, who holds the resources of Jinping's entire Fengwu County and Yunzhou, also began to use the intelligence network that had been fully established. 2. Extending his plan towards the monthly goal paves the way for Su Mu's first step in intervening in the vassal hegemony!


Say something.

The Central Plains was in chaos. The princes compete for hegemony.

183_ and the Central Plains are separated by = Jieyouzhou_ in Liaodong, but it is rare to be peaceful.

After Dong Zhuo's rebellion, he took the opportunity to stand on his own. _Self-appointed as Marquis of Liaodong and posthumous of Pingzhou, Gongsun Du determined to enter the post and recruited refugees widely. This made Liaodong, which is far away from the war-torn areas of Zongyuan, obtain temporary peace.


While guarding Liaodong, Gongsun Du became more and more arrogant. Not only is the military/political power of the entire Liaodong in his own hands, but he even considers himself as the leader of Liaodong.

this day.

In the city lord's mansion of Xiangping City, the governor of Liaodong, Gongsun Duping retreated left and right. Only Liu Yi, Yang Yi and a few cronies remained. Said, "Now that the Han Dynasty is about to be overthrown due to the war in the Central Plains, it's time for me to discuss with you and plan for the throne. _"

Gongsun Du is the king of Liaodong, / originally regarded himself as the king of Liaodong.

This throne ..: does not refer to his name as King of Liaodong. It is called the throne, but it is actually a separatist party, and the founding of the country is called the emperor!

When Gongsun Du expressed his thoughts, Yang Yi remained silent. But Liu Yi said, "Wait a minute, my lord. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Gongsundu was not happy.

Feng Yu Dengdi, this has always been his ambition, was interrupted at this most likely time. Naturally, I was quite displeased.


Liu Yi is his confidant. Brave and good at fighting, resourceful and resourceful. Gongsun Zan's book patiently forced the passage, 2 "How to think long-term 3"

"My lord, do you know why the Han Dynasty existed in name only, and the whole court was talking about Cao Mengde's virtue? Why do the princes in the world still have five people as kings and no one ascends the emperor?"

Liu Yi said in a deep voice.

Gongsun Du = Surprised, "Because the target of public criticism is 2. But I am far away from the Central Plains in Liaodong, and the princes are dissatisfied...how could they come to attack us in the midst of war?"

"It's just one of them."

Liu Yi shook his head slowly. Said. "The most important reason... is that the king of Yunzhou, the king of Yunzhou, occupies Fengwu County and Yunzhou, and can be called the head of the princes in the world."

"Niqi, that Yunzhou Yu is still the Grand General of Zhen Guo, who also has the responsibility of supervising the world."

"Before Wang Biaojie of Yunzhou:.=Struggling for hegemony_is just a struggle for hegemony. It is to occupy the world. It is still a nominal minister. What the subordinates are worried about is:=- Once the lord is crowned king and ascended the emperor_welcome It was the blow to the head of the King of Yunzhou⊥"

When Liu Yi's words - = came out, Gongsun Du broke out in a cold sweat.


Even though he has been in seclusion for a year, the king of Yunzhou is still like a mountain in the hearts of the princes, so that the princes who have different ideas dare not act rashly, and all the wars are under the banner of the Han Dynasty.

It can be said.

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