I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 117 If it were somewhere else, I would say it was a Shura Field, but

Chapter 117 If it were somewhere else, I would say this is Shura Field, but…

If there were no unconfirmed life forms, Jiulangyue would just be a named area, no different from most places in Liben.

However, a relic appeared here, and then in this relic, an unconfirmed life form appeared, and it stirred up the storm in the current world, bringing considerable impact.

Jiulangyue has also become uninhabited, but it has become famous.

But even if it has become famous, no one would want to come here.

What are you doing here? Delivering food to unconfirmed life forms?

Yanlong stepped on the dead leaves under his feet, and the color of his armor dotted a different color among the mottled light spots, which seemed particularly different in this deep forest.

Yanlong has found the place where the bat fell. The pits and broken branches in the dense forest can already indicate where the bat landed.

On the ground, a trace of blood dotted among the dead leaves was keenly captured by Yanlong.

This trace of blood also indicated the other party's location and where the other party was going.

Yanlong snorted coldly and stared at the darker depths of the dense forest. He walked in without fear. The few spots of light that hit his body gradually disappeared and were finally covered by the heavy darkness.

Yanlong's figure disappeared in the depths of the dense forest.

"Excuse me."

Outside the Shenshan family, Sakurako bowed and looked at Shenshan Taiji embarrassedly: "That... Mr. Taiji, is Tiandao at home?"

"Tiandao?" Shenshan Taiji looked Sakurako up and down. With his experienced eyes, he almost instantly judged her body data.

"What are you looking for Tiandao for?"

Taiji still recognized what Zewa Sakurako said. After all, Taiji had seen the woman around the fifth generation.

"There is something... I want to ask Tiandao-san." Sakurako grabbed her clothes with both hands, her face was full of entanglement, and the worry in her eyes was clearly revealed: "It's very important."

"...Come in." Taiji opened the door and welcomed Sakurako into the Kamiyama family.

Taiji led Sakurako to the central hall. Although Sakurako was full of worries, she was also very surprised when she saw the girl sitting cross-legged at the table.

Sakurako didn't know much about the Kamiyama family. If she was here, she would look at Taiji with a weird look.

"This is Miss Kuroda Hikaru, who is also here to see Tendao." Taiji introduced the identity of this black straight girl to Sakurako: "She came early this morning."

"I wanted to call Tendao to come back, but that brat didn't answer my call." Taiji's face showed an indignant look: "How can this be?"

"If he doesn't answer my call today, he will not bring me food tomorrow, and will imprison me the day after tomorrow!"

"I'm afraid my position as the head of the Kamiyama family is no longer secure."


This is the first time Sakurako has been alone with Taiji, so Sakurako doesn't know how to deal with this old man.

The main reason is that she has never met such a person before, which makes Sakurako seem a little at a loss for a while.

"Tell me, what's the matter." Taiji sat aside and put a cup of tea in front of Sakurako. He looked at Kuroda Hikaru, who was silent and only focused on writing and drawing on his paper on his left hand, and Sakurako, who was fidgeting and extremely cramped, and spoke first.

"That... I heard from the fifth generation that the Kamiyama family had an endless feud with the unconfirmed life form, the Gurongi, a long time ago."

"The history of the Kamiyama family has been passed down for a long time, and some records of the Gurongi are still there."

Thinking of what she saw when interpreting the text this morning, Sakurako's worry became even worse: "So I want to ask, is there such a passage in the records of the Kamiyama family."

After a pause, Sakurako spoke again.

"When the sacred spring dries up, the shrill warrior will appear like thunder, and the sun will be buried."

Sakurako stared at Taiji's face, hoping to see some understanding in his eyes.

"This passage..." Taiji frowned: "Did you get it by interpreting the super ancient text?"

"Yes!" Sakurako nodded heavily: "The warrior referred to in this text is..."

"Wait a moment." Taiji did not answer, but stood up and returned to his bedroom, taking out a stack of paper that was no thicker than a notebook.

"We actually have the text you mentioned here, but it's just some fragments of sentences and words." Tai Er pushed the things in front of Sakurako: "If you hadn't said it, I really wouldn't know what these words mean when put together."

Sakurako reached out and touched the yellowed papers.

"These are the super ancient texts recorded by our Kamiyama family." Tai Er said happily: "I can't understand them either. I just went in and sorted them out a little bit, and then I took them all out."

"Since Miss Zedu is working on deciphering super ancient texts, then take these things away."

After a pause, Tai Er immediately added: "I hope these can answer your questions."

"After all, if you can't understand the text, it has no meaning if you can't understand it."

"Yes, thank you very much." Sakurako nodded slightly to express her gratitude. She didn't expect that she would gain such a reward after visiting the Kamiyama family.

Essentially, she wanted to seek an answer from the Heavenly Dao.

"When the sacred spring water dries up, will the so-called warrior die?" Kuroda Hikaru, who was buried in writing and drawing, suddenly raised his head and set his sights on Sakurako: "Is it number one or number four?"

"Eh?" Sakurako was stunned.

"In this era, there are only these two who can be called warriors." Kuroda Hikaru put down the pen in his hand: "The content of the deciphered super ancient text is not saying that one of them will die?"

"I think modern people's understanding should be far less thorough than that of ancient people." Kuroda Hikaru pushed the paper in front of him and handed it to Sakurako.

"According to you, the ending of number one and number four is..." The pattern drawn on the white paper, coupled with Kuroda Hikaru's narration, made Sakurako's heart entangled again.

"One dies, the other turns evil, and eventually becomes the darkness that buries this world."

On paper, Kuuga and Yanlong are in opposition to each other. They are no longer fighting together as shown in the eyes of the public, but... they have turned against each other and regard each other as opponents.

Sakurako looked at the painting and fell into a long daze.

"Bat, you really have the instinct to enter the cave?" Looking at the dark cave in front of him, following the blood left by the bat all the way here, Yanlong lit a ball of fire in his palm, and followed the flickering firelight step by step into it.

The turbid water stains flowed down the wall, dripping, echoing in this silent cave.

Stepping on the gravel under his feet, the expected humid environment and the muddy bat excrement everywhere were completely overturned after entering.

The gravel was jagged, and every step made a sound, but the clean and dry long road made people walk briskly without any obstacles.

Those spores that roamed in the cave and grew wantonly in the dark and humid environment, as well as the cold breath in the cave, all did not exist.

Warm and gentle, as long as he was in it, even if he was wearing armor, Yanlong could feel this difference.

But this difference made him very alert.

Captain Shi Qiang, a famous bodyguard in the world of the Three Body, once said that if something is abnormal, there must be a demon, and if it is too evil, there must be a ghost. The appearance of this cave is completely contrary to common sense, which proves that there is not only a ghost in it, but also a big ghost.

For safety, Yanlong took out the flaming dart and held it in his hand for alert. As long as there was a slight movement, he would immediately turn the flaming dart into a flaming knife.

Thinking of this, he approached the inside of the cave little by little, and finally came to the end.

The light that emerged in the dimness made Yanlong more cautious.

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