I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 126: In front of a truly strong woman, a man still has to admit that chickens are inferior t

Thanks to Mantis Girl's huge body, Yan Long could accurately hit her body even without aiming.

The red beam burst into sparks the moment it hit Mantis Girl's chest, but that was all. Apart from that, it had no other effect.

It couldn't even attract Mantis Girl's attention and force her to stop for even a moment.

The two swords were raised again, and the first one was still swept horizontally, forcing Yan Long to dodge. Then, when he was dodging and had no time to adjust his position, the second sword came immediately and fell in a very short time, smashing down.

Compared with Mantis Girl's previous skills, this was just a simple two-hit combo, but it was this simple two-hit combo that made it impossible to dodge. Even the previous complicated and varied tricks were far inferior to the current simplified attack.

Let's not talk about defeating Mantis Girl for now. Yan Long must first find a way to deal with this two-hit combo.

This time, he couldn't cancel the transformation and fight Mantis Girl in human form. The previous one was barely OK, but the current one, the difference in basic attributes was too huge. With a human body, he couldn't withstand a single blow.

The flaming bow was bent in front of him, and Yanlong didn't choose to dodge, but relied on the flaming bow itself to resist, forcing himself not to stay in place, but to be chopped out by Mantis Girl's blade and fly away.

This was the only way Yanlong could think of to avoid staying in place and being attacked.


Before the retreating figure went far, the sound of the air explosion caused by the vibration of the wings was already circling in his ears. From the side of Yanlong, the green figure instantly surpassed Yanlong himself and fell behind Yanlong at a faster speed.

The two swords crossed, and the thin blades rubbed out sparks in the air, and a bright red began to entangle on the green blade.


The cross-cutting strikes fell suddenly. Yan Long was in a flying posture and could not resist this attack. He had no way to adjust his position in the air and was bound to be hit.

At the critical moment, a blue figure jumped up from the gate of Chengnan University. When the blade touched his back, he was only a little away from being hit. He grabbed Yan Long's body and flew into the sky with him, and then fell to the ground.

The two turned into rolling gourds. The separated bodies made them lie on the ground and it was difficult to get up for a while.


Mantis sister fell from the air, and her towering feet tore traces on the ground.

But she saw that Kuuga also appeared, and her two swords rubbed in front of her, obviously quite impatient.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"You are!" Looking at the guy who had changed a lot in front of him, Kuuga quickly got up and made a fighting gesture: "No. 36, Mantis?"

"You turned into what you are now?"

The change in her image brought her great progress, especially in terms of ability. In Kuuga's cognition, the last person who could crush and defeat Yanlong with an absolute difference in strength was the King of Gurongi.

And today, No. 36 Mantis also did such a thing.

"Kuuga, as a member of the Gurongi tribe, I have realized one thing in my long life." Mantis stood up, and the shadow cast by the three-meter-tall body was enough to bring considerable pressure to people: "The so-called Gurongi has its limits. Even if you participate in the game, you can only kill some fragile humans."

"You can't become stronger this way."

"Therefore, if you want to surpass the existence of Gurongi, then..." The mutated body glittered in the sunlight, bringing people a completely different visual impact.

"I don't want to be Gurongi anymore!"

As soon as the words fell, the long sword in his left hand suddenly chopped down. When the long sword fell with lightning speed and chopped the ground, it caused a strong impact.

The small-scale earthquake and tremor caused the campus wall of Chengnan University not far away to collapse.

The spreading sword energy was divided into three parts, like a claw attack spreading out, approaching Kuuga.

Kuuga, who still maintained the posture of a blue dragon, jumped up and pulled away from behind to avoid being included in the attack range of the chasing Mantis girl.

While Kuuga was running backwards, the Flame Dragon ran on the ground, and the Flame Bow started the burst mode. A series of red beams were released while running, constantly hitting Mantis girl's body, causing the combined sparks to form a brilliant scene.

The damage was minimal, and Mantis girl didn't even pay attention to the attack of the Flame Dragon, but took a step, using her wings as a supplement, half flying and half jumping to rush out, forcing Kuuga.

It has already weighed the strength of the Flame Dragon, and it is no longer a concern.

As for Kuuga's strength, Mantis Girl now wants to feel it carefully.

As a being that attracts hatred, Kuuga encountered the same situation as the Flame Dragon. Mantis Girl slashed with two swords, and the sound of breaking through the air rang out one after another. Kuuga, who maintained the form of the Azure Dragon, did not dare to resist at all, nor did he dare to switch to other forms. Instead, he kept dodging in the form of the Azure Dragon, and could not fight against Mantis Girl at all.

If there is a mistake in such a desperate dodge, it will be fatal.

After all, there is a saying that you can dodge countless times, but if you attack, as long as you hit you once, it is enough.

Seeing that Mantis Girl's attention had been completely attracted by Kuuga, Yanlong took out the Flame Dart and threw it out. The Flame Dart turned into a red whirlwind and was very conspicuous, but Mantis Girl still ignored it and didn't think that the Flame Dart could cause any harm to it.

Before she had the power she had now, Mantis Girl had already faced the Flame Dart, and its power was just so-so.

It couldn't cause any harm to her at that time, let alone now?

Mantis Girl, who completely ignored the Flame Dart, will soon pay the price for her arrogance.

"Transform!" Yanlong raised his hand and clenched it suddenly. The Flame Dart, which was still rotating, suddenly extended two blades, tore through a red whirlwind, and switched from the Flame Dart to the Flame Knife.

The blade was sharp and cold, and a glimmer flashed on Yanlong's azure goggles. The hand placed on his chest formed a diamond seal, blessing the attack of the Flame Knife.

The rotating flaming knife hit the left foot of the mantis girl, and the blade cut into the joint of the left foot. The blade of the flaming knife was deeply stuck in it, and it was just a little bit away from cutting it off.


Using all his strength to promote his willpower, Yanlong roared. At this moment, he had only one thought in his mind, that is, to let the flaming knife fly over and let the flaming knife be able to cut through everything in front of it.

The willpower was infused into the flaming knife regardless of the loss. The flaming knife, which was originally motionless, suddenly trembled. The knife gained a bit of power out of thin air and rushed forward again with three points more sharpness, completely cutting off the last intact joint of the mantis girl's left foot!

Blood sprayed, the mantis girl wailed, and her body, which was originally moving forward, suddenly tilted. It lost its balance and was forced to stop its steps. It had to use the long knife in its left hand to insert into the ground, using it as a fulcrum to maintain its balance.

But feeling the piercing pain in her lower body, as well as the spraying blood and broken legs, Mantis Girl's golden pupils could not believe that she would end up like this.


"Just because I don't use the Flame Blade doesn't mean it's not good." Yanlong openly admitted that he was not good at using the Flame Blade, and did not hide anything about it: "You haven't felt the sharpness of this knife yet."

Looking at the blood flowing under her body and the broken legs tilted in the pool of blood, Mantis Girl roared angrily, and the blade of her right hand immediately chopped down at Yanlong's head.


Throwing himself to the side, Yanlong dodged the blade and rolled continuously, not daring to stop at all.

Because the next second, the blade that landed on the ground had already swept the ground, killing him.

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