I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 712

What didn't come back before is,

This time, Su Mu already had a sufficient number of giants who could suppress = Fang.

Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, and Dian Wei, the four legendary generals, are not mentioned for the time being, they are simply the fusion of the power inherited by the innate generals. Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Lv Lingqi, Gao Shun, Qu Yi, Gao Lan who have raised their ranks to the ranks of saints: even the two second generations, Huang Xu and Dianman, have entered the innate realm Generals are enough to suppress one party⊥

Say it bluntly.

Any two of them are taken out and placed among the forces of other princes, they are the top generals⊥


This is only in rank and strength.

The subordinates of other princes also have extraordinary aptitude, enough to break into the legendary generals by themselves. It's just that their lord is not as heroic as Su Mu, nor can he use the inheritance of innate generals to improve the strength of his subordinates like Su Mu.


The most important task of the five generals, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang Liao, Zhang Tai, and Lu Lingqi, who have already stepped into the holy rank, is to retreat, to thoroughly integrate their own strengths, and understand their own paths. Leap towards the ranks of legendary generals.

Qu Yi and Gao Lan, who have obtained the legendary exercises, want to convert their own exercises into legendary exercises, or integrate the legendary exercises given by Su Mu into their own exercises. Advanced legendary generals.

It can be said.

Although Su Mu's current subordinates can definitely be called strong soldiers like clouds and fierce generals like rain, the main task of most of the generals is to stabilize their own strength, or to break through to a higher level.


It is not within the scope of Su Mu's consideration for the time being.

All civil servants and generals returned to their positions.

Su Wu also brought Luo Qianzhi and Guo Jia back to Yunzhou City.

Qingzhou Ding things are over.

He finally had time to examine his own strength.

With Luo Qiantao, Su Mu left Yunzhou City after explaining a series of things about Yunzhou City. It appeared on the top of a hill outside Yunzhou City.

Mission dollars

Not so.

He just needs to calm down for a while to realize his current strength and state, and at the same time observe carefully - the starry sky at night

This uninhabited five peaks

Undoubtedly the most calming of his mind!

On top of the mountain.

A fine blanket was spread on the floor. It was filled with fine wine and delicacies brought by Luo Qianqian. When the night was getting dark: hugging Luo Qianwei in his arms, looking up at the starry sky in the game world, Su Mu told little by little about his experience in the high-level secret realm.

Including how they were alone deep into i

Including how they captured two cities i

It also includes the last moment, the shocking sword of Killing God Baiqi:

It also includes Bai Qi giving him the Qingzhou Ding, which was still the Qingmo Ding at the beginning. 2 and leaving that sentence!

"If you really want to know:_12

"Just look at the starry sky!"

This starry sky obviously does not refer to the starry sky in the real world, but the starry sky in the game world.

at the moment.

what they face.

It is the starry sky in the game world!

The starry sky in the game world is completely different from the starry sky in the real world. On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the starry sky in Su Mu's previous life

Su Mu didn't understand what Bai Qi meant by letting him see the starry sky.


Now that he has brought it up. _And it was brought up when I was forced to "what are they": the starry sky in front of me. It has a great relationship with the secret realm and those existences that pollute the secret realm!

Su Mu was staring at the starry sky.

Luo Qianqian in his arms was also staring at the starry sky.

I don't know how long it has passed, when Luo Qianqian has fallen asleep in his arms.: Su Mu suddenly found out! There seems to be some changes in the originally bright starry sky

Most of the sky is still bright. The stars are still hanging in the sky.


At the edge of the starry sky, L seems to suddenly appear a kind of deep darkness, wrapping the starry sky at the edge of the field of vision!

If there is no reminder from Bai Qi, Su Mu might just think that there are dark clouds floating in the sky. Block the starry sky. But after Bai Qi's reminder, Su Mu thought of more in his heart!

Just like flat :: that deep pitch black L is a kind of power, enveloping that piece of starry sky, eroding the general”

The starry sky is changing.

The starry sky of this game world is always changing

From time to time, a large area of ​​stars dims, and from time to time, a large area of ​​stars lights up again! ,Before Bai Qi reminded himself. He never even thought of observing the starry sky of the game world, let alone the starry sky of the game world has been undergoing such changes⊥

as if:

Players and the natives of this world. The understanding of the void in this game world is also blocked by the system = (Li Dezhao)"

Even Su Mu, who is the only one who won't be affected by blindness, discovered this change only after Bai Qi reminded him!

Two hours.

There was a shocking wave in Su Mu's heart

He didn't know what the twinkling stars represented ==- z heroes who resisted alien NPCs and alien generals, or cities built one after another = but he knew that every time the stars dimmed and Lighting up, all represent the system, the confrontation between the many generals in the secret realm, the different NPCs and the different generals.

The secret realm has never been in another world.

if his guess is right

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