I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 18 To be honest, among all the knight stories, is there a female protagonist like Leopard Gi

"Are all you saying true?" Looking at the documents spread out in front of him, the General Manager frowned: "To be honest, I really want to believe you, Tiandao."

"But this is too unbelievable."

"I know." Tiandao nodded and stared at the General Manager's face: "But General Manager, anything unbelievable becomes true after the existence of unconfirmed life forms has really appeared."

"Gurongi... There was such an existence on the ancient earth..." After reading the documents brought by Tiandao, the General Manager finally knew the true names of these unconfirmed life forms.

"You are lucky, Tiandao. If it was me yesterday, I would definitely think you were crazy." The General Manager opened the drawer, took out a document, and handed it to Tiandao.

"This is the blood of No. 1 collected after the fight between No. 2 and No. 1. According to the testers, the blood sample with a more similar blood composition to No. 1 is us humans." The General Manager stood up from his seat and walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

"So, I believe what your book says about Gurongi being transformed from humans."

"Unless you have some ability to predict the future, you can know this before the research report comes out, and then forge this document."

"But this is even more impossible."

The headquarter came to Tiandao, looked at Tiandao's solemn face, and suddenly laughed.

"Tiandao, I didn't expect you to have such an identity." Patting Tiandao on the shoulder, the headquarter said happily: "The things you brought are very useful."

"But it only gives us a direction to think about, so that we can verify whether it is correct. It is absolutely impossible to believe everything on it unconditionally."

The headquarter said, and turned around and took out a document that had been prepared long ago from the drawer.

"This is your transfer letter."

"Transfer letter?" Tiandao took the paper curiously and looked at it carefully.

"You had a fight with the unconfirmed... that is, the Gurongi No. 1 you mentioned, and attracted the attention of the people above." The headquarter pointed to the top of his head: "And it just so happens that Tokyo intends to set up a special department to specifically target unconfirmed life forms that may appear in the future."

"It is still in its infancy, and the specific personnel have not been determined."

"But the higher-ups have named you to go."

"Of course, you can also choose to refuse. After all, facing such a terrible monster, no one can force others."

The headquarter waved his hand: "And I will report these things you brought to the upper level. If approved..."

The headquarter leaned close to Tiandao's ear and said in a mischievous voice: "Then I guess, even if you want to not go, you can't."


After saying goodbye to the headquarter, Tiandao held the document and kept thinking.

As long as he signed his name on the transfer letter in his hand and handed it to the headquarter, then in the future, this department that is destined to fight on the front line for a long time and has a high mortality rate will definitely have a place for him.

But...if he went to Tokyo, would he be able to meet Gurongi there?

At present, the most frequent place for Gurongi is still Nagano Prefecture.

Going to Tokyo, that doesn't mean...

What about Ichijo? Did he also receive this transfer order? What is his choice?

Tiandao, who was thinking silently, might not have thought that Ichijo was in extreme danger at this time, but he was not by Ichijo's side, and he didn't have the ability to predict the future, so he didn't notice it at all.

Walking alone in the corridor of the Metropolitan Police Department, Tiandao's cell phone suddenly rang, interrupting his meditation.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Officer Kamiyama! Something bad has happened!"

"You are..." The moment this young and familiar voice sounded, a figure suddenly appeared in Tiandao's mind.

That was the police officer who had always been around Ichijo.

He was also the police officer who would always make a precise call to pit Ichijo whenever Ichijo was about to secretly snipe someone.

He seemed to be called...

Wait, what was his name?

(PS: His name is Kameyama Tsuruo)

"Officer Kamiyama! Just now, a strange picture was captured on the highway from Yamanashi Prefecture to Tokyo. It may be an unconfirmed life form!"

"Towards Tokyo?!" Tiandao was stunned: "Yamanashi Prefecture... Not only Nagano Prefecture, but also other areas have Gurongi appeared?"

"Officer Kamiyama?!"

"I understand! I'll leave immediately!" After hanging up the phone, Tiandao immediately took action.

If Gurongi appeared in other counties, then Nagano Prefecture is just one of them.

And Tokyo... With the flow of people there, if Gurongi are attracted there...

A scene like a sea of ​​blood and corpses seemed to emerge in his mind. In modern society, if Gurongi, whose personal strength is enough to resist bullets, wants to kill people, it is easy to create countless killings.

Such a scene is something Tiandao can never sit idly by.

Tiandao hurriedly ran out of the Metropolitan Police Department and immediately got in the car. As a result, he turned around and found that Ling was still sitting in the car, with no intention of getting off.


"You said you wanted me to wait for you here~" Ling said lightly, leaving Tiandao speechless.

Are you so obedient at this time? !

"Get down quickly! The monster I'm going to fight next is not something ordinary people can withstand."

"What about you? Officer Shenshan?" Ling looked at Tiandao with interest: "Aren't you an ordinary person?"

"Aren't you afraid?"

"This is my duty, even if I..."

"That's no problem." Ling said in a faint tone, "I believe that Officer Shenshan will protect me~"


"I'm too lazy to tell you!" The situation was urgent, and Tiandao didn't bother to talk about anything anymore. After starting the vehicle, he stepped on the accelerator and drove out.

I can't tell what to do with this man, his strange brain circuit, even God can't figure out what he is thinking.

"When you arrive at the scene, don't make a sound and hide from me!"

"I don't want to collect your body."

"I completely obey your orders, Tendo-san~"

…Does this mean that we have changed from Police Officer Kamiyama to Tendo-san?

"henshin (transformation)!"

I left Wakaba Kindergarten in Toshima Ward and rushed to Bunkyo Ward overnight to get on the train to Seongnam University. Godai, who was counting the time carefully, was just as anxious as those who were anxious to get on the bus.

At my sister's kindergarten, the fifth generation would take the time to go there and perform performances with the children.

Even though the fifth generation has become empty now and is given heavy responsibilities, he has no impatience about it and will never shirk it.

Even though it was late at night after returning, he didn't care.

But... just as he was about to enter the boarding gate, a panicked scream and the sound of something falling attracted Godai's attention, which made his good-natured personality explode, forcing him to go over and take a look.

And it was this look that made him see a brand-new Gurungi, a Gurungi whose appearance looked like a woman, and who was about to kill someone.

Godai immediately rushed forward to stop the other party.

Godai, who tried to physically fuck the monster, was beaten so hard that stars appeared in front of his eyes. Finally, he found a chance to transform and became Kuuga.

Even after putting on the belt, Adam's spiritual stone is constantly transforming the fifth generation's body, but it is still far away from the standard of being able to physically fuck monsters.

Once Kuuga's posture is revealed, it will be impossible to punch and kick Godai at will like before.

Leopard Girl lowered her body, facing Kuuga again after a thousand years, and her fearful mentality when she faced him a thousand years ago was completely different.


Roaring Kuuga's name, the leopard girl flew forward. Her superb jumping ability allowed her to jump several meters high on the spot and slashed her head with her sharp claws.

Kuuga quickly retreated, avoiding the Leopard Girl's attack range. At the same time, after the opponent fell, he immediately stepped forward to block the Leopard Girl's retreat, and punched the Leopard Girl directly and fiercely, hitting the Leopard Girl's chest.

But Leopard Girl, who had her own buffer, was unscathed.

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