I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 668

On the way Su Mu charged towards the command center outside the encirclement circle formed by these Hun cavalry, he left a passage with a width of hundreds of meters! In this passage, there were no Hun cavalry and no Hun generals. There are fine ashes constantly falling in puffs!

Those cavalrymen and generals wanted to escape, but they had no time to escape.

Before they could react, Su Mu, who was already extremely fast, charged past! All the enemies within 100 meters of him as the center were reduced to ashes.

They wanted to notify the Xiongnu nobles and tribal leaders in the command center, but they didn't have time to report.

Su Mu's charging speed in the sea of ​​enemies is even several times faster than their charging speed on the vast prairie!


When Su Mu charged and killed all the way, only one charge away from the place where the Huns nobles and tribal leaders were entrenched, those Huns nobles and tribal leaders who had mastered supreme power and high-end force finally reacted.


Then several innate generals rushed out from the command center, attacking in the direction of Su Mu with full of anger!

The Huns did not lack generals.

There is also no shortage of innate generals.

More than a dozen innate military generals are the confidence of these Xiongnu nobles and tribal leaders to fight against Lu Bu!


This time they are not facing Lu Bu!

Instead, he stepped into the realm of legendary generals and opened the unparalleled form of Yunzhou King Su Mu!

Digital innate warriors will attack,

Several general skills that even Lu Bu would have to dodge dodge are coming!

When those powerful general skills were about to be blasted down, Su Mu, who was still charging, just slashed out with a halberd!

glass colored halberd

Slash through the bodies of these innate military generals!

110 Lu Bu's Legendary Road! [Second more full order! 】

110 Lu Bu's Legendary Road

one move-


When the glass-colored halberd slashed past, not only the attacking generals' skills were wiped out, but even the innate martial arts of the Xiongnu clan were all reduced to ashes!

It is no different from the previous Hun cavalry and Hun generals! Next.

There is still a difference.

At least these few innate generals each provided Su Mu with 100 potential points. At this time, only innate generals and legendary generals can provide Su Mu with a total of potential points.

After killing those innate generals, Su Mu did not stop. Instead, continue to charge.

After arriving at the command center where the nobles and tribal leaders of the Huns were located, the flaming halberd in his hand drew brilliant lights of glass color in mid-air, razing the entire command center to the ground! "Zero Nine Three"

Those Xiongnu nobles and tribal leaders were reduced to nothing in this god-like power!

From the beginning of the charge, to killing countless Hun cavalry and generals, and finally beheading all the Hun nobles and tribal leaders who commanded the millions of Hun cavalry, Su Mu only spent a total of ten minutes.

And in these ten minutes, the number of enemies killed by Su Mu has reached hundreds of thousands! This is the power of legendary generals!

It can be said.

Supplemented by the endless vitality between heaven and earth, as long as these Hun cavalry don't flee, it's only a matter of time before he kills all the millions of Hun cavalry alone!


Su Mu attaches so much importance to peerless famous generals.

Because of the peerless famous generals with SSS-level qualifications, there is a greater chance of breaking through to the realm of legendary generals. In the future, only legendary generals can fight against legendary generals!

For example, Lu Bu.

Essentially speaking, Lv Bu, who is a saint-grade heavenly rank, is still a natural general.

When the Xiongnu side has + many innate generals, and a larger number of peerless generals and generals below the peerless, they can fight against Lu Bu, and even encircle and kill Lu Bu with the advantage of numbers.


If Lu Bu's rank can make another breakthrough and become a legendary warrior, even if the number of innate generals and other generals on the Xiongnu's side doubles again, they will not be able to threaten him!

Even if he couldn't slaughter millions of enemy troops by himself like Su Mu, Lu Bu could come and go freely in the sea of ​​millions of enemies and the siege of countless enemy generals!

After annihilating the commander of the Huns, Su Mu turned around and once again charged into the group of enemies that had broken up and started to flee. At this time, Lu Bu also let out a long roar, his pride suddenly rose, and he charged into the enemy group with Fang Tian's painted halberd! A series of military generals shot out as if they didn't need money! Large areas of enemies were wiped out!

Although its efficiency cannot be compared with Su Mu, but in the situation that the enemy's innate military generals have been wiped out, there is very little in the Huns' enemy sea that can threaten him!

Lu Bu understood.

After observing Su Mu's unparalleled form at close range, and seeing the true power of the legendary general, Lu Bu has found a breakthrough for himself to advance to the legendary general! Perhaps.

After this battle.

It only takes one retreat, and he can successfully raise his rank from the holy rank to the realm of legendary generals!

above the city wall.

Countless people have fallen into a state of sluggishness.

Dian Wei and Xuanjia cavalry are used to it. Even though they have never seen Su Mu stepping into the realm of legendary generals and attacking with all his strength, they have long been accustomed to the figure surrounded by flames, the flaming halberd that burns everything, and the waving hand. What is the difference between Ge Shixiong, who slaughtered millions of people, and the gods they know?

I'm afraid the real gods descended, that's all it is! On the battlefield.

Su Mu and Lu Bu naturally didn't know this.

Even if they knew, I'm afraid they wouldn't take it to heart. They're still charging, they're still fighting.

When the millions of Huns cavalry began to break up and flee in all directions, Su Mu and Lu Bu separated the millions of Huns cavalry by relying on the speed of Qilin Beast and Chimian Horse, which far surpassed that of ordinary war horses. The flame war halberd and military commander skills continue to kill these alien races!


A full hour passed.

When the number of Hun cavalrymen killed by the two together reached millions, there was no more Hunnu cavalry in the wilderness outside the city!

With the strength of the two, the millions of Hun cavalry and Hun generals who were killed and killed were scattered and fled! And.

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