I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 637

Even those soldiers who had just come out of the trenches or trees, all clearly stopped in their ears.


Witnessed with my own eyes that Gongsun Du and others' two-body soldiers first abandoned their weapons and surrendered, and then walked around and fought against Baima Yicong.

The voice that Gongsun Du was dead spread over and over again. Even when Gongsun Du's handsome flag had fallen, more and more people believed this truth. There are also more and more people abandoning their weapons and surrendering. fell to the ground

Just a way out.

Stepping into the encirclement of Gongsundu's millions of elite soldiers, Gongsun Zan captured Gongsundu's million-strong army with his own 300,000 Taijun when he was wounded for only a few days!

Yi Fang only dared to use it to find a way when Zhao Yun was with the army.


Gongsun Du and the dozens of generals under his command bombed again and again: =- but it is always possible to kill Gongsun Zan here

At that time, the captured tigers can be taken from the 300,000 Taijun under the seat of the Eighth Ring Road.


Except for the very few who have not yet entered the battlefield

Arms NPC escaped from the battlefield, Gongsun Du took one

The million Taijun and Zhen Zuoguo who came

After all this is done

A white-faced and beardless man barely walked out of the woods, ignoring the countless NECs that had been put on guard.


He bowed a salute. "Anbu. The Dishushi called to see General Zilong. I have seen the general


Ask for flowers: ..-_

Gongsun Zan was a little confused. However, Zhao Yun solemnly replied with a salute and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Liaodong will be settled in this one-two battle."

"It's all for the prince, so it can't be said

bitter. "

, The nameless counselor folded his hands slightly slightly, he should open up

. + L There are new tasks over there, son

General Dragon. There will be-:-no later there will be no period

Prince. It refers to Su Mu.

The Lord refers to Jia Xun.

, it was Dong Zici who recruited Gongsun

of. Every time I draw this

Seeking ground for the battle of Fufeng!


Even Gongsundu didn't know until his death that this person whom he valued and trusted so much

seek land. Not only has he never been loyal to his industry, but a Lu Song came out of Zhongtai to work in Jiangdong. lurking in his 8 while paving the way


Wuming Moutu asked for a war horse. He rode on his horse and disappeared into the distance.

Wait until the figure of the unknown counselor completely disappears. Only then did Gongsun Zan recover from his surprise

This war has been fought from head to toe. Gongsun Zan did it under Qiyun's prompt.

He absolutely did not want to point out that Quan Yun, who had learned this battle, made him

A land seeker who took the initiative to seek land from outside China!

"Brother Shu--"

Can't help it. Gongsun was interrogated

"Yun only knows that the thirty-six machines and seventy-two of the Tiangang are all accidents of Guan Cheshuai,"

The most secret place in Yunzhou, Lugai County

_As long as you know about its existence

Never inquire into it

Gongsun Zan felt a sense of awe in his heart. Not daring to continue pressing, he just said, "This gentleman's face... but many people have seen it before.

Zhao Yun said with a smile, "Taizu just needs to tell his subordinates not to leak the news of Yun Maojing's appearance and attack on the battlefield."

Just go out.

"That first--"


"Even what we see is not

085 National border, a war against Liaodong! [The first update asks for a full order! 】

088 national border, World War II flattened Liaodong

Gongsun Du died in battle.

Several generals of the nashi he brought with him also followed

Even the millions of elite soldiers gathered from Xiangping City and many surrounding cities became Gongsun Zan's prisoners.

After this battle, not only the senior generals and high-end combat power in Liaodong were emptied. Even Xiangping City, the governor of Liaodong, and its surrounding cities have fallen into a state of extreme emptiness.”

After capturing a million troops, Gongsun Zan surrendered some of them, leaving behind a hundred thousand elite soldiers and a general to escort the rest of the captives towards Xiangping City. 100,000 elite soldiers and 200,000 soldiers who had just surrendered marched as fast as they could to Xiangping City!


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