I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 649


It is Su Mu who is attacking!

It was Su Mu who was originally invincible in the world, but now broke into the realm of legends and became a legendary general! ,

When he was still in the field of peerless generals, Su Mu, the phoenix dancer at that time, had the terrifying skill of breaking the city 1. This has long been known to countless players and aborigines

Now advanced legend-_

I'm afraid - the gates of a county city, in front of Su Mu, are as fragile as a piece of paper

Can't keep it.

Can't keep it.

When the silhouettes of Su Mu and Xuanjia cavalry appeared from the distant horizon: the fall of Yecheng is a foregone conclusion! Even Yuan Shao's ending is already doomed!

in this way.

Why do they still hold on?

Quietly, the first player leader disappeared with his players, followed by the second and third. Under Yuan Shao's expressionless gaze, the famous players quietly opened their mouths,

To this. Yuan Shao didn't stop it, and couldn't stop it either.

Even he himself dared to face Su Mu, let alone these aliens who are disloyal and unrighteous in the hearts of the aborigines? If it weren't for the fact that there was no way to retreat, Yuan Shao himself wanted to take his subordinates and flee to Gao L

The stranger ran away.

The reinforcements from the princes have not yet arrived.

In the last three counties, Yuan Shao can only use his own strength to fight against Su Mu, the king of Yunzhou who shakes the world with his own power!


Jushou didn't speak.

Tian Feng did not speak.

Trial and Xu You also did not speak.

Only Guo Tu came to Yuan Shao's side at this time. He whispered 1, "Master: why don't we abandon the city and escape?"


"Where are you going?"

Yuan Shao smelled it expressionlessly - Xun Guotu got stuck all of a sudden.

He also didn't know where Yuan Shao could escape to. Not to mention how they can escape with King Yunzhou's pursuit! He's just instinctive. made this suggestion.


It's not just a question of whether you can escape.

Even if you can escape:.:: lost territory. Lost the army, lost prestige. After losing the popular support, he is no longer the majestic Yuan Benchu ​​L. But a bereaved dog like Yuan Shu!

Not everyone is Liu Bei. Not everyone can be like Liu Bei, who can make a comeback after being beaten back to his original form again and again.”

At least.

Yuan Shao can't do it

"Either. 1 Beheading 2"

After thinking hard for a long time, Guo Tu said again. "The king of Yunzhou is certainly strong-:-: but the generals under the lord's command are also brave and unparalleled. If the generals join forces, they may not be the opponents of the king of Yunzhou."

"The King of Yunzhou only brought 15,000 soldiers and horses here. It can be said that the King of Yunzhou is powerful. No one can beat him. It can also be said that the King of Yunzhou is arrogant. He has no master|"


With the utterance of the first sentence, the thoughts in Guo Tu's mind became more and more clear. He even said a little excitedly, "If the lord can use the strategy of aggressive generals, let the King of Yunzhou fight Yan Liangwen Chou and other generals alone: ​​there may not be a chance to kill him!"

"As long as the king of Yunzhou is beheaded, the 15,000 mysterious armored cavalry will collapse without a fight! Even the territory that has already been occupied, the lord can also take it back" and even the entire Youzhou and Yunzhou. All into the hands of the lord!"


"This is God's chance, my lord.


In Su Mu's fantasy. While he was still talking endlessly, Yuan Shao stepped aside with a blank face and directly ignored Guo Tu's next words.

Let Guo Tu's next words come to an abrupt end, with embarrassment and Fan Ran all over his face.

He doesn't understand.

=Why did Yuan Shao 11, who was obedient to himself, suddenly ignore Zi 2's advice.

He walked to Yan Liang, Wen Chou and other convinced generals with a blank face, looked at Su Mu and the Xuanjia cavalry under Yecheng, Yuan Shao suddenly saluted them solemnly."

When the few people were a little panicked, Yuan Shao said solemnly, "The king of Yunzhou is attacking, and this general will be defeated. I can only ask a few generals to join forces to attack General L Ben - I want to see the king of Yunzhou who broke into the legend, he is so poor and strong to what extent"

"My lord, don't be too polite"

"We'll go to the meeting right now - the king of Yunzhou will never let the king of Yunzhou step into Yecheng as long as we are alive."

Yan Liang bowed and turned to leave.

Wen Chou, Zhang Zou, Gao Lan, and Qu Yi also bowed and followed Yan Liang.

Take six to one.

If it was normal, Yuan Shao's request would definitely make Yan Liang and the others feel unhappy. Because for: - a general. This is tantamount to directly concluding that they are inferior to each other.”

But now instead of displeasure, they are full of heaviness!


Their opponent is the King of Yunzhou!

On the city wall, Guo Tu is still a little confused.

See what this means:: Yuan Shaoming has already adopted his own suggestion. Why are you talking so coldly to yourself all of a sudden?

What he doesn't know is:-

Yuan Shao didn't follow his suggestion, but rather. Facing a single enemy army that could almost destroy Ye City by himself, Yuan Shao didn't know what else he could do.

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