I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 652

Yuan Shao was still roaring.

With a wave of his hand, a general skill was cut out from the saber, and it was attacking towards the city gate where Su Mu was! The generals behind him also burst out their general skills within a window of time, blasting towards the city. settle down.

If Yuan Shao does not surrender, they will not surrender


At least. When their lord is still alive, they will not turn their backs on the lord!

Shushido military commander skills!

Even if most of the worms are top generals and generals below, the power of the generals skills released by the generals should not be underestimated." Just like the joint efforts of dozens of generals when the princes passed Dong. Even Lu Bu at that time did not dare to bear it, and was expelled from Taiying.


What they are facing is not Lu Bu, but Su Mu!

It is Su Mu who has already stepped into the realm of legends

When these dozens of general skills struck, Su Mu directly activated the unparalleled skills and entered the unparalleled form. Soaring up from the unicorn beast, it rushed towards the city wall against the countless incoming generals!

Glass Flame Rising L

It was also attached by the glazed flames. The Blood God Halberd turned into a flaming halberd was blocked by Su Mu like a huge flame light wheel, blocking all the powerful generals' skills.

It didn't hurt Su Mu at all, nor did it hurt the many mysterious armored cavalry behind him who were still pouring into the city!

Peerless Form L

And it is Wushuang who has stepped into the realm of legend

Under the city wall, the joint attack of the six generals failed to force out Su Mu's true strength. In this city. The joint bombardment of dozens of generals finally let them see Su Mu's true strength!


Fall on the wall.

Su Mu, who was burning with glaze-colored flames, held a flaming halberd, his gaze- = swept over Yuan Shao and the many generals and counselors around him, and said softly, "Yuan Benchu ​​surrenders."

No more resistance.

Yuan Shao's face was full of misery.

He also wanted to continue to resist, even if it was a vigorous battle to the death!


When Su Mu stepped onto the city wall in this unparalleled form L was only a few tens of meters away from them::. Just the power and heat emanating from Su Mu's body:- made them unbearable L

How to resist?

Just to keep standing like this:: they've done their best!


"This general has to live?"

Yuan Shao was even more desolate.

It's just that he hasn't waited for him to turn around from this sadness. Su Mu's next sentence:: directly smashed his sadness about the ending of Xunhuo himself. L

"The Yuan brothers intend to proclaim themselves emperors. Rebellion and conspiracy are unforgivable crimes!"

"Yuan Shu will die, and so will you."

After a few words, the sadness on Yuan Shao's face froze.

He can't even do Xunhuo.

Died in Yecheng with Yuan Shu:: that was his destined endingL


Turning the subject, Su Mu said calmly, "Yuan Benchu's crime is unforgivable. His three sons survived. If they are anti-rebellious, they are expensive. They can enjoy three generations of hometown. The military generals under his command t: = those who surrender can live", "

This is the condition given by Su Mu.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu: 1 must die!

But Yuan Shao's three sons. If there is no objection. You can enjoy three generations of the township. The generals, counselors and texts under Tamo—just surrender 123. Can also survive.

Su Mu's conditions were announced.

The expression on Yuan Shao's face was frozen

It's not because of the fatal ending that Su Mu set for himself, but because of the other-heavy meaning hidden in Su Mu's words!


"Ha ha!"

"It turned out to be like this"

_ "What a king of Yunzhou, what a good one to hide from the sky! Youzi is a righteous one"

"I'm not as good as you". I'm not as good as 1."

Laugh like crazy.

After a long time, Yuan Shao's laughter subsided.

He looked at the many military generals behind him, and also looked at the sad-faced seekers, and said in relief, "This general failed your expectations. This general was defeated, and I was convinced of the defeat." ! If ... one you surrender."

"If you still think about the feelings of mastery and subordinate::: don't go to see those traitors of this general! Cut off their thoughts. Let them live well""

Finish the words that are almost like a will

Yuan Shao suddenly raised his saber, and swiped across his neck neatly!

Die at your own hands, not at the hands of your enemies.


This is already Yuan Shao's only remaining arrogance

Blood spurted out.

Yuan Shao's body fell to the ground slowly.

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