I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 730

Based on the Silver Dragon Cavalry, Zhao Yun created the Silver Dragon Legion, with a total of one million people responsible for guarding the west city.

Huang Zhong is based on sunset bow riding. Create the Legion of the Sunset. A total of 100,000 people are responsible for guarding the southern city.

Chu Heng is based on Xuan Jia Jin//Guard. Create the Abyss Legion, a total of one million people, with the assistance of Dian Wei, responsible for guarding the North City. ,

in addition.

Zhang Liao, Zhang Tai, Yan Liang, Wen Chou and Lu Lingqi:: These five generals have SS-level qualifications and have reached the rank of holy rank. Except for Lu Lingqi who stayed in Yanhuang City_followed by Luo Qianyu's side and personally protected Luo Qianyu Qianwei, the remaining four commanded hundreds of thousands to millions of other arms, and assisted Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and Chu Heng respectively.

in this way.

When the four major armies were established and the city system with Yanhuang City as the center and the four royal cities as satellite cities was finally formed, the entire Su Mu camp firmly took root in this secret land, Tailu!

When Xun Yu also set up a defensive circle in these four satellite cities:: this city system is even more impenetrable!

Population, no shortage.

When the entire five royal cities are built, the number of people refreshed by the system alone will be enough for conscription, training, and even wars.

There is no shortage of resources.

Not to mention what Su Mu brought from the game world, the massive amount of various resources that appear on the property panel in the form of numbers, just the large mines surrounded by these five royal cities, are enough for five cities Ordinary NPC mining in the mine takes a long time_l.

There is no shortage of food and grass.

On Su Mu's property panel. The amount of grain and grass is enough-it will take several years for hundreds of millions of people to eat. And the first time these cities were built, Su Mu stored enough grain and grass in the combined warehouses of the royal cities.

defense. There is (of King Qian) the existence of defensive formations, the existence of legendary generals and saint-rank generals, and the number of troops that have reached tens of millions and are still growing. NRC is:_

It can be said.

At this time, the preparations for the Su Mu camp have been completed.

With this set of defense system, as long as it is not attacked by Zhao Kuo and Bai Qi's Lun-level superpowers, hundreds of millions, billions, or even billions of alien NECs and alien warriors will attack this city. The defense system can also last for a long time!

This is the ultimate mystery.

And Meme is a very long-lasting Ultimate Rift 2

Guarantee your own survival first, and then think about attacking and expanding. This is the way Guo Jia and Jia Xu settled down.

Su Mu did it.

Before the real war started, his subordinates had built their base camp impeccably and flawlessly!

PS. The second update asks for full order 1 asks for automatic subscription

013 The end of Fusang, the beginning of the myth! [The third update asks for a full order! 】

013 At the End of the Sacrifice, the Myth Appears_

a named time v

Su Mu knew the cruelty of this secret battle, so he didn't dare to waste any time to complete the construction of the five jade cities early, and made his base camp as solid as gold.

Players in other game regions can't bear it

This more than a month. There is still only the name of the Fusang region on the record list of the national war.


Starting from the second week of the national war. The speed of achievements in the Fusang region has slowed down, but the time has come:: "The total number of achievements achieved by players in the Fusang region has reached hundreds of millions

_ Hundreds of millions of records ah L

You know, in the first national war, with the increase in the survival stage, the number of victories won by the Yanhuang Region was only tens of millions

And now,

When the records of other game regions are all zero, the Fusang region has already achieved hundreds of millions of records!

How does this make them calm?

On the one hand, the system has been updated. When the secret land Tailu was just opened, they almost participated in this national war with a kind of tragic mood. It's a pity that they didn't see a heterogeneous NEC and _heterogeneous martial arts 1.823_

The accepted task of clearing the first ring of the secret realm is only construction and survival.

This is a gap.

On the other hand, the results of this national war can be exchanged for all items in the game world.

This is another gap.

Under the impact of these two gaps, except for a very small number of large game areas, except for a very small number of long-term game guilds, most players are slack.

This time the ultimate secret realm, this time the National War II 2

more boring than their game life in the game world L


This is only now!

Those players in the game region only saw the ever-increasing record of the Fuso region, but they were completely unable to see the number of people in the Fuso region and the despair of Saburo Iwasaki at this time!

Almost two and.

While gaining the record of hundreds of millions of national wars, the Fusang region paid a huge price

at this time.

In that huge valley.

Saburo Iwasaki, who had already reached the holy rank, looked desperately at the space crack that started to expand Y several times a

Two strange beasts with a height of tens of feet::(ciba):: are struggling to get out of that space crack! Before this strange beast:: there have been several legendary generals appearing .guard in front of this strange beast.”

[The circulation of interest is second.

As early as a few days ago, after paying the price of hundreds of innate generals who died in battle, Sanlang Bixiongqi obtained an inheritance from a legendary general.

023 But.

He never expected that the inheritance that Rape said that the generals would drop is still only the holy grade heavenly rank! It's just that the exercises in it are legendary exercises!

The hope of relying on the inheritance of legendary generals to advance to the legendary field was shattered. After a brief inspection, Saburo Iwasaki found out even more desperately. Want to rely on this legendary skill to advance to the legendary general::: It is definitely not something that can be achieved in one or two tasks.

Before the power of the legendary level appeared_they had the advantage.

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