I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 659

With a long sigh, L Tian Feng got up and bowed to Su Mu, "The King of Yunzhou has such ambitions, how can Tian Feng not know what is good? Tian Feng: = Meet the King of Yunzhou!"

After Tian Feng made his statement, Ju Shou also followed closely. "Ju Shou. 1. Meet the King of Yunzhou

Not a confession.

It's like Gongsun Zan's attachment to Xun Or!


Gongsun Zan's attachment was because of Su Mu's needs; Xun Or's attachment was because of his loyalty to the Han Dynasty. The attachment of Tian Feng and Ju Shou: but only 280- = a transition L_

attached. All have been attached.

Recognize the Lord: Is it still far away 3

"Ha ha!"

"Join the two gentlemen, the king has no worries."

Su Mu laughed and stepped forward to help Tian Feng and Ju Shou up, while Guo Jia also smiled respectfully.

With the attachment of the two famous ministers Tian Feng and Jushou, Xi Zhicai and Xun Or's control over the three states will be several times faster⊥these three states will also be at a faster speed Integrate with Youzhou and Yunzhou to become Su Mu's power to fight for world hegemony

With the attachment of Tian Feng and Jushou, Mou. Tu and Wenchen's side can be regarded as a solution.


It was the military general that Yuan Shao left behind.

Ordinary generals. Su Mu didn't care.

But Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang Tai, Gao Lan, Qu Yi, these five generals.::Su Mu can't help but care!. Especially Yan Liang, Wen Chou and Zhang Yun, are all famous and peerless generals

Once the level is full, it is possible to break through. The existence that stepped into the field of legendary generals!

Look at the whole big man. Such generals are extremely rare in number. When the alien generals and alien NPCs in the secret realm are regarded as fake enemies, Su Mu does not want to let go of any of the peerless famous generals at this level!

= No one wants to lose!

PS: The third update asks for full certificate 1. Ask for automatic subscription!

102 The land of the five states, guarded by the five directions!

102 Land of the five states, guarded by the five parties!

For Tian Feng and Jushou, who are plotters and civil servants, Su Mu is moved with affection, understands them with reason, lures them with names, and finally subdue them and become his subordinates.

against martial arts

It doesn't have to be that complicated!

When appearing in front of Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang Tai, Gao Lan and Qu Yi, Su Mu only showed three documents

The content of those three documents is that Su Mu reported to the imperial court, please seal Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang as township marquis! With Su Mu's current strength and reputation, it can be said that as long as these three documents are sent to Chang'an City It is said that there are three township lords in the district, but it is not a problem to come to three county lords!


Su Mucai said: "Son of Yuan Shao, this king has already made arrangements."

"As long as they don't change their minds, the next three generations will enjoy the glory and wealth, and have no worries about food and clothing!"

"This king is about to go west to conquer the Xiongnu. Are you willing to work for this king to expand the territory and make contributions together?"

And counselor - the same.

Yuan Shao's crime of treason was the righteousness given by Su Mu, and before Yuan Shao killed himself, he also said words to make them surrender. This also gave the generals a step down.

Compared with seeking land, generals are more loyal.

The three documents that Su Muliang produced were for Yuan Shao's loyalists like Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

Documents, just documents, have not been sent to Chang'an City.

Besides, even if the reward is awarded, a word from Su Mu can make Yuan Tan, Yuan Xi, and Yuan Shang, who have already been enshrined as marquises, become civilians or even criminals again!

They surrendered, and Su Mu treated Yuan Shao's third son generously.

Coupled with the temptation/feeling of opening up territories, making contributions, ennobling marquises and worshiping generals, and leaving a name in history

Both intimidation and temptation!-

The three strategies contained in the words almost wiped out all the generals left by Yuan Shao in one go!

After saying these words, Su Mu was waiting.

Waiting for these generals, especially the five generals that Su Mu valued, to make their own decisions.

There was silence in the cell.

After a long silence, Zhang Tai moved first. After letting out a long breath, this one of the future "five good generals" who had defected to Cao Cao because of Guo Tu's framing in history knelt down on one knee and solemnly saluted "Zhang Bu Zhang Ouyi worships the present lord"

It is no longer about belonging, but about recognizing the Lord!

Following Zhang Tai's surrender, Gao Lan and Qu Yi glanced at each other, and they also fell to the ground: "Gao Lan (Qu Yi) pays homage to the lord 1"

Three of the five generals surrendered, and Su Mu was naturally overjoyed.

Hastily stepped forward to help Zhang Bu, Gao Lan, and Qu Yi up, Su Mu smiled and said, "Please hurry up, three generals! With the addition of three, this king will be even more powerful!"

As long as you surrender to your generals, you are your own. :

With the existence of loyalty, Su Mu will not treat Zhang Tai, Gao Lan, and Qu Yi as surrendered generals, and treat these three subordinates who have surrendered with another attitude!

Zhang Tai, Gao Lan and Qu Yi surrendered, but Yan Liang and Wen Chou did not express their views yet.


They still couldn't let go of Yuan Shao's death.

As Yuan Shao's loyalists, it is difficult for them to recognize the master and submit to Su Mu as easily as Zhang Tai, Gao Lan and Qu Yi; but they also want to exchange their own recognition and surrender for the stability and wealth of Yuan Shao's three sons After all, this is Yuan Shao's last wish!


After Zhang Tai and others recognized their master, Yan Liang and Wen Chou fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

Guo Jia has the ability to read people's hearts. After realizing the complicated psychology of Yan Liang and Wen Chou, he secretly informed Su Mu immediately.

After thinking for a while, Su Mu said: "Both General Yan and General Wen have unworthy courage. This king cherishes talents and cannot bear to kill them. If you don't want to be a minister, then go to Yunzhou and train troops for the court!"

Following Su Mu's words, both Yan Liang and Wen Chou heaved a sigh of relief.

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