I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 644

After two days. scout to report

Gongsun Zan's army was only half a day away from Xindu. The curtain of the Dingding Northern Battle is about to begin! Then.

After Yuan Shao and his subordinates were all ready, Gongsun Zan also arrived outside Xindu with his subordinates. Yuan Shao is on the city wall. Gongsun Zan is under the city wall. The two look at each other.

Shao had no more words, so Gongsun Zan raised the weapon in his hand and began to order: "The whole army obeys orders! Prepare to attack the city and kill the traitor Yuan Shu and his accomplice Yuan Shu."

This time in the conquest of Yizhou, Gongsun Zan is a righteous teacher in terms of righteousness.

The purpose is to crusade against the traitor Yuan Shu who dared to proclaim himself emperor, and Yuan Shu's accomplice Yuan Shao—to take Yuan Shu in, hide Yuan Shu, and belong to the Yuan family with Yuan Shu, isn't this the accomplice of Yuan Shu!-

Under the order.

Gongsun Zan took the lead and rushed towards Xindu, which was already nearly a thousand meters away, with the white horse righteousness he had cultivated. The half a million elite soldiers he trained were also among the ten peerless generals and a dozen top-ranking generals. Under the leadership of the generals, follow closely behind Gongsun Zan and launch a charge!

above the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Shao was even more sure that Gongsun Zan had lost confidence in Bo Bohai County's big victory. The whole army pressed against only one city gate. What kind of arrogance and arrogance would this tactic be adopted!


When Gongsun Zan attacked with troops, Yuan Shao also made an extremely unwise decision! Open the city gate!

Not just open the gates!

He also ordered that Zhang Tai, one of the strongest generals under his command, lead troops out of the city to face the attacking Gongsun Zan! Hebei Sitingzhu.

These are the four strongest generals under Yuan Shaomo: Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang Tai, and Gao Lan. Among the four major generals, apart from Gao Lan, the other three generals have entered the innate realm!

These four major generals are also Yuan Shao's confidence in fighting against Gongsun Zan! Zhang Bu left the city.

And brought Yuan Shao's special arms, the Euphorbia soldiers. As one of the special units under Yuan Shao's command, Da Zai Shi is not only an elite soldier selected from many elite units, but also wears heavy armor and holds a long halberd, making him the nemesis of cavalry!

Zhang Tai, a military general who has stepped into the innate realm, coupled with a large number of special troops with a number of 20,000 people, this is one of the reasons why Yuan Shao dared to open the city gate and give up the geographical advantage to fight recklessly with Gongsun Zan!

Zhang Bu has left the city.

Gongsun Zan was still charging.

When the distance between the two was getting closer and closer, the halberd warrior in heavy armor and holding a halberd could charge into the white horse righteousness with a single charge, and started killing

Gongsun Zan suddenly made a sharp turn, and with his white horse Yi Cong passed by when he was about to collide with Euphorbia soil!


Countless arrows rained down on the euphorbia soil! The euphorbia soil can be called the nemesis of cavalry.

But the Baima Yicong under Gongsun Zan's command is a combination of light cavalry and cavalry archers. In hand-to-hand combat, Baima Yi has never been an opponent of a euphorbia warrior, but at a distance, every Baima Yicong who is skilled in horse bow and horse can hit that euphorbia soil from a few hundred meters away!

A round of arrow rain, Euphorbia suffered heavy losses.

After passing by the Euphorbia warrior, Bai Ma Yicong under the command of Gong Zan made a circle, returned, and continued to cover the Euphorbia warrior's head with the F-round of arrow rain

This is Baima Yicong's standard tactic.

Even when defending against the Wuhuan cavalry back then, Baima Yicong's tactic made the Wuhuan people who were also cavalry fearful-again and again, maneuvering and raining arrows again and again.

Even if Zhang Tai fought hard to lead the troops to charge forward, more and more arrows from the Da Zai soil would inevitably fall! However,

With the passage of time, nearly a quarter of the euphorbia soil had been lost, and Gongsun Zan's vigilance was also lowered. When he circled again and arrived at a certain place, Yuan Shao on the city wall shouted loudly!

"If you don't fight now, when will you wait!" The next moment!

When Gongsun Zan and Bai Ma Yicong arrived at a certain place, the ground that had been stepped on by the horses and was still extremely solid suddenly collapsed, and after that, they saw figures in soft armor rushing out of the collapsed holes, Or hold a crossbow, or hold a long sword, and head towards the white horse righteousness that is close at hand!

just for a moment

Hundreds of Baima Yicong died under this series of assassinations!

Even Gongsun Zan was besieged and killed by a peerless general who suddenly rushed out from the ground, leading dozens of figures who also rushed out!

First to the camp! First to the dead!

This is the reason why Yuan Shao asked Zhang Tai to lead his troops out of the city, and gave up the advantage of land to fight Gongsun Zan with euphorbia soil!

All he did was to let Gongsun Zan relax his vigilance, and also to make Gongsun Zan less likely to find the tens of thousands of people hiding in the ground, covering holes with shields, covering with earth and rocks, and using soil techniques to cover up the dead land first. odds!


At the cost of a quarter of the halberds being killed in battle, Qu Yi, Yuan Shao's general, and the Xiandeng soldiers under his command finally waited for the arrival of Gongsun Zan and Baima Yicong, and the opportunity for a close-up attack!

Climbing first means being the first to climb the city wall, and it means that every soldier who joins the first camp is the bravest and most elite among the arms. However, the Xiandeng soldiers under Qu Yimo were different from other special units.

Because most of the Xiandeng soldiers under his command are assassins and rangers! In a frontal battle on the battlefield, these Xiandeng soldiers composed of assassins and rangers are not very powerful; but this kind of surprise attack and assassination is the place The first dead soldiers who hide the special NPC level may threaten a general

Not to mention.

Among the tens of thousands of dead men who died first, there is still the existence of the general Qu Yi!

is lore

PSI: The author of the typhoon has passed. Zhejun is fine here, and I hope everyone in other places is safe and sound too~ PS2: Second update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

091 The Beginning of the War on All Fronts! [The third update asks for a full order! 】

011 The opening of the war on all fronts_

Gongsun Zan's heart was agitated.

Even though, he knows that what he is playing now is = a frivolous and arrogant image. In order to attract the attention of Yuan Shao and the princes, he still unconsciously relaxed his vigilance.

As a result, he fell into the trap prepared by Yuan Shao in advance.

When the shields covered with earth, rocks and weeds were removed, each figure emerged from the ground, shooting the crossbow arrows of the handworms at Baima Yicong, and stabbing the long sword in his hand at Baima Yicong. when. Gongsun Zan's canthus is about to split

= Dao Wu general skills cut out, temporarily repelled Di Shanglai's Qu Yi and him: the dozens of assassins led by him, Gongsun Zan ordered frantically, "Retreat! Retreat!"

Just for a moment!

Hundreds of Baima Yicong who came forward were assassinated.


Almost every second... more Baima Yicong are assassinated!

When those deep pits appeared on the ground, when Baima Yicong's charging pace was limited to a standstill. Baima Yicong, who is good at long-range and guerrilla tactics, is no match for these assassins and wanderers!


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