I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 2 The protagonist dies, and the author takes another day off (God, bullshit)

Chapter 2 Ending! The protagonist is dead, and the author is on holiday again! (Tian Dao: Bullshit!)

"That guy... This is a real monster!" This is the first time that Gosei Yusuke has seen such an existence. For the three views that have always belonged to normal people, it is a huge shock.

"You hide immediately!" Tian Dao turned his head and said to Gosei Yusuke and Sawatari Sakurako beside him, and then ran down the stairs immediately.

"What is that?!"

"Monster! It's a monster!"

"Everyone run!"

The noisy voice spread along with fear, spreading to the surroundings and spreading to everyone's heart.

In the hall, the spider monster who showed his figure looked around and looked at these creatures that were extremely weak to it. These so-called Linduo suddenly felt annoyed.

These guys are just like prey used as games.

Humans live in this world, such a weak existence, their future is like this.

But… obeying the rules of the game, that kind of thing will be discussed after that guy comes. Before that, let me, the spider uncle, have some fun first.

I have been sealed for so long, and I have revived after thousands of years. Can’t I enjoy myself?

Killing a few people is just an appetizer. When the guy who announces the rules of the game comes, I can participate.

Can’t that guy still deprive me of my eligibility to participate?

The targets chosen by the spider to kill are those who are called police among humans. As "warriors" among the Lindo (humans), these guys should be stronger than ordinary people.

Such people feel more when killed.

"Shoot! Shoot!" Those who react faster have already called on their companions to shoot at the spider monster, but the police pistol is very deterrent to humans, but for the Gurongi, it is not even a tickle.

For high-level Gurongi, it is estimated that there is no feeling, but for the spider, although it cannot break the surface defense, it can still feel something.

In the final analysis, it was still not enough firepower and caliber.

"Humph! Humans..." The spider approached step by step despite the volleys of three people, and there was not even a pause in the continuous gunfire.

Although the spider's steps were slow, the pressure it brought to people was very huge.

It was like the god of death walking over, bringing the countdown to the death sentence.

After the magazine was emptied and the trigger could not bring any feedback, the spider suddenly quickened its pace and appeared in front of the three people in an instant.

The claws swept across, knocking the person on the left into the air, flying seven or eight meters in the air and hitting the wall, and then fell down softly, blood gushing out of the ears, nose and mouth, obviously dead.

For the spider, killing a person is as simple as crushing an ant.

The spider spit out white spider silk from its mouth, tying up the two people who were escaping. As the spider shook its head, the two were thrown into the sky, captured by the earth's gravity, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The blood blooming on the floor was like a flower of sin, blooming brilliantly in this place where justice should have been spoken.

Nodding with satisfaction, the spider turned around quickly, and its dark brown compound eyes reflected the trembling humans hiding in the corner.

These... humans who were ready to be killed.


But at this moment, a figure flew down from halfway down the stairs, stretched out his body as much as possible in mid-air, and threw himself on the spider, driving it to the ground.

The two turned into rolling gourds, entangled and rolled to the side.

"Everyone, leave here immediately!"

After knocking the spider down, Tiandao quickly got out of the spider's attack range while rolling. Tiandao rolled to the side alone to avoid being in the spider's attack range.

Although Spider had shown off a little bit before, the exaggerated strength and the terrifying power of a punch that could send a person flying seven or eight meters all represent the terrifying physical strength of these guys.

Tiandao didn't think that he could withstand such an attack with his small body.

"Go and request support, bring those heavy firearms!" Lowering his body, Tiandao was sure that the monster's attention was all on him, so he made a calm judgment.

"You are different from those people!" Spider looked at the man in front of him who was a little different from other humans and uttered a series of Gurongi.


He felt that the human in front of him couldn't understand, after all, the two sides were not of the same race, and the language was completely different...

"Kuuga?" But what was beyond Spider's expectation was that the human in front of him actually said the two words Kuuga accurately.

And these two words were exactly the questions it had just asked itself.

"You understand!" Spider was more certain of the specialness of the man in front of him this time: "A Lindo warrior?!"

"You are killing innocent people!" Tiandao, who had no idea that the monster was not speaking human language, didn't care about anything else, as long as they could communicate.

"Die!" Spider became more and more excited. Since he was a Lindo warrior, killing such a guy would give him greater satisfaction.

It was far more valuable than killing ordinary humans who had no power to resist!

The spider landed on all fours (why does this paragraph feel so strange...), running towards Tiandao. With its physical fitness, it can crush the terrifying power of humans in all aspects. Running like this brings great pressure to the opponent.

Even Tiandao can't avoid it. His breathing is uncontrollably disordered. Those fighting skills that can only be used against humans have all become useless in front of this monster.

Humans should not fight against such monsters...

But at the critical moment, Tiandao finally reacted. The whole person jumped into the air, flew over the spider's head, turned in the air, and landed steadily behind the spider.

This volley also caught the eyes of Wudai Yusuke, making his eyes glow and having a wonderful feeling.

As soon as it landed, the spider immediately turned around and changed to normal walking on two legs, but the speed of running still exceeded the limit of humans.

Tiandao did not dare to confront head-on, and hurriedly ran forward to avoid a head-on battle between the two sides.

But the spider was still faster than Tiandao. In a short while, it caught up with Tiandao, raised its palm, and fell down swiftly.

Tiandao was waiting for this opportunity.

The figure running forward suddenly squatted down, crawling on the ground, dodging the spider's attack, and also exchanged the front and back relationship between the two sides.

Tiandao was quick-witted and turned his body to take out his gun, aiming at the back of the spider's head and pulling the trigger one after another, and in an instant, all the bullets were fired.

There was no way to break through the monster's defense from the front, so could the relatively fragile back of the head...

Thinking of this, Tiandao watched the spider turn around without any problem. It stood and looked down at Tiandao on the ground, as if looking at an ant.

"You are stronger than those people." As soon as the words fell, the white spider silk suddenly spit out, wrapped around Tiandao's left foot, pulled it up, and swung it in the air.

"I'll make your death more painful!"

Under the control of the spider, Tiandao was thrown out from the first floor, and his figure broke through the wall of the conference room on the second floor like lightning, flew over the heads of Gosei and Sakurako, and was buried in the brick and stone ruins and flying wood chips.

"Officer Kamiyama!" The fight lasted only a moment, and the victory or defeat came so suddenly. Gosei rushed into the conference room regardless of the danger, wanting to find the Kamiyama Tiandao who was knocked away.

But Gosei himself was pessimistic.

Because a person was thrown from the first floor to the second floor and broke through a wall, no matter how you look at it, it is a sure death.

Even if he went to find it now, he would probably only see the unrecognizable body of Officer Kamiyama...

After calling several times in a row without receiving a response, Gosei's expression became gloomy.

Sure enough, Officer Kamiyama has...

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