I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 15 Zong Fang: There is something I have always wanted to say, that is, Jushan Chaoliba is re

"As for Gurongji..."

Kamiyama Taier pondered for a moment, then spoke tentatively: "There are not many records about them, perhaps they may have been lost over a long period of time."

"The saying passed down in our family is that only Gurongji, like us, is a tribe that serves the sacred stone."

"But... something seemed to have happened in the middle of this tribe, which eventually led to the breaking of the spiritual stone and the entire tribe was divided into two."

"One part of them left the tribe with the more intact part of the spiritual stone, and eventually met our tribe and lived together."

"And the rest...became carrying the remaining spiritual stone fragments and disappeared."

"Later, the existence of Gurongji appeared."

Kamiyama Taier's tone was faint, but it also gave people a feeling of infinite reverie.

"Did they... become Gurongi?" Tiandao couldn't understand the necessary connection between them: "The fragments of the spirit stone... are all meteorites from outer space, why did they become such monsters?"

According to Kamiyama Taiji, if Gurongi are the guys carrying the fragments of the spirit stone, how did they change from humans to Gurongi?

They are both spirit stones. The red stone that fell from the sky and was worshipped in his family looks extremely magical, while the other spirit stone... just a fragment can turn a person into a monster like Gurongi...

Could it be that the two stones are one good and one evil, opposing each other?

So... the Kamiyama family took on the responsibility of exorcising demons and defending the way, because that stone is a magic stone that can turn people into monsters?

"That's all I know. More stories have been buried in the passage of thousands of years." Kamiyama Taiji shook his head helplessly: "If you have encountered those monsters, there must be fragments of the spirit stone on them."

"From a human to that appearance, the traces left by the spirit stone fragments must still be there!"

"I see." Tiandao nodded: "So... what kind of existence is Kuuga?"

"I don't know." Kamiyama Taiji said he didn't know: "Regarding the records of Kuuga, the book only says that he is an existence that fights with Gurongi."

"And in ancient times, it was Kuuga who sealed all the Gurongi, and since then..."

"Seal?!" Tiandao's eyes lit up: "You mean, Gurongi was sealed a thousand years ago? And it was Kuuga?"

"Yes." Kamiyama Taiji nodded: "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't know in the end..."

But Tiandao was no longer interested in listening to the words that followed.

Kuuga sealed Gurongi, and the place where the seal was placed was the ruins of Kuroyama outside Nagano Prefecture!

That is the cemetery where Kuuga sealed Gurongi. The excavation of Jiulangyue destroyed the seal, causing Gurongi to break out of the seal, so Gurongi will revive again after a thousand years.

So that's it... everything is right!

"Grandpa, I have something to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department!" After sorting out the relationship, Tiandao couldn't wait to tell everyone about it.

"You should report it." Kamiyama Taiji nodded: "Tiandao, I know you are doing this to deal with the appearance of the devil. It's okay to share this little legend left by our family."

"But you must be clear."

"The real enemy often comes not only from the enemy itself, but also from... unexpected places."

Kamiyama Taiji closed his eyes and said no more.

"Remember, Tiandao."

"Only you and Kuuga can defend the power of righteousness in the world!"

Meaning... don't let my and Kuuga's identities be exposed to too many people?

Tiandao is not a fool, of course he understands that he must conceal his identity.

He didn't want to be sent to the operating table for skin surgery like the protagonist in the story told by his grandfather.

"This is the unconfirmed life form No. 1, which appears in the Metropolitan Police Department and fights with Officer Kamiyama."

In the Nagano Prefectural Police Department, a group of police officers gathered together under the watchful eyes of the Nagano Prefectural Headquarters Chief. After turning off the lights, they played the photos collected during this period.

Of course, not all police officers came, at least Kamiyama Tendō did not come.

But everyone also knew that he had fought with the unconfirmed life form No. 1. Facing such a monster as a human, he must have been seriously injured.

Not to mention that the spider went to take revenge that night, destroyed the Kamiyama family, and seriously injured Tendō's grandfather.

The chief was still very tolerant of Tendō's situation.

"This is the unconfirmed life form No. 2." The police officer who was playing the PPT introduced it again, and the picture shifted to the white newborn Kuuga who was fighting with the spider.

"After No. 1 knocked down Officer Shenshan, No. 2 appeared and wrestled with No. 1, and finally disappeared."

"At the same time, this is the photo taken that night." The picture changed, and a fiery red track appeared on the photo, pulling a conspicuous trace in the city.

"We don't know what this is yet. Maybe it is a new unconfirmed life form, but it has not been observed yet."

"Next, it's No. 3."

A photo of a bat appeared on the screen.

"This is the picture he was photographed with No. 4. In the battle with No. 4, No. 3 fled the scene because he could fly."

"Next is No. 4."

"It has a highly similar appearance to No. 2, but it is red overall, and the horns on its head have become much larger. It is not known what its relationship with No. 2 is."

The projected image stopped on No. 4, and the chief spoke at this time.

"Four...really..." It can be seen that the sudden increase in casualties during this period, as well as the appearance of these unknown monsters, have put a lot of pressure on him, the chief.

To deal with those media reporters, and to appease the citizens...he has been very busy during this period.

"It's really a serious situation." The chief sighed: "It is not certain whether there are other unconfirmed life forms for the time being. We must prepare for the worst."

"Yes!" The police chiefs, including Ichijo, agreed in unison.

The chief nodded slightly, and at his signal, the projected photo of the unconfirmed life form was removed, followed by the appearance of another photo.

"This... we can't confirm his identity." The screen showed a picture of a fire color in the smoke-filled ruins, but only some outlines could be seen, and no clearer appearance could be seen.

"This is a photo taken by citizens of a mysterious figure that appeared in the home of Officer Shenshan."

"It was also him who eliminated the unconfirmed life form No. 1."

Ichi stared at the photo that could only show a little color and outline. In his heart, he had the answer to who this person was at the first sight.

"He was not included in the unconfirmed life form because some of the characteristics he exposed were different from those of unconfirmed life forms." The head of the headquarters also spoke at this time: "That is very obvious... the characteristics of armor."

"It's like the armor worn on the body in ancient times."

The head of the headquarters rubbed his eyebrows.

Ichijo pondered for a moment, then spoke after careful consideration: "So... he is not an unconfirmed life form, but more like an... armored man?"

"Yes." The headquarter director spread his hands: "So what exactly happened in our era? Did monsters and ancient generals appear together?"

"It's just like a comic plot."

No one could answer this question, just as no one knew how the unconfirmed life forms appeared until now.

"So we temporarily designated him as..."

"Steel plate masked man."

"Number one!"

Ichijo: ...

Ignoring the silent subordinates, the headquarter director spoke again: "Anyway, there are already monsters. I don't think it's strange even if there is a person under such armor."

No one continued this sentence, because it was different from the biological signs of unconfirmed life forms that were obviously different from humans.

Who can guarantee that this armored man is a person under the armor?

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