I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 201 Tai Er: There are five things I hate most in my life, and this is one of them

Chapter 201 Taiji: There are five things I hate most in my life, and this is one of them!

Although it was a two-on-one battle, the balance of victory was actually leaning towards the newly appeared Gurongi.

In the head-on confrontation, although Kuuga, who maintained the posture of a sublimated Titan, was able to resist the opponent's chain hammer, the sublimated Titan sword had no way to kill him in terms of output.

That is, the blade of the Titan sword was not enough to pierce the opponent's skin. It could only cut the epidermis and was wrapped by the thick muscles, and there was no way to enter.

In this way, the sublimated Titan could only become an existence that resisted injury, and the output was given to the Flame Dragon.

But the problem is that compared to the former Flame Dragon, the current Flame Dragon is stronger in some aspects than Tendou, but weaker in some aspects.

The firing with the Flame Bow seems to be a hundred shots, and it can fill in every gap of Kuuga's attack with a strike, so that the only remaining attack gap of Kuuga is also filled.

But...that's all.

If he doesn't use the Flame Bow, the only means left for this Yanlong is to go up and fight him like Kuuga.

What? You said Yanlong has a Flame Sword?

The weapon that Tiandao can't use, naturally no one else can use it better.

Obviously, the current Yanlong is also the type who can't draw a sword at all.

I might as well go up and fight:JPG

But in this way, the two people who lack effective output seem to be lacking in means when facing this guy with a tortoise shell on his back.

So the two can only block each other with tacit cooperation here, and there is no effective means of killing.

During this period of time, since Tiandao disappeared, Yanlong's power has been inherited by another person.

But compared with Tiandao, the Yanlong he used was greatly reduced in terms of ability.

Although the Demon Sealing Slash can also be released, it is a move that can only be used after Kuuga subdues it.

And now in this state where Kuuga is barely fighting with the opponent, using that move is tantamount to killing Kuuga together.

In the end, the battle ended with the sublimation of the sublimation Titan reaching the maintenance time and had to be interrupted. Kuuga, who had returned to the normal Titan form, could no longer resist the opponent's chain hammer attack and was defeated.

After Kuuga failed on the front battlefield, Yanlong, as an AD, now had to face the existence of Gurongi himself.

But compared to Kuuga, who had a specialized defense form, Yanlong was a pure fragile skin.

At the critical moment, the shaking chain hammer was stopped and fell down. The sturdy Gurongi placed a cruel gaze on Yanlong. After watching for a while, he turned and left, disappearing in front of Yanlong.

For some reason, the opponent chose to leave even though he was sure of winning. Although Yanlong was curious, he still focused on the fifth generation lying on the ground and removing the transformation.

Yanlong removed the transformation and returned to his original appearance, and his true face also fell into the eyes of Tiandao who hurried down from the upstairs.

The moment Tiandao saw the straight suit, the familiar face, and the companion he had been with for a long time, he realized something was wrong.



To be honest, although in the report file of the Metropolitan Police Department, Ichidao reported that Tiandao was temporarily missing, he actually knew very well that Tiandao... was probably dead.

He saw Tiandao being swallowed by the gray film with his own eyes, and saw Tiandao disappear from the world with his own eyes.

Even though he later organized people to dig a road to the bottom, the construction workers also told him that the cave he mentioned was filled with thick soil and stones, and there was no space for people to survive.

And similarly, they did not find Tiandao's existence there, not even a corpse.

Therefore, Ichidao always had an expectation, expecting Tiandao to run out from the corner, from the car, from various unexpected places, and then wave his arm and say hello to him many times, just like when he worked with him in the past.

He believed it so.

As long as he didn't see the body, he believed that Tiandao would return one day.

Even though this expectation became increasingly slim with the passage of time, Yitiao could still convince himself.

Therefore, when he helped the unconscious Wudai to stand up, and saw Tiandao waving his arms and jogging from the corner of the tall building at the end of the road, his slim hope instantly filled his heart.

His expectations, after becoming increasingly dim, were responded to.

Wudai, who was carried on his back, was thrown to the ground in shock by Yitiao, and Yitiao was completely unaware of it, just staring at Tiandao.

A slight mist appeared in those eyes that were always strong.

Just like when he thought Wudai was poisoned by mushrooms, but when he saw Wudai standing up again in the end, that kind of emotion was revealed.

"Tian Dao..."

"Didn't I tell you?" Standing in front of Yitiao, Tian Dao smiled and gave a thumbs up: "I am immortal."

"Humph, an injured immortal?" Yitiao laughed: "Who was lying in the hospital before?"

"Immortal, but not invulnerable." Tian Dao curled his lips: "So, after seeing me come back, you don't have anything to say?"

"What do you want to say?" Ichijo leaned down and carried Godai on his back again, leaving only Tiandao with his back: "Why don't you come and help me quickly?"

"Okay!" Tiandao responded, trotting to Ichijo's side and carrying Godai on his back.

And Ichijo ran out in a hurry and got into the driver's seat of his car.

The two of them were as good as ever. Even though they had been separated for a long time, their tacit understanding had not lost half of it.

"Have you notified Dr. Chun?" Putting on his seat belt, Tiandao glanced at Godai behind him: "How is his physical condition now? To what extent has the spirit stone been eroded?"

"It's hard to tell." Ichijo started the car and drove away, telling Tiandao some of the things that happened during this period.

"Fudai has always been quite indifferent, especially after he later found out that you were missing. I could feel that he took the blame on himself."

"He seemed to know that the person fighting him there was you."

"The spiritual power of the Creation King is so terrifying, there is no reason for Fifth Generation to know about it." Tiandao shook his head: "Did the Creation King do this on purpose? Let Fifth Generation sense his uncontrolled killing in a berserk state, In order to break through the fifth generation's mental defense and completely control him? "

"Did you solve that guy?" Ichijo was not talking about the Creation King, but a guy who appeared later who solved the Creation King.

"Well, I went on a very interesting trip." Tiandao nodded: "I'll tell you about it sometime."

"Call the Fifth Generation then." Tiandao said, constructing the shape of Onodera's sublimated Ultimate Kuuga in his mind.

"I saw a very strong Kuuga..." Tiandao squinted his eyes.

"He has never shown it before, a new Kuuga."


Nagano Prefecture, Kamiyama Family.

A certain old man who was originally lying on a deck chair was enjoying life, enjoying his warm body in the sun and his comfortable life.

Although his grandson traveled far away for official business, at the Shenshan family, the young man named Ling ensured his basic necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation.

This is such a great grandson!

As expected, this kind of comfortable life would last throughout Taiji Kamiyama's life until his death.


Although others could not feel it, the fleeting feeling of heart palpitations still made him stand up from the recliner and look at the sky in amazement. The old god also looked panicked.

"What's going on?!"

Just now, a kind of multiple and superimposed breath that keeps going back and looping in time appeared in this world, but it was fleeting and could not be noticed by anyone.

But Kailash Taiji is extremely sensitive to the emergence of this kind of aura.

"Don't... I'm afraid it's not..."

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