I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 641


When Cao Cao, Liu Biao and Sun Jian's three armies came to attack together, and the fastest Cao Cao was only three or five days away from Shouchun City, Yuan Shu had already fallen into a state of despair.

Shouchun City.

In the so-called imperial palace rebuilt by the City Lord's Mansion, Yuan Shu, wearing a crown and imperial clothes, sat on his throne, looking numbly at the dead palace.

at this time.

Except for the last few loyal generals. The generals under Yuan Shu's command would either be beheaded. Either break away from Yuan Shu and stand on their own. Or they have already switched to

To Jade and Seek Earth:

Except for a little-known little seeker. No one else was left either.

after all.

It was Yuan Shu who violated the great righteousness. Those who sought the land before proclaiming the emperor and left him are no longer considered as betrayers, but they are deeply aware of the great righteousness

And just swept across the empty hall, Yuan Shu shouted a little madly, "The scouts ahead are here to report. Cao Aman's subordinates will arrive in Shouchun in three days" 1."

"What do you love me think, what should I do?"

No one responded.

Even the few remaining generals just raised their heads and looked at each other, seeing the sadness and solemnity in each other's eyes.

Yuan Shu violated righteousness and betrayed relatives, but he was good to them.

At this last moment. They really couldn't bear to leave Yuan Shur like other generals and let him face the next tragic scene alone.


"Why don't you ladies speak any more?"

"That's all."

"Since all your lovers don't want to fight, I will personally go to defeat Cao Aman!"

It is indeed the language of madness a

Today's soldiers in Shouchun City are no more than 100,000 generals, no more than five fingers. What would Yuan Shu use to fight Cao Cao's army? By this time Yuan Shu was already a little nervous.

"We....will live and die with the Lord""

With a sense of solemnity, those generals bowed and saluted.

At this moment, the only one who stayed behind gave a slight salute and said, "Your Majesty, the situation on our side is extremely serious, but it is not to the point where there is no life left."

=Bao Shuo said that not only Yuan Shu was surprised, even those generals were also stunned

They can't imagine. Faced with the current situation, what kind of countermeasures this unknown seeker can come up with.

Bow again,

Na Moutu said, "Cao, Sun and Liu are attacking from three sides, and Shouchun's strength is absolutely irresistible. When the enemy arrives... it will be the time when the city of Shouchun is broken! However, if the lord is willing to give up Shouchun on his own initiative, it may not be possible. There is no chance of life.. Let’s look at the future”

"What do you mean by that?" Yuan Shu asked anxiously.

"Jizhou Mu is the eldest brother of the lord, with strong strength. There are few people in the world who can match him. If the lord abandons Shouchun and goes to seek refuge, it may not be impossible to get a respite."_"

"Wait until (Wang's good) strength recovers and its wings are full: 1: Lord Biao will never make a comeback!"

"Yuan Benchu:: how could you let me?"

Yuan Shu's face was full of disappointment.

As early as the first defeat, Yuan Shu had asked Yuan Shao for help. pity. Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor first, and Cao Cao and Liu Biao got the documents of the King of Yunzhou later. Even Yuan Shao dared not send troops to rescue Yuan Shu lightly at the moment of righteousness.

Seeing Yuan Shu's disappointment. 2 Na seeks land and is discouraged. Instead, he said, "There is no basis for empty talk. Jizhou Mu is naturally unwilling to send troops to help. What if the lord is willing to give it as a gift?"

PS1. Coordinates in Weifang, Shandong. The typhoon is about to land, and the downstairs has already turned into a sea. The neighborhood next door has already had a power outage. The author doesn't know how long he can last here. .The author has already stockpiled food and water. As long as the power is not turned on, the code word can continue to be updated. Two =: The author strives to keep updating, everyone...*Pray for the author’s luck=Click here:

The third update of PS2x is complete. L is requested_Automatic Subscription”

088 The Mandate of Heaven, Yuan Shu Enters Hebei! [Fourth more full order! 】

088 The gift of destiny, Yuan Shu enters Hebei_

"A gift from destiny?"

Just when Yuan Shu and those generals were all at a loss. That seeker smiled slightly and said. "The lord only needs to be so-and-such_so-and-such. The subordinates can guarantee that the things in Jizhou... will definitely accept the lord to enter Jizhou."

Hearing the counselor's plan. Yuan Shu hesitated for a while.

agreed soon

As the strategist said, this is his first-line cattle machine. Follow the plan. He still has the possibility of escaping from Gao Shouchun, taking shelter under Yuan Shao, and making a comeback in the future.

If he stays in Shouchun:: :: After three days, it will be his death day!


Yuan Shu used blood as ink. He wrote the letter himself and handed it over to Namoutu, so that Namoutu could hand it over to Yuan Shao as soon as possible. At the same time as sending out the letter in his own hand, Yuan Shu had already taken the only remaining generals under his command and the 100,000 pong nine in Shouchun City, and swept away the food and grass in Shouchun City, heading north.

Yuan Shu abandons the city and escapes from e

This news was immediately spread by secret operations in Shouchun City, and was known to Cao Cao, Liu Biao and Sun Jian.

Liu Biao and Sun Jian's route remained unchanged and they continued to rush to Shouchun City. The troops under Cao Cao changed course. According to the news from the secret work, the second road is chasing and killing Yuan Shu's last force!

At this time 2Q0L

The strategist who offered advice to Yuan Shu once again displayed his impressively powerful strategy and vision.

On the escape route to Jizhou. Yuan Shu's headquarters had been chased and intercepted several times by Cao Cao's subordinates. But every time the land seeker will anticipate the enemy's opportunity. Dodge the enemy's pursuit and pass through the enemy's encirclement!

Once was luck.

Twice is a coincidence.

When this kind of thing happened one after another:,: even Yuan Shu, who was once arrogant, had to admit that he had underestimated this land seeker before!


No, that's it!

When Yuan Shu's headquarters rushed out of his territory and entered Cao Cao's sphere of influence, they were stopped by Liu Bei, Zhu Ling and other troops sent by Cao Cao. Just when Yuan Shu thought that the encirclement was hopeless, a group of righteous men rushed out from the side, desperately blocking the enemy, allowing Yuan Shu, who had lost two generals and tens of thousands of troops, to escape the encirclement again.

All sorts of coincidences come together:.

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