I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 681

But it's just a wolf-swallowing project-level battle formation :: if it can be deduced and integrated into the bloodthirsty killing formation Dangworm 1, the bloodthirsty killing formation can be advanced to a top-level exclusive battle formation!

Without hesitation. I learned it myself.

On Su Wu's attribute panel, the number of battle formations he owns has also become two.

Finally, there is the point of potential.

Two successive attribute killings. Beheaded dozens of innate military generals of the Huns. Su Mu's potential points reached as much as 3280 points.


With the improvement of Su Mu's level and strength, and with the improvement of the level of the skills he possesses, the potential points he needs to upgrade these skills again also become huge

3280 potential points seem like a lot

But in fact, only one of Su Mu's skills can be improved.

Three master-level passive skills: Weapon Grandmaster, Immortal King Kong and Getaway. Among them, the corresponding characteristic of the weapon master is Shenli Wu 8._ The corresponding characteristic of King Kong is not bad is immovable as a mountain, and the corresponding characteristic is super speed

In addition, in order to integrate the top-level battle formation of Sirius Swallowing the Moon into the bloodthirsty killing formation, Su Mu has four skills that need to be improved!


The potential points he has can only improve one of the skills. This skill does not include bloodthirsty killing array

Should improve that skill 2

Promote the weapon master to the legendary level, and the characteristic of Shenjiu Wushuang will also be promoted to the legendary characteristic accordingly. Make Su Mu stronger. Possess more extreme attack power:

Promote Immortal King Kong to Legendary Rank. The feature of immovable as a mountain will be promoted to a legendary feature accordingly. Make Su Mu's defense stronger and have a more extreme defense:

Promoting Getaway to the legendary level and the characteristic of super speed will also be promoted to the legendary characteristic accordingly. Let Su Mu not only have a faster movement speed but also a faster shooting speed⊥

It is worth mentioning that.

His cultivation method "Sunlight Glazed Scripture" can also be improved with potential points.


Su Mu had a premonition in his heart.

Improving with potential points is not the correct way to improve the "Da Ri Liuli Jingjing", which will greatly reduce the purity of Liuli's production

Simply put.

If the level of "Tai Ri Liuli Zhenjing" is raised with potential points, it is difficult for the Liulihuo he possesses to evolve into Liulizhenhuo, let alone the Liulitianhuo and Jingshi Liulihuo behind.

Under the condition that vitality is no longer lacking, Su Mu is not going to use potential points to increase the level of "Dari Liuli Jingjing" a

Weapon Master.

King Kong is not bad.


Three skills correspond to three powerful characteristics.

After careful deliberation, Su Mu finally decided to upgrade the master-level skill L that King Kong is not bad.

without him.

It belongs to the Xiongnu. After turning the Tai Prairie occupied by the Huns into Pingzhou 1. Su Mu was ready to concentrate all his energy on entering the secret realm. Explore higher levels of secrets.

His attack power is already strong enough too.

I have a physique that can be called unparalleled in the world. The characteristics of unparalleled power bring about the increase in weapon attack power brought by the master skills of unparalleled weapons, coupled with the increase in combat power brought by unparalleled heroes, and finally the bloodthirsty killing array can give myself The combat power brought by it is superimposed.

With so many cards. Su Mu's attack power is already strong enough!

Even the legendary generals who surpassed the ranks of 2 may not be able to surpass themselves in attack power⊥

Correspondingly, his own defense is slightly lacking.

After all, that is a secret realm.

No one knows what enemies he will encounter next time he enters the secret realm, and what level of enemies he will encounter. In this situation where everything (of Zhao Li's) is unknown:-: : try to improve one's defense and survival ability as much as possible. always right"


Su Mu's attention shifted to the skill "⊥King Kong is not~~bad".

As soon as his mind moved, a large number of potential points began to flow towards this skill⊥

1000 points 1__

2000 point 1__

3000 points L_ _

2000 points⊥__

Just as Su Mu guessed. The skill points he has. _Only enough to improve one skill.

When a full 800 potential points are invested. When only 2280 points of potential points are left: 11_

King Kong is not bad, this master-level skill has finally advanced to legendary knowledge!

together with

[Mountainless as a mountain] This feature is also advanced to legend. replaced by a brand new legendary trait! ,

PS. The fifth update asks for full order 1. Asks for automatic subscription,

123 Vajra's Indestructible Body, Indestructible Golden Light! [The first update asks for a full order! 】

123 King Kong's Indestructible Body, Indestructible_Golden Light!

[King Kong Indestructible Body]. Exclusive skills, passive skills. Legendary skills.

Skill description, your physique is the only one in the world. After a long time of tempering, your physique has exceeded the limit of superman's understanding. It can be completely immune to the attacks of weapons of the spirit weapon level and below, and immune to the attacks of generals of the same level. And you can force Weaken 80% of the damage of weapons and general skills beyond this limit.

From the master-level "King Kong Indestructible" to the legendary "King Kong Indestructible Body". Su Mu's physical defense has more than increased tenfold."

What is a spirit weapon level attack?

That is to say, today's Su Mu, without armor protection, can ignore the attacks of weapons at the level of spirit weapons with his own body alone." Only higher-quality fairy weapons and divine weapons L can break through his physical defense

Converted to the general's attack strength:: without the exclusive Dibing and fairy-level weapons in hand, it is difficult for even the innate generals to break through his body defense L

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