I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 139 Daguba: I just want to kill the four of you here, or be killed by the four of you.

"It's easy to find the original Gurongi. They are here now."

Before he finished speaking, the sudden terrifying pressure, like a terrifying tide pouring down from the sky, was imposed on the four angels.

However, facing this sudden terrifying pressure, the Earth Angel did not move, not even a moment of instability, his legs seemed to be rooted in the ground, and he was unusually stable.

The slightly worse performance was the Thunder Angel and the Wind Angel.

The two were in similar conditions, with slightly hunched backs, but they soon straightened their waists and were no longer affected.

The Water Angel was the most affected.

For the Water Angel, its own strength was not as good as the other three. When it suddenly faced such pressure, its knees were slightly bent, and its hunched back looked even more embarrassed.

The waist that could not be straightened at all had already explained something silently.

"It seems that we don't need to look for Gurongi." As soon as the Earth Angel finished speaking, it turned calmly and looked behind itself.

There, someone slowly descended from the air like a saint, looking at the enemies in front of him with an interested look. These four angels were of different types, different looks, and even different strengths.

"Maybe this is our first meeting, everyone. Venerable?" Zero returned to his original appearance, which was a hairstyle like an afro.

But don't look at this head shape, which is very explosive, but in fact, no matter who it is, no one dares to underestimate this person's strength.

They know that the King of Gurongi uses the power of the spirit stone that fell from the sky.

The King of Gurongi really has the power to fight them.

".You shouldn't know our names." The Earth Reverend, the Earth Angel, stood in front of Daguba, carrying all the pressure on himself, and also stated his identity as the leader: "Did someone tell you?"

"Yanlong? But Yanlong and you are mortal enemies, he shouldn't be the one to tell you."

"Do you need him to tell me?" Daguba raised his hand and pointed at the Water Angel not far away: "That person is an old acquaintance of mine."

The Earth Angel glanced at the Water Angel who was silent on the side. He didn't know what happened to the Water Angel, and he had never heard the Water Angel mention it.

But obviously, something must have happened between this guy and Daguba.

"Why are you here?" The Earth Angel spoke again, and behind him, the Thunder Angel and the Wind Angel stood on both sides of him, one on the left and one on the right, like a pair of door gods protecting him on the left and right.

"No reason." Daguba sneered: "It's just that I felt very lonely because I couldn't find an opponent in the long years."

"But you are indeed an existence that I don't know about~" Daguba smiled.

"So, I want to kill the four of you, or be killed by the four of you."

As soon as the words fell, the noisy world became quiet, the wind stopped, the beasts lowered their heads, and even the ants gnawing at the trees under the grass and trees also sensed the fear at this time and became silent.

The tranquility of the world was revealed at this moment.

However, after the silence, there was a violent storm-like attack. The sudden whistling wind rolled up the wings and flew to the innate. The entrenched wind formed a tornado that connected the sky and the earth, and rushed towards the sky with one mind.

As a wind angel, manipulating the flow of air and affecting the direction of the wind is the ability of the wind angel. When the wings vibrate, the sky is its territory.

The wind rises and the rain falls.

Thunder and earthquake.

The four angels attacked at the same time and united again, showing the terrifying scene of the past that seemed like the opening of the world.

Although one of the earth, water, wind and fire was missing, the thunder and lightning that shook the earth and water highlighted the atmosphere of doomsday.

"We will hold back for you if necessary." The Earth Angel had a cold face and slapped his hands on the ground. The entire Jiulang Mountain was shaking in the earthquake.

The rain poured down, the wind blew across the earth, and the thunder and lightning played the elegy of the destruction of the world. The only thing missing was the flames that destroyed the world, making everything seem so unbalanced.

"It seems that you will be a good opponent!" Daguba reached out and touched his hair, smoothing down his explosive hairstyle. He raised his dark face, and his light golden pupils reflected everything that happened in the sky.

The huge pair of bull horns in the clouds released endless thunder, revealing its existence in the dark clouds.

The thunder fell, the golden bull stepped on the hoof, the wind angel spread his wings, raised his hand to receive the flash of thunder in the sky and attached it to the arrow, aimed at Daguba from a high position, and shot it out suddenly.

The water angel tried his best to drive the heavy rain, determined to completely control the surrounding environment.

"You who haven't awakened that power are not on our hunting list." The Earth Angel spoke again: "Don't worry, we will show mercy."

"Show mercy?" Daguba was startled. These four short words seemed to have traveled through time, across the barriers between history and the present, and rang in its ears.

How long has it been since I heard these four words? How long has it been since someone said these four words to me?

Show mercy

After thousands of years, has someone finally said these four words to me again?

"Hahaha!" Daguba laughed wildly as his frenzied fighting spirit soared to the limit. His white suit was completely shattered. Amid the flying rags, Daguba raised his hand and grabbed the arrow that was about to kill him. Under the gaze of the Earth Angel, he broke it on his bent knee.

Throwing it aside, Daguba walked slowly towards the Earth Angel.

"Come! I will never show mercy!!"

The strange celestial changes in Jiulangyue Mountain attracted the attention of almost everyone the moment they occurred.

Although Liben has always been plagued by natural disasters, everyone is used to it. Although the howling typhoon, the pouring rain, the terrifying thunder and lightning, and the earthquake on the ground, Liben has experienced these four natural disasters.

But he has never felt the feeling of the four natural disasters coming together.

At least it did not happen before the discharge of wastewater.

Although the scope only covers the Jiulangyue area, the scope of the natural disasters that is gradually expanding has gradually shown a trend of spreading to Nagano Prefecture.

This also caused Nagano Prefecture to issue an emergency evacuation notice, and Tiandao and Ichijo, who were on their way back to Tokyo, also saw this news.

"Wow! Earthquake + typhoon?" Tiandao listened to the report in the car and was quite unbelievable: "It was still sunny before we left, how could it suddenly become like this?"

"It can't be that there are really unconfirmed life forms?"

But this idea only existed for a moment, and was thrown out of the mind by Ichijo and Tiandao.

"How could there be unconfirmed life forms." The two people who were laughing and joking, as if something suddenly occurred to them, the expressions on their faces gradually disappeared, and turned into unbelievable.

"Shiratori?!" The two said a person's name at the same time.

Ichijo stepped on the brakes, and the two got out of the car together and stared at the direction of Nagano Prefecture. Even here, they could see the abnormal changes in the weather in Nagano Prefecture and the terrifying thunderstorm flashing above the sky.

"I've seen this kind of scene!" Tiandao's face was very solemn: "Has that woman, Shiratori, been silent for so long? Has she finally made a move again?"

In Tiandao's impression, only one person can do this thunderstorm scene, and that is Shiratori.

When Shiratori transforms into a lightning man, this kind of celestial phenomenon is her most prominent configuration.

"But...what is she doing in that direction?" Yitiao was puzzled.

"No matter what she wants to do, I can't let her do it!" Tiandao immediately combined his armor and summoned the light and shadow horse to ride on it.

"Yitiao, remember to call Wudai, I'm afraid Shiratori's ultimate goal is still him!"

Tiandao's words remained in the wind, staring at the back that was only the size of a black dot, Yitiao nodded, got in the car, turned around, and chased Tiandao.

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