I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 203 Daguba is strong and powerful, with strong teeth!!!

Although it is impossible for Ichijo to forcefully drag Tiandao away, it would be another story if Tiandao cooperated.

In short, Tiandao was dragged to have a physical examination, and then he kept complaining, saying things like "I finally came back and you treated me like this", "I have nothing to do with my brother", "I will never trust you again".

For a while, his resentment filled the whole room, making Ichijo and Tsubaki Hideichi a little bit unbearable.

In the end, it was only after Ichijo said that he would treat Tiandao to a meal that Tiandao smiled again and returned to his normal appearance, which made Tsubaki Hideichi roll his eyes.

This is too easy to satisfy!

Of course, despite the complaints, Tsubaki Hideichi still carried out serious things very seriously.

But... he never thought that there would be a day when he would be surprised by someone.

“Your physical fitness…”

Chun Xiuyi sat in front of the computer, rubbing his chin and staring at the data chart displayed on the computer. After thinking for a while, he leaned down and took out a steel rod from under his desk.



“You are a doctor in the differential diagnosis department, why do you have such a thing in the diagnosis room?” Tiandao made a proper complaint: “Why, if someone doesn’t respond to anesthetics, you are going to give him physical anesthesia, right!”

“What are you talking about?!” Chun Xiuyi glared at Tiandao: “Isn’t this the same medical troublemaker who made a big fuss last time?”

“Although I am in the differential diagnosis department, I am also afraid.”

“As a doctor, it is reasonable for me to carry an anesthetic with me.”

As he said, Chun Xiuyi shook the steel pipe in his hand, with a serious face.

"Okay." Being with these two guys, Yitiao felt quite tired. He frowned and lowered his head to calm himself down: "What are you going to do with this?"

"Give it to him." Chunxiu handed the steel pipe to Tiandao. After the latter took it, Chunxiu immediately said: "Come on, try to see if you can break it."


"Hey! Tiandao can indeed turn into a fire dragon, but breaking a steel pipe is something you still..." Yitiao's explanation was not finished yet, and Tiandao grabbed the two ends of the steel pipe and bent it inward, easily bending the entire steel pipe, and then kneaded it into a ball in a few seconds, weighing it in the palm of his hand.

"It's a bit light." Tiandao commented on this.


“Look.” Chun Xiuyi spread his hands and said, “Tell me honestly, you are not missing, but you were captured by some alien organization and then biochemically modified. You are now a biochemically modified human.”

“…I was almost modified.” Tiandao couldn’t help but shudder when he thought of being tied to a cross and surrounded by three men, one of whom even wanted to take off his pants.

“But it was just a little bit, I am a real human!”

“Are you sure?” Chun Xiuyi sneered and said, “Whether it is blood temperature, bone strength or muscle strength, it is more than twenty times higher than that of normal humans.”

Fortunately, Chun Xiuyi didn’t wear glasses, otherwise he would have to push it a little, and then say: There is only one truth.

"You didn't change like this before you disappeared. Instead, you became like this after you came back."

"It's hard for me not to think that you were actually transformed."

After Chun Xiuyi said this, Tiandao remembered that the Emperor Stone of the Sun had been in his body for more than five days and only left his body during the final decisive battle.

But before that, the energy of the Emperor Stone of the Sun had penetrated Tiandao's limbs and bones, flowing through his body, greatly strengthening Tiandao's body.

This was also the reason why when he was running wild, the violent will energy was impacting his body, and the Emperor Stone of the Sun was in order to match this will energy, so it output at full power and forcibly raised Tiandao's physical fitness.

Otherwise, with the degree of Tiandao's runaway at that time, if his body could not withstand the frenzied will energy, the will energy would tear Tiandao's body apart in an instant, and finally only Tiandao's will would remain in this world, and then it would disintegrate and digest, and return to formlessness.

That was the Emperor Stone of the Sun actively cooperating to release energy for super enhancement in a short period of time.

In the subsequent subtle enhancement process, Tiandao's body became stronger and stronger, and finally became stronger.

Of course, this is just child's play compared to Nan Kotaro.

As the main body of the Sun Emperor Stone, Nan Kotaro will only be stronger.

And how strong is Nan Kotaro's body?

He can maintain normal activities in static time and space.

Even if he does not transform, even if the time stop affects the entire earth, it will not have any effect on him.

This is the strength of Nan Kotaro, and also the wealth of the strongest knight of Showa.

Although the Sun Emperor Stone has left the body, the enhanced body will not change.

Tiandao is like going to a leveling area to brush experience for five days and five nights. When he returns again, his strength is no longer the same as before.

"When I was not in this world, a lot of things happened to you, but I also experienced a lot!" Tiandao said, puffing up his chest, quite proud.

"I went to another world, saved it, and made friends with a group of people, and then came back!"

"Tell me about it?" He raised an eyebrow and said doubtfully.

"What are you panicking about!" Tiandao waved his hand: "You two come to my house tonight, and I will tell you what happened after I was swept away by that gray film."

"I promise it will be exciting!"

Ichijo and Chunxiu looked at each other, and they both saw a hint of understanding in each other's eyes.

He wanted to shout about a little thing so that everyone in the world would know, and then he would brag about his role in it.

Well, it seems that it is the real Tiandao, not possessed by some extraterritorial demon.

"Call Godai and Sakurako too!" Tiandao was very interested and ran away in a hurry: "I will go back and prepare first, you must remember to come,"

"Bring more people!"

The voice gradually faded away, and Tiandao's figure gradually disappeared, leaving only the two people looking at each other, and after looking at each other, they shrugged helplessly.

"I'm back!"

Kicked open the door of the Shenshan family, ignoring the creaking protest of the door, Tiandao stood in front of the door, hands on hips and laughed.

"Hahaha! My Shenshan Tiandao is back again!"

"Mr. Tiandao?"

The first person to come out to greet Tiandao was not Shenshan Taier, who was his grandfather, but Ling, who was staying here.

He was sweeping the floor in the yard. When he saw Tiandao, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was like the joy of regaining some treasure that was lost, filling his eyes and making him overjoyed.

Throwing away the broom in his hand, Ling rushed forward, hugged Tiandao, and hugged him tightly.

"Mr. Tiandao! You are still alive! You are not dead! You did not let me down!!"

"You are..."

The subsequent words did not continue, because from the excitement at the beginning, to the joy, and then to the ecstasy at the end, so that at the very end, Ling could no longer suppress his full joy and restless impulse.

He wished he could reveal his identity right now, and then confront Tiandao on the spot and have a good fight.

He felt it. The moment he hugged Tiandao, he felt Tiandao's stronger body than ever before, and felt the fiery power contained in this body.

That was the place that Zero dreamed of, everything that Zero desired, and the pleasure that no one else could give him.

Tiandao, who always gave him surprises, now gave him a huge surprise as well.

"Let go! Let go!"

Tiandao struggled to break free from Zero's arms without the high spirits he had when he entered the door.

He didn't know why the thin Zero could burst out with such a strong power, holding him tightly and not letting go. He struggled to break free.

After breaking free, Tiandao saw a flash of desire in Zero's eyes.

Tiandao's heart jumped and he became alert.

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