I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 703

Scarlet:=Azalea L

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140 The Green Demon Cauldron and the Gift of Bai Qi! [Fifth more full order! 】

120 Green Demon Cauldron and Bai Qi's Gift!_

= When the sword comes out, everything is silent!

When Bai Qi, who has a complete soul, cuts out with a sword :: :: this regional war is over.

Zhao Kuo and the two alien generals were annihilated by the bloody sword energy rising into the sky without even making a sound. It is the countless heterogeneous NPCs and heterogeneous generals on the ground. It was also when Bai Qi's spirit appeared. fleeing in fear

Complete soul. In fact, it is equivalent to the strength of Bai Qi in his heyday.

That is to say:.

He temporarily abandoned his body and hid his spirit and all his power in the body of Qian Wangling's general figurine, just for when Zhao Kuo appeared. Two strokes to kill it L

It's coming.

Even Yu Bao didn't know that what L was hiding in his body was not just a part of Bai Qi's "Yi Ba Tu" soul and power, but his complete soul and power l

Penetrating the enemy deeply is a plan.

Zhao Kuo used the Green Demon Cauldron to seal Wujuedi with the intention of beheading part of Bai Qi's soul, which was a trick. ,

Bai Qi seems to hide only a part of his soul in Wang Bao's body, but actually hides his complete soul and power in it. When Zhao Kuo appears, kill him in one fell swoop.

This is a trick!

= A strategic contest, Zhao Kuowan

The price is that his body and spirit are destroyed!

= The sword cut out and killed Zhao Kuo. It also ended the regional battlefield this time, and Bai Qi made a second move.

He scratched lightly"-

The endless vitality of heaven and earth merged to form a big vitality hand. It took off the "green magic cauldron" that was still suppressed in the sky!


A terrifying force that made Su Mu tremble with fear--the "Green Demon Cauldron" that had swelled to a height of several tens of feet shrunk rapidly under the suppression of Bai Qi's power, and became a beast with only a few tens of feet. A black copper tripod the size of a centimeter appeared in his hand B⊥

Here comes the time.

Bai Qi turned around and looked at Su

kill god.

Human slaughter.

Mr. Wu An.


When this peerless killing god looked towards him, L Su Mu was a little excited.

After all, it is the peerless god of killing that has been passed down through the ages. When L actually saw the existence of this legendary worm_Su Mu's mood was no worse than when he learned the identity of the overlord Xiang Yu.

After watching Su Mu quietly, a faint smile appeared on his white face. 2

"Wearing glass::: met this green magic cauldron x2 again"

"It seems that this is destined to be your reward

Putting the Green Demon Cauldron in Su Mu's hands _ Bai Qi said again, _ "That's not Zhao Kuo. The real Zhao Kuo has already died. He didn't even have the chance to become an existence like us."

"It's just that they took Zhao Kuo's body and strength wildly."

"Try Harder""

"Grow up as soon as possible!."

"My lord:::: I really hope to see the day when I can truly fight side by side with you!."

Bai Qi's words were regarded as farewell.

Because after Bai Qi beheaded Zhao Kuo, they had already completed the real goal of this regional war, and also reached the clearance conditions for this advanced secret realm.

Su Mu's mind has already sounded the system's prompt tone e

Soon, they will be sent out of the secret realm and return to the game world.

At this last moment, Su Mu suddenly asked himself: "Mr. Wu An, what are they? L"

In vain.

This is the one with the highest status and strength among the generals Su Mu has encountered since entering the secret realm, and it is very likely that he is the one who knows the most about the secret realm!

Miss this time, I don't know how long it will be. He was able to meet this level of legendary generals.

He didn't know how long it would take before he could unravel the doubts in his heart.


Bai Qi didn't answer directly.

He watched as the Green Demon Cauldron was removed and the Heaven Sealing Jedi was broken. Su Mu and others who reconnected with the system. He said softly, "It's not the time yet 2 If you really want to know, just look at the starry sky""

last word came v

Before Su Mu asked the next question, his eyes = black: = was teleported out from the secret realm by the system

Yunzhou City.

City Center Square.

Wait until you regain consciousness again. Su Mu and his generals have returned to the game world, to the central square of Yunzhou City.


Compared with when they went, there are far fewer people returning to the game world alive!

When going to the high-level secret realm, Su Mu brought a total of 50,000 troops: When he returned:——: Black Armored Cavalry, Ghost and God Halberd Guards, Silver Dragon Cavalry, Sun Bow Cavalry, and Bloodthirsty Halberd Guards, these five are too special The NPCs of the surviving arms are added up. There are more than 2,000 people in Dupi

Among them, the mysterious armored cavalry alone occupies = a small half!

It's just this point that shows the tragedy of the last battle!

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