I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 692

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance.

What they need to do is to assist Gan Bao and the Terracotta Warriors to go deep into the enemy's territory to draw out the existence of that strong man. Before that, Su Mu was sure to protect himself, after that... the war at that level u didn't need his help e

Wang Ling is still worried

But Su Mu has already made a decision, and it is not easy for him to continue to dissuade him.

After the symbolic 180 left 20,000 terracotta warriors and horses to guard the city, Wang Ling immediately led the rest of the Yuema warriors to leave the city and continued to march toward the depths of the enemy area

And Su Mu also brought his generals with him. Follow behind the terracotta warriors as an independent army.

It is worth mentioning that,

Su Mu himself no longer needs elixir to replenish his vitality, so he distributed all the low-grade elixir and middle-grade elixir to Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Dian Wei, and Guo Jia to ensure that they always maintain With plenty of vitality.

Even his only high-grade elixir: everyone shared a plant, so that they can take it as soon as possible after being injured, so as to recover from their injuries. ,

in this way.

Can be called foolproof.

All nine marches. Attack with all your might.

After the first experience, every encounter = - city. Su Mu and Wang Bao teamed up with L to break through the defensive circle in the shortest possible time. Slaughter the enemies in the city and plant the light of space.

With the passage of time, the cities captured by this two-party combined army became more and more diverse, and the eggs of space laid down became more and more famous. It is also getting deeper and deeper into the depths of the enemy's territory!

finally dry.

After more than two full months.

This army that went deep into the enemy's territory finally met their ultimate challenge!

PS. The fifth update asks for the full certificate!. Asks for automatic subscription

132 Su Mu's Ultimate Road! [The first update asks for a full order! 】

132 Su Mu's Ultimate Road_

In more than two days, Su Mu and others had already entered the depths of the enemy's territory. There may be a distance of one hundred thousand miles from the place where they first entered the secret realm.

Or half a million miles?

or further?

Su Mu didn't know.

All he knows is that in the past two months or so, he led his generals, Wang Bao, and the millions of terracotta warriors to conquer more than a dozen cities and mountains.

This is not without cost.

After conquering several cities and killing countless heterogeneous NPCs and heterogeneous military generals, only more than 3,000 of the 10,000 Xuanli cavalry under Su Mu's command remained. The special units under Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, and Dian Wei only have a thousand or a few hundred left!

Even the legendary army of the undead terracotta warriors

After these two excessive consumptions, there are only more than 300,000 L left, and the remaining ones have already been destroyed or wiped out by alien generals in wars!


According to Wang Bao's account, Those destroyed terracotta warriors didn't really die. What was destroyed was only their terracotta warriors and horses _ their souls 1 = or heroic souls. It will return to the base camp at the first time when the body is destroyed, attach to those soulless terracotta warriors and horses, and re-transform into the legendary army of undead terracotta warriors and horses!

Immortality is the legendary characteristic of the legendary unit of "Undead Terracotta Warriors and Horses"

The existence of this feature makes even players who die in the secret realm (in the case of customs clearance failure) will be deleted by the system. These terracotta warriors can reach the level of immortality by changing their bodies_rebirth again and again.」

two months. Su Mufang also gained a lot.

As for the generals, Lu Bu and Zhao Yun have already stabilized. The strength of the legendary generals, and in a single battle, their own realm is congruent with the second realm of the legendary generals and is moving towards the second realm.

Huang Zhong and Dian Wei have thoroughly integrated what they have learned, and they are only z steps away from breaking through to the realm of legendary generals!


They can break through to the realm of legendary generals at any time. However, the polluted heaven and earth vitality all over the enemy area made it impossible for them to complete the transformation of the body through the infusion of heaven and earth vitality. The ultimate advanced legend.

As long as the secret realm is over this time, return to the game world. They can join the team at any time_officially advance their rank from holy rank to legendary general!

Even Guo Jia

It's not just raising one's realm to the level of the holy rank. It is to advance the magic circle that you own from a basic magic circle to a high-level magic circle.”

The realm of the holy rank, combined with the power of the high-level magic circle, made Guo Jia not only possess extraordinary wisdom and strategy, but also possess a terrifying lethality no less than that of a legendary general!

When facing too many arms, NE rents middle and low-level generals. Guo Jiazhan who opened the magic circle is a bit faster than the legendary general's killing 1/killing efficiency

(023 generals are making progress.

Seeking land is progressing.

The protagonist Su Mu is no exception.

In more than two days, no one could count the number of heterogeneous NPCs and heterogeneous military generals killed by him.

He just knows.

This continuous massacre for more than two months has caused his level to soar from level 8 before entering the secret realm to level 12_ now, a full increase in the name of level 12|_

The upgrade to level 12 brought Su Mu 12 free attribute points.

These 12 free attribute points: In addition to splitting out 2 points, he raised his commander attribute from 12 points to 100 points. The remaining 8 free attribute points. Su Mu is evenly allocated to intelligence attributes and political attributes

This made Su Mu's current four-dimensional attributes become L Commander 100 and Force 100. Intelligence 31. Politics 31. _,

At this time, L Su Mu's four-dimensional attribute is no less than that of any aborigine⊥

Here are the levels and attributes.

For more than two months, Su Mu has been communicating with Tian Di Yuan. The glazed fire in his body is also continuously refining and melting these polluted heaven and earth vitality, and is always growing.

Coupled with the countless heterogeneous NPCs and alien weapons that Su Mu killed that are difficult to calculate with numbers, the "Tairi Liuli Zhenjing" he possessed has already been upgraded from level 1 to level 3, which is only a short distance away from level 2. one-third progress

Even the Liulihuo that he owns is about to evolve into the next stage of Liulizhenhuo!

When his skills are promoted from level 3 to level 1, it is the time when Liulihuo officially evolves into Liulizhenhuo. When the second state recognizes the Tibetan state! ,

It is worth mentioning that.

When he embarked on the path of breaking ten thousand laws with two forces and fusing the glass fire. Su Mu's path to advancement is very different from that of military generals such as Lu Bu and Zhao Yun.

The state is the same, but the way of advancement is completely different

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