I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 176 175: Tai Er (King): No way, no way? Is there really someone stuck in a time loop and can

PS: The King laughs wildly: JPG

"When it develops to that point, everything will start from scratch and return to the beginning. That is, Kado Yashi challenged the knights, and finally defeated the knights except Kuuga, but was killed by the Ultimate Kuuga, which led to the loss of memory."

"In the end... he wandered to other worlds, was picked up by Guang Xiahai, and started his own repetitive life again."

Narutaki turned around, with extremely heavy sadness in his eyes: "Time and time again, forever in this cycle, unable to escape."


"In other words, if another knight wins, everything will return to the beginning after the world is merged." Tiandao frowned: "The original refers to..."

"Monyaji learned about the destruction of the world in his own world, and found the Overhaul Card to cooperate." Narutaki said, "It started from here."

"If the Imperial Cavalry wins, and it develops to the end like that, the story will start here with Kadoya Shi and Kuuga dying together, and finally being picked up by Koukai?" At this point, Tiandao spread his hands.

"Then what can be done?"

"It's impossible to let Diqi lose, and it's impossible to let him win. Then isn't this a dead end?"

Tiandao couldn't figure out how to break this cycle: "Kadoya Shi, is he trapped in this cycle and doesn't even know what's happening to him?"

"Those knights may know something." Narutaki nodded slightly: "But they think that it is enough to let the Imperial Cavalry win. Little do they know that this is actually a cycle of reincarnation, and there is no way to escape."


Yes, what Minami Kotaro said before has now been overturned by Narutaki.

"If you want to break this reincarnation, you need a third possibility." Narutaki looked at Tiandao with bright eyes: "I originally planned to find the most special one among the reincarnations, so as to break the reincarnation. ”

"But that requires quite a long period of observation, and the opportunity is fleeting."

"But, I saw you!" Narutaki tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart: "You are an existence that has never appeared before. You are the change from the outside world. In your body, there is a brand-new possible!"

"So I must help you, let me, the only one who is awake in this reincarnation, help you break this reincarnation!"

As he spoke, Narutaki had a sad look in his eyes: "I've had enough... I've had enough!"

"How many times have you... experienced this?" Tiandao looked at Narutaki up and down, and it was difficult to see anything from him.

"In the beginning, Kado Yashi crossed the dimensional wall, and I was also traveling through the infinite world at that time. His appearance attracted me." A little memory appeared in Narutaki's eyes: "At that time, he didn't know that I existed. , but I became curious about him, so I followed him into this world."

"What about that time and that moment?" Tiandao asked tentatively.

"Exactly... right now."

Tiandao's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"How can they be so similar?"

Narutaki nodded and admitted without hesitation.

"For me at that time, he was just like you appearing in front of me at this moment, which made me full of curiosity."

"I followed him into this world, saw his story, saw his knightly war, and saw his final victory."

"I was satisfied. I thought I saw something very interesting, but when I wanted to leave!" At this point, Narutaki's face filled with memories suddenly distorted: "I found that I couldn't leave. !”

"I discovered that those worlds are approaching and merging with each other, distorting time and space, and constraining the concept of the world to this merging world!"

"I can't get out of here."

"I entered with curiosity, but in the end I was left here, watching the reset of the world again and again, the reincarnation of everyone, and again and again..." Narutaki's face turned dark. Painted, the murderous aura in his eyes also spread out.

"I can't count how many times I've been reincarnated, I've had enough of it all!"

Narutaki clenched his fist fiercely.

"Damn Imperial Cavalry, the culprit who caused all this, turned the world into such a damn bastard, I want to kill him!"

"Oh Luo Lei! Decade!!"


Early the next morning, Guang Xiahai opened her eyes early. Her hazy consciousness gave her a splitting headache. It was obvious that her sleep was not very good.

After waking up, Guang Xiahai opened the door. At this time, Tiandao had already prepared breakfast. Wearing an apron, he put a plate of fried eggs on the table.

"Wake up, Guang Natsumi."

"Mr. Tiandao, I'm really troubling you." Guang Xiahai rubbed his head: "I still need you to do such a thing."

"By the way, where is Mr. Narutaki?"

"He went to other worlds to find those scattered... knights who still exist." Tiandao took off his apron: "Now we must unite all the forces that can be united."

"If you want to fight against Overhaul Card, you must find the power to compete with them."

"...It's really unimaginable. Mr. Narutaki has been shouting and killing soldiers before this." Guang Natsumi yawned: "I didn't expect that Mr. Narutaki would actually help us today."

"Well...he is actually helping himself." When he thought of Narutaki jumping around in anger last night, Tiandao's expression also changed a little.

It's not easy for him either...


The gray dimensional wall covered the chairs beside the table, and Haidong Dashu emerged from the dimensional wall. Sitting on the chair, he stretched out his hand without hesitation, showing the temperament of a future robber.

"Hey!" Tiandao slapped Haidong Dashu's hand away: "The guy who abandoned me in the face of a strong enemy at a critical moment actually had the nerve to appear in front of me."

"There's no need to be so stingy." Haidong Dashu looked normal, and stretched out his hand again, showing the thick skin of a thief.

"I definitely couldn't beat that guy at that time, so I didn't abandon you, but carried your will, saved my life, and then told the news to Shi."

"It can be regarded as entrusting your will to Shi."

"Then I really thank you." Tiandao rolled his eyes.

"Mr. Dashu, have you known Shi's true identity for a long time?" Guang Xiahai finished washing and sat opposite Haidong Dashu.

Looking at this mysterious man with a rather strange style of doing things, Guang Xiahai more or less knew his plan.

"I guess so." Haidong Dashu shrugged: "If Shi's goal is this world, then of course I have to steal this treasure from him."

"For Shi, his most precious treasure should be his sister." Tiandao crossed his arms and continued: "Then why don't you steal his treasure?"

Haidong Dashu rolled his eyes.

"I like to take treasures, but I'm not a human trafficker."

Haidong Dashu stretched out his hand again, trying to bring a fried egg in front of him, but was interrupted by Tiandao.

"Don't be like that, I came here to bring some good news." Haidong Dashu sighed helplessly: "I spent a lot of effort to find helpers."

"I know your plan, so I have been looking for those knights for a long time." Haidong Dashu said while quietly reaching out his hand: "So..."

He took the plate and no one stopped him this time, allowing Haidong Dashu to eat contentedly, muttering: "So I, who have worked so hard, shouldn't I enjoy myself?"

"Thank you so much." Tiandao rolled his eyes: "Is this the price you paid for your action?"

"Don't say that." Haidong Dashu raised his fork: "It seems like I am very snobbish."

"I treat you as friends."

"If you are friends, of course I will help you unconditionally." Haidong Dashu said, raising two fingers in front of him.

"When I finish eating, I will take you to find helpers."

"Two powerful Kamen Riders~"

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