I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 173 Ming Long: Although I look weird in TV, here, I have a complete setting.

Chapter 173 Naruto: Although I look weird in TV, I have a complete setting here!

"Shut up!"

The deep darkness in Kadokawa Saya's eyes fluctuated violently. Obviously, she was not indifferent to what Tendō said, but had some reaction.

Considering that she was now in a state of paranoia amplified by the darkness of the Earth Stone, and her entire mind was very extreme, she could have such a reaction, which was enough to see how great the impact of Tendō's words had on her.

But after the emotional excitement, it was naturally the huge test that Tendō would face.

"Tear his mouth apart for me!"

Kadokawa Saya screamed, controlling the sublimated Ultimate Kuuga to rush towards Tendō, and his sturdy figure stepped out deep footprints while walking.

The moment of life and death came, and Tendō protected Hikari Natsumi and retreated one after another to avoid facing Kuuga directly.

He had never seen Kuuga in this posture, so he couldn't be sure how powerful Kuuga was in this posture, but Tiandao believed in his feelings, that is, this Kuuga he had never seen before brought him... a terrifying and thrilling feeling.

"What's wrong? Have you been running away? What about the tone of your words just now? Such an arrogant look!" Xiaoye showed a happy and joyful smile: "Why don't you continue?! Continue!"

"Then it's as you wish!" As soon as the words fell, Tiandao materialized the Titan Sword and threw it towards Xiaoye's position.

The purple Titan Sword cut through the air and rushed towards Xiaoye with a sharp whistle.

The forward steps suddenly stopped, and the sublimated Ultimate Kuuga turned into a phantom, instantly appeared in front of Xiaoye, and blocked the attack of the Titan Sword with his body.

The moment the sword touched the sublimated Ultimate Kuuga, the Titan Sword did not even emit a spark, and was directly bounced out by the armor on Kuuga's body, fell to the ground, and dissipated.

The next moment, a whistling green long stick fell from the sky, carrying the power of a sudden chop, tearing the moonlight, and bringing a handful of special brilliance in the darkness.

Tiandao was in mid-air, and with great power, he chopped down the extended Qinglong stick heavily.

Taking advantage of the gap when Kuuga left, Tiandao inserted the Qinglong stick into the ground, and used the extended Qinglong stick to rush into the sky, and then fell suddenly.

The long Qinglong stick drew a half circle and chopped down suddenly towards Xiaoye's position.

Xiaoye raised her head, and Kuuga also raised his head.

Watching the weapon that originally belonged to him now attacking him, the controlled Kuuga did not feel anything.

And Xiaoye's way of dealing with it was also very simple, that is, to let Kuuga stand in front of her again.


The Qinglong stick fell suddenly with a terrible momentum, and slammed into the sublimated Ultimate Kuuga's body.

Kongga didn't move at all, but the Qinglong stick broke because of it. Tiandao's hands were numb from the recoil force transmitted, and he had to let go of the Qinglong stick.

Falling from midair, Tiandao took a few steps back and was supported by Guang Xiahai.

"With human ability, it's enough to do this." Xiaoye said happily: "It's really interesting, can you show more struggle? Let me see everything you did to survive!! "

"I said it, are you angry?" Tiandao put his hands behind his back, and his trembling hands were hidden by him so that no one could see: "Have you changed from wanting to take my life to killing me?"

"Then..." Tiandao pried open Guang Xiahai's hands and shook his head in the latter's worried eyes.

"Guang Xiahai, leave here." Tiandao whispered, "His target is me. As long as I stay here, you will be fine."

"He won't chase you."

"What about you?" Guang Xiahai subconsciously grasped Tiandao's sleeves: "What will you do?"

"As for me..." Tiandao sneered, "Leave it to fate."


The heart of a deadly fight has risen, and Tiandao is determined to create a possibility for Guang Xiahai to escape here, even if it means death.

But in the next moment, the gray dimensional wall that suddenly appeared enveloped Tiandao and Guang Xiahai at a very fast speed, and the entire Guang Photo Studio disappeared, completely disappearing from this world.

Only a piece of empty space was left, and Xiaoye and the sublimated Ultimate Sora stood here.

"Dimensional wall?" Xiaoye tilted her head and muttered to herself curiously.

"Brother, did you do it?"

While mumbling to herself, Xiaoye's mouth corners gradually opened and became presumptuous.

"Brother, it seems that you can't wait any longer!"

"Xiaoye will go find you right away!"

When the dimensional wall disappeared, Tiandao and Guang Xiahai subconsciously turned around and looked behind them.

Guang Photo Studio still stood here, but the surrounding environment had changed from the city to the suburbs.

The lonely photo studio stood between the mountains and forests, looking so abrupt.

"Fortunately, I caught up at the last moment." The man with a round gray hat and a linen windbreaker stood in front of Tiandao and Guang Xiahai with his hands on his waist, and he was really relieved.

"You..." Tiandao's question just burst out, Guang Xiahai has already answered the identity of this person for him.

"Mr. Ming Long?"

"It's me." Ming Long turned around and revealed the face of a middle-aged man.

Compared with the handsomeness of his youth, his face seemed more stable, and one look could give people a sense of security.

...Of course, his slightly fat body highlights his rich side even more.

"I traveled through several worlds, and I finally came back." Narutaki gasped a little, "I didn't expect it was still a step too late."

"Is it still too late?" Tiandao immediately stepped forward: "So, do you know what will happen here?"

"I knew it from the beginning." Narutaki then turned his attention to Tiandao: "You... this is the first time we have met, right?"

With that said, Narutaki seemed to be very happy to reach out his hand and introduce himself to Tiandao: "As you can see, I am Narutaki. I am following the footsteps of the emperor's knight and trying to kill the emperor's knight."


After looking at Guang Xiahai beside him, Tiandao moved a few steps to the side.

"Then the family member of the Imperial Cavalry you want to kill is here. Just tell her."

"Mr. Tiandao!" Guang Xiahai was furious and subconsciously gave Tiandao an elbow, successfully silencing him.

"Because I'm very happy to see someone I don't know appear in this world." Narutaki seemed to have put down some of the worries in his heart.

"In this case, the world will be saved."

Narutaki's words made Tiandao and Guang Natsumi confused, and they had no idea what he was talking about.

"Now is not the time to tell you." Narutaki cast his eyes vaguely on Guang Xiahai, and then spoke to Tiandao: "When the time comes, you will naturally understand."

Staring at Tiandao, Narutaki shook his head slightly the moment his eyes came into contact with Tiandao.

The way of heaven was clear, so he stopped talking and asked no more questions.

"This knight war is not over yet." Narutaki continued: "The imperial knight is only a temporary victor, not the final victor."

"There are still more knights. Although they don't know about this war, as knights, they have automatically participated in this war."

"If all the knights are defeated, what will be the end of the world?" Tiandao asked immediately.

"I don't know, or... no one knows." Naruting shook his head: "Maybe it's what the Emperor Cavalry expected, and maybe it will cause more serious consequences."

"But I'm not going to let that happen."

Narutaki clenched his fists: "So, we need help!"

"But, Mr. Narutaki, didn't you say before..." Guang Natsumi said tentatively.

"Before today... no, it should be said that I knew even further ago that if you want to save all the world, you must kill the Imperial Cavalry." Narutaki said very seriously, not joking at all.

"The Imperial Cavalry is the source of everything and the real culprit that caused the destruction of the world. Whichever world he goes to will cause the destruction of that world." Minglong looked directly at Tiandao: "So, he must die."

Guang Xiahai:…


The two looked at each other and were speechless.

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