I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 689

Every time there is a bombardment, the huge defensive formation will cause large ripples: every time there is a bombardment, the light of the defensive formation will be indistinguishably dim.

According to this trend, maybe a few more defensive formations will be able to break through.


While Qianling was bombarding the defensive formation, Su Mu was also observing the defensive formation.

[Insight 1 talent activated!

He didn't want to miss any details of this defensive formation

Then, Su Mu discovered that the defensive formation still had weaknesses.

In other words, when there is no attack, the defensive formation is a whole. There is no weakness, but when Wang Bao's attack beyond the limit bombards the defensive formation: a tiny flaw appears in the defense formation. defensive array

As long as Gan Bao's attack power increases again

When it falls on the defensive formation for the first time, another person with sufficient strength cooperates with Wang Bao to attack the tiny opening x:: the defensive formation can be defeated l

And the light flickers slightly.

Su Mu took out a bloodthirsty throwing spear.

The huge vitality in his body began to pour into the spear, against the dark sky. The spear in his hand lit up like a small sun that had fallen to the earth!


When Yu Bao looked over. Su Mu nodded slightly.

When Wang Bao swung the ancient battle halberd for the sixth time, a fiery halberd burst out and bombarded the defensive barrier::: The bloodthirsty throwing spear that had instilled one-third of the vitality in Su Mu's body also directly shot at this moment. Piercing hundreds of meters of space, Jian followed behind the fiery halberd light, and bombarded the tiny flaw in the defensive formation

next moment⊥

A series of roars and explosions sounded from the black city.

This is an indestructible defensive formation. It finally collapsed under the joint efforts of Wang Bao and Su Mu.”


Without the defensive barrier, the city[ ] and walls of this black city are no longer their hindrance_.

After bombarding twice in succession, the gates of the black city and the walls of Taiduan were all destroyed, Wang Ling-Ma Dang rushed into the city with his terracotta warriors first!

Su Wu and his generals also rushed towards the city immediately!

Before the defensive formation is defeated:

Or before Gan Bao and his terracotta warriors rushed into the city. 2 The city was indeed - 2 dead silent. But after they rushed in, countless figures climbed up from the ground, rushed out of the building, and killed them

Alien NPCs and alien generals.

These heterogeneous VPCs and heterogeneous generals are not much different from what Su Mu encountered in the secret realm Dangshen before.

Perhaps, the greater number, as well as the greater number of alien generals who have reached the realm of peerless, innate, and even legendary, are the biggest differences.

Just by looking at:

Su Mu saw several alien generals who had reached the edge of the innate level get up from the ground and rush towards this side!.

_ 0 for flowers:

Here is the challenge!

It is also an opportunity L

How much innate inheritance 2 can he gain in such a war? How many potential points can he gain? How much experience and skill proficiency can his generals and land seekers gain?

"The whole army obeys orders."

"Follow this general: .1 kill the enemy!"

The Terracotta Warriors don't need slogans, and they don't need orders.

Su Mu's subordinates are different.

slogan. equal to soil

Su Mu, the commander-in-chief, charged or not. It also greatly affects the rusticity of the Jin Army

Boom L small⊥

The aura of the legendary general was fully displayed.

When stepping into this city. Su Mu directly activated his jade dual skills. Enter the unparalleled form. The hot glazed flames rose. Wrap Su Mu in it, wrap the unicorn beast in it, and alienate the blood god halberd in his hand into the 100-meter-long flame war halberd L

Of course 2

Compared with Wang Bao, who has the blessing of the Taiqin battle formation. At this time, Su Mu's real combat power was much worse: but in terms of power, in terms of lethality against the alien NBC and the legendary alien generals: 1: Su Mu at that time was not weak at all.

One halberd!

After beheading thousands of alien NPCs and alien generals, Su Mu slightly staggered the direction of the terracotta warriors. 2 Bring the NPCs of Jiangshi and arms under his command into the city pool!,

"Wu Shuang Skills==_Ghosts and Gods""

"Unparalleled Skill - Soil Exploration Coiling Dragon Spear!

Following Su Mu, Lu Bu and Zhao Yun also activated their unparalleled skills at the same time.

Lu Bu and Su Mu, who had entered the unparalleled form, were generally covered in purple-black flames, constantly blasting out the general skills that had been amplified by the unparalleled skills, turning too many enemies into ashes.

And Zhao Yun:-

After activating the unparalleled skill, the soil strips are lifelike, as if they have their own life and soul. Each of the silver dragons with a length of more than ten feet appeared beside him, constantly swimming and circling around him.

These seven silver dragons are the incarnations of the Seven Detective Pan Snake Spears.

This not only represents the fusion of the power of Zhao Yun's legendary general and his unparalleled skills, but also represents that he is better than blue. The power of guns that has reached the pinnacle of this world"

PS: The third update asks for full certificate 1. Asks for automatic subscribers

130 The advanced method of Liuli Zhenhuo! [Fourth more full order! 】

130 The Advanced Method of Liuli Real Fire_

The silver dragon that appeared in the form of Tutiao spear. ,

After Zhao Yun rushed into the city with his silver dragon cavalry, only two of the seven silver dragons hovered around him, blocking many incoming attacks for him:

The other five dragons started to attack with the gentian silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand!

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