I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 130: Little Brother: Big Brother! I am a magic gun, and blood will be drawn when I shoot! Le

The white Kuuga no longer had red eyes, but a frantic posture completely engulfed by the pitch-black darkness. In the surging wind and clouds, he rushed towards himself with a terrifying air wave, wanting to take his life.

There was no light in those dark eyes, as if he had fallen deeply into the darkness and could not get rid of it at all.

Behind such Kuuga, there were eyes that could not close their eyes; there was the helplessness of Sakurako being buried on the ground; there was the unbelievable death of Nana; there was the tragedy of Godai Minoru reaching out his hand and trying to grab it in the end, but ultimately failing to hold it.

These people who were very important to Godai, and were also familiar to Tendou, just like that, behind Kuuga, behind the Kuuga who was now engulfed by darkness, they became his background board and a terrifying scene that set off it.

And now, this Kuuga was coming straight to him to take his life.

Tiandao seemed to sense something and turned his head subconsciously. At this glance, he saw Shijia lying limply behind him. She was lying on the ground crying and wiping her tears.

He himself stood in front of her, blocking the path that Kurome Kuuga had to pass through.

If he dodges, Shijia will be torn to pieces by the violent Kuuga in an instant, buried in the blink of an eye, and lose her life.

If he doesn't dodge, then Kuuga's target will be himself.

And he will inevitably become the first person to block Kuuga.

There was not much time left for him to think. Tiandao clenched his fists and rushed towards the hateful Kuuga.

"You are not the fifth generation! You are not the fifth generation!" With such thoughts in his mind, Tiandao convinced himself again and again. While rushing forward, he suddenly punched straight down and hit Kurome Kuuga's head.

However, when the whole world turned upside down in an instant, when Tiandao came to his senses, he found that he had punched Kuuga's belt and broke it into pieces, on the verge of collapse.

Looking at his fist in disbelief, Tiandao raised his head and also saw the alienated face on Kuuga's biological face, which gradually changed into the appearance of Godai Yusuke.

This face appeared in front of Tiandao, and his lifeless eyes stared at Tiandao, as if questioning why he wanted to kill him.


Suddenly standing up from the bed, Tiandao's chest rose and fell violently. The strong mental pressure made him wake up from his coma. The fear and confusion in his eyes could not be faked. Obviously, he didn't even know what happened now.


Spreading his hands and looking at his palms, Tiandao looked around as if he wanted to confirm something, especially when he saw that the surrounding environment was just an ordinary ward instead of a wilderness, his frightened heart gradually calmed down and gradually returned to normal.

Exhaling a breath, Tiandao gradually calmed down in the rapid panting, until he breathed a sigh of relief and came to his senses.

"It turned out to be just a dream. Fortunately." Tiandao sighed, the scene in the dream seemed to be still vivid.

Those dead acquaintances, the eyes staring at him without spirit after the Five Generations were killed, added several pressures to Tiandao out of thin air.

He clenched his fists involuntarily in silence, trying his best to endure something.

Although this dream made him feel scared, Tiandao was not a person who believed so easily. He believed that it was just a dream.

The real truth was waiting for him to dig.

It was in that cave.

Just put the fragments together and get the real answer.

"You seem very scared?" Kuroda Mitsuru walked in from outside with a cup of water. He was not without the ability to observe the eyes and expressions. Tiandao's panicked look showed that he had experienced great fear before, and now he was gradually calming down.

".I had a nightmare, but fortunately, it was just a dream." Tiandao scratched his head, dispelled the remaining images in his mind, and asked: "What time is it now?"

"One o'clock in the evening." Kuroda Hikaru handed the cup of water to Tiandao, and she sat beside Tiandao's bed with tea in her hand: "Godai has woken up early and was discharged early."

Tiandao took a sip of tea, and was not surprised that Godai recovered faster than him.

With the spirit stone, Godai's recovery speed was countless times faster than his.

"Sure enough." Kuroda Hikaru added: "He is number four, and you are number one."

". You found out." Tiandao's drinking action suddenly paused, but he had expected this kind of thing to be exposed: "You guy. Counting the last time, I saved you twice."

". Don't think I will be grateful to you for this." Kuroda Hikaru was silent for a long time before speaking again: "I still have to say what I should say, and it is absolutely my heartfelt thoughts."


"Kamiyama Tiandao, you don't want the secret of your ability to turn into a steel masked man to be discovered." Kuroda Hikaru said something very speechless in a calm tone. At least when she said this, Tiandao, who was drinking water, immediately spit it out.

He almost choked himself to death.

"These words are really convincing when they come out of your mouth." Tiandao coughed a few times and looked at Kuroda Hikaru viciously: "Then tell me what your conditions are?"

"Listen to my performance." Kuroda Hikaru gave an unexpected answer: "Before I can play the song of life, I just need to call you and you must come."

"...It's really not a difficult thing to do." Tiandao nodded seriously: "But, I refuse!"

Kuroda Hikaru didn't speak, but looked at Tiandao calmly, with a look in his eyes like "Don't think I'm joking."

"Everyone has his own song of life in his heart. If you ask me, an outsider, to listen to it, I won't be able to hear it." Tiandao shrugged: "Only if you can hear it yourself and think it is, then you can It’s the song of your life.”

"Really?" Kuroda Hikaru's face showed an emotional expression: "Are you really lying to me?"

"Why should I lie to you?!" Tiandao said with an innocent face: "Actually, your conditions are very good. As long as a musician like you makes a statement and says that you want to play alone for anyone, no matter who it is, Won’t refuse.”

"Then you..." Kuroda Hikaru was interrupted by Tiandao before he could finish his words.

"I didn't refuse. It's just that I usually have to go to work and go out to transform and fight monsters from time to time. The workload for the day is already full." Tiandao spread his hands and said, "I am the kind of person who just wants to lie down when I get home from get off work. The one who is motionless.”

"The fuel for the day has been burned out today, and we need to wait for a night's refueling time to refill it and then face tomorrow."


"No problem!" Before Tiandao could finish his words, Kuroda Hikaru immediately stood up and said her words righteously: "Then I will live with you!



Outside the door of the ward, there seemed to be some strange sound, and together with it, there was the music of bottles and cans clashing together, which was very clear and crisp.

But Tiandao did not notice the movement outside. At this moment, he was so shocked by Kuroda Hikaru's words that he was shocked on the outside and tender on the inside. His brain was even a little down.


"I'll go back and pack my luggage right away." Kuroda Hikaru thought of it and immediately prepared to go home: "I know you live alone in Tokyo, I'll do it right away."

"Come back!" He leaned out and grabbed Kuroda Hikari's wrist. Tiandao roared and pulled Kuroda Hikari back forcefully.

However, Kuroda Hikaru was unable to stand firm. His legs touched the edge of the hospital bed, and he fell onto the hospital bed, lying on his back in front of Tiandao.

Their eyes met, and their eyes reflected each other and nothing else.

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